TextMesh Pro Area Type Feature like in Illustrator - unity3d

I was wondering if TextMesh Pro has plans for adding a feature similar to the Area Type feature from Illustrator pictured below, basically having the bounding box of the text object be a custom shape or dependent on something else? There is the option to make your text fit the geometry but that does not seem to be it.
If there are no plans in the near future to make this feature, is there a way for me to look into the specifics of TextMesh Pro and try to make it myself? As far as I've seen I'm able to access some (?) of the source after downloading them from the package manager, but I don't really have an overview of what works with what. My guess would be that I have to look at the parts of the code responsible for creating the yellow bounding box around text objects, but I'm not able to find where that is being done. Alternatively, I'm also looking for how text alignment is being done as my problem does not need an as sophisticated solution as area type objects, just a specific way of formatting the text.


Text field with spinner control in Unity

I want to implement an Edit box with a spinner control in Unity.
Something like this:
I couldn't find an off-the-shelf component for this. I've also looked up the Unity Forums and haven't found anything relevant. Does anyone know how I could do this?
If you do not find something fitting on the asset store either (there are some comprehensive UI libraries), create a textfield and two buttons. For the arrows you could use special Unicode symbols which are supported by TextMeshPro UI Text renderers. The script to make use of the buttons should be fairly trivial.
Don't forget to turn it all into a prefab for reusage.

Removing unnecessary drop-shadow from MapBox GL logo

The current MapBox attribution logo was obviously made so it would display on both light and dark backgrounds:
However, this universal display comes at the cost of looking unprofessional from a graphic design perspective.
Is there a way to replace it with a shadowless version, or perhaps replace it altogether in favor of going back to a regular text one?
This particular Mapbox wordmark is required for attribution purposes, as detailed in our attribution guide. It is not possible to change the wordmark to remove the drop shadow or replace it with a regular text version. Note that the proper text attribution is also a requirement. You can contact our sales team if you are interested in removing the wordmark entirely, but the text attribution will still be necessary in this case.

Trouble with using Text Mesh in Unity

So the problem is that I want create such an idea. There are a table and a sheet of paper (just a Plane). I want to place some text on this sheet of paper. I read about Text Mesh and I thought that I would use it but I had a problem about it. I need to limit my text on this sheet of paper but I haven't found any borders I can place there. How can I set borders to Text Mesh? Or are there any decision I can use to handle this situation?
TextMesh does not have borders
Instead, you are probably interested in a World Space Canvas and using UI text instead. Unity has a great tutorial in the manual for setting up a world space canvas, which pretty much amounts to "set the Canvas to world space, decide on a resolution, decide on a in-game size, and position it."
For text, you actually have two options: UI Text and Text Mesh Pro. TMP used to be an asset on the asset store, but Unity has integrated it into a semi-standard package now (just create a TMP object and you'll be prompted to do the importing). TMP has several additional features and options that standard UI Text does not have, including in-line sprites, margins, text alignment, better rich-text, and so on. It might be overkill, but it is available.

3D Text visible from all angles

I'm making a soccer stadium, and I want to write the stadium name on the entrance of the stadium. But, when I'm in the stadium, or somewhere else, I also see the text. From all angles.
I know the help pages of Unity about 3D text and I read a lot of questions and answers about this problem. But I just can't fix it.
I tried to add a shader to a material, and I added the material to the 3D text, but then I can't add a font texture. I have the Arial font in my assets folder, but when I press 'select font texture', this font isn't in the options I can choose.
Isn't there another option to write text on a wall, on a way you only can see it from the front?
So, on the second picture I should't see the text:
Please don't think I'm lazy and I didn't Google, because I have searched for hours. But I really don't get it, it's probably something really stupid but I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I'm a beginner with Unity, especially with shaders and importing/adding fonts.
You can try https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/84126, its free and it will give the text in a form of mesh, so it will be just like any other gameobject, you can interact with it, use physics on it, etc.
There are multiple possible solutions, but the main ones are these:
You set the Canvas for that text to world-space.
To implement this solution, you can follow the official tutorial on the subject.
You can use a text-to-mesh conversion plugin.
There are many to choose from, but one that was officially acquired by Unity and is used by most indie developers when they need such functionality is Text Mesh Pro.

How does one create a component which can effect things outside of runtime?

So I want to make a custom component. One of the functions I want to have is the ability to create and modify set of points that make up a circle. For example, specify point count:10, and on field update, a circle made up of 10 triangles is drawn in the editor.
Then I want to be able to drag the vertices of the created circle. I feel like I might be able to do this during runtime, but I'm curious how to do it out of runtime. For example, the built in "Box Collider" component has a button that allows you to edit the collider size in the editor.
I looked around and can't find a resource - I feel like there has to be a place for this.
You can execute scripts like if you were in runtime using the [ExecuteInEditMode] annotation at the begining of your class.
Check out the documentation here
For the functionality you want, you have Handles, to manipulate objects properties.
Also you'll want to develop visual aids for your tool, so you can accomplish this using Gizmos.
Google "Custom Editors for Unity" - there's a whole section of the docs for this. You have a wide array of options, from the simple to the powerful.
I recommend catlikecoding's tutorials, that are clearly than the official docs, and take you through the process step by step.
One of them almost exactly describes your situation: