Fail2ban - How to detect the client IP in Apache Logs - fail2ban

As much as I like Fail2ban's concept, I'm giving up on it because it's too difficult to configure filters.
I'm looking to create an Apache-404 filter simply to detect IPs causing excessive 404 errors while trying to hit random pages.
For exmaple - I have the following different logs formats, how can I detect the IP: - - [12/May/2022:08:35:00 +0300] "GET /folder/filepath/styles.js?t=KA9B HTTP/1.1" 404 2212 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko)" - - [12/May/2022:02:39:33 +0000] "GET /js/amcharts/amcharts.js HTTP/1.1" 404 64258 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/101.0.4951.54 Safari/537.36"
Is there an easy way to build and test regex in Fail2ban? The fail2ban-regex command is not informative. It says when a line is matched but doesn't say which portion is actually matching the . I ran into cases where Fail2ban jailed its own domain IP.
I admit I'm not that good with regex and it's a bit difficult for me to get things to work.
This is my last resort before I move on.

you can give a try to crowdsec. There is already an apache2 parser and scenario that detect this behavior.
You can easily install it using the documentation. It will automatically detect apache2 and install for you the apache2 collections which contains the wanted scenario you are looking for.
And you can benefit from the power of the community by getting others IPs that already attacks on the same services you are running (based on the scenarios you installed using crowdsec).
There is also a discord community where you can ask questions if you are stuck somewhere.


HAProxy ACL not matching user-agent in file

I'm trying to setup HAProxy to deny requests from a user-agent blacklist, but it's not working.
I'm doing as explained in the answer: (that is the example given in the official HAProxy docs:
The example in the official docs is: acl valid-ua hdr(user-agent) -f exact-ua.lst -i -f generic-ua.lst test
I've created a demo to simulate the issue of the user agent not working in a condition:
timeout connect 5s
timeout client 30s
timeout server 30s
frontend frontend
mode http
bind :80
acl is_blacklisted_ua hdr(User-Agent) -f /path/to/ua-blacklist.lst
http-request deny deny_status 403 if is_blacklisted_ua
http-request deny deny_status 404
Then if I access the browser at localhost:8080 it returns the status 404 instead of 403 (haproxy is in a docker container that forwards port 8080 to 80)
The file /path/to/ua-blacklist.lst is just:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.82 Safari/537.36
in which the 1st line is my user agent (and the 2nd line is to test with the Host header, as explained below). I can see it in the Chrome inspector, and if I capture the user-agent header in haproxy and log it, I can see it too (it's exactly the same).
But if I change (only for testing purposes):
acl is_blacklisted_ua hdr(User-Agent) -f /path/to/ua-blacklist.lst
acl is_blacklisted_ua hdr(Host) -f /path/to/ua-blacklist.lst
to use the Host header. It then gives 403 status code (it works, because it matches with the 2nd line).
Then if I change the 2nd line localhost:8080 to localhost:8081 in the file it then gives 404 (as expected).
So, it seems the user agent header is not retrieved correctly, or can't match the provided values (I even tried to capture it to see if there's some difference, to no avail). The Host header works, tough.
I also tried to use hdr(user-agent) (in lowercase), as well as some combinations like hdr_sub instead of hdr, and the -i option for case insensitivity, but all these attempts didn't work too. I'm sure the user-agent value in the file is correct.
Update (2021-03-12)
I was able to make it work defining a user agent string and running curl with that user agent:
$ curl -o /dev/null -s -w "%{http_code}\n" -H "user-agent: test-ua" http://localhost:8080
I also tried a user agent with spaces test-ua space and it worked too, but using the user agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.82 Safari/537.36 didn't return 403.
I'll try to dig it more to see if I can solve.
Any suggestions?
I tried to dig the problem using curl, and I saw that I achieved the desired effect of returning 403 in the cases I tested.
Then I tried to use the entire user agent and it didn't work, so I tried to use just the beginning of the user agent and included the other parts, until when I included (KHTML, like Gecko) and it stopped working.
So I ended up discovering that commas weren't working (tested with curl and a very simple test,comma user agent). Then I found that HAProxy handles commas in list files differently, as per:
I was able to solve it with the solution provided in the above answer, using req.fhdr: req.fhdr(User-Agent) instead of hdr(User-Agent).
According to the docs:
[...] It differs from req.hdr() in that any commas present in the
value are returned and are not used as delimiters. This is sometimes
useful with headers such as User-Agent.
(Weird that the official example of list files uses the user-agent header with hdr instead of req.fhdr, which can be misleading, and it was, for me at least)

Drools workbench (business-central) requests timing out

I have installed business central along with Keycloak authentication using MySQL as a database for storing Keycloak's data. The business-central workbench and Keycloak server are behind Nginx.
While working on the workbench some of the request timeout giving a 504 error code. The whole business central UI freezes and the user is not able to do anything after that.
The urls that error out in 504 are like: https://{host}:{port}/business-central/out.43601-24741.erraiBus?z=105&clientId=43601-24741
Other details about the setup are as below:
Java: 1.8.0_242
Business central version: 7.34.Final
Keycloak version: 9.0.0
MySql: 8
Java options for business central: -Xms1024M -Xmx2048M -XX:MaxPermSize=2048M -XX:MaxHeapSize=2048M
Note: All of this setup of mine is on a 4GB EC2 instance.
Any help on this issue would be appreciated.
EDIT: I have checked the access_log.log and it looks like the server takes more than 45 sec to process the request. Here is a log:
"POST /business-central/in.93979-28827.erraiBus?z=15&clientId=93979-28827&wait=1 HTTP/1.1" 200 "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.130 Safari/537.36"i 45001 45.001
EDIT 2: Here is a sample request data that is sent:
The URL hit is : business-central/in.59966-45867.erraiBus?z=56&clientId=59966-45867&wait=1
It took more than a minute to process.
Problem Description
I had this same problem on 7.38.0. The problem, I believe, is that ERRAI seems to keep rolling 45 second requests open between the client and server to ensure communication is open. For me, Nginx had a default socket timeout of 30s which meant that it was returning a 504 gateway timeout for these requests, when in actuality they weren't "stuck". This would only happen if you didn't do anything within Business Central for 30 seconds, as otherwise the request would close and a new one takes over. I feel like ERRAI should really be able to recover from such a scenario, but anyway.
For me, I updated the socket timeout of my Nginx server to 60s such that the 45s requests didn't get timed out by Nginx. I believe this is equiavalent to the proxy_read_timeout config in Nginx.
If you can't touch your Nginx config, it seemed like there may also be a way to turn off the server to client communication as outlined here: I didn't test this as I didn't need to, but it may be an option.

Printer suddenly starts and prints message from libwww-perl

We have a network printer that will suddenly fire up and print five lines (three times this month)
GET / HTTP/1.1
TE: deflate, gzip;q=0.03
Connection: TE, close
Host : <printer IP>:9100
User-Agent: libwww-perl/6.13
I'm guessing that something is scanning ports, but don't know where it's coming from - it only identifies the printer IP address. The network is all cable, no Wi-Fi enabled...
Any idea what could be doing this, and how it can it be located?
The printer is an old (probably 15 years at least) HP Colour LaserJet 4500N with it's own network card and will reply to a ping request from anywhere on the internet...
It seems like some automated Perl script is trying to access the printer's web console. The User-Agent line tells the request comes from LWP, the most commonly used library to make web requests from Perl.
As you just found out, similar behavior can be invoked by just entering http://<printerIP>:9100 in a web browser. Now it is only a matter of tracking down the visitor. You may find a log in the management console that gives you the visitor's IP address.

Local development with VirtualBox and Internet Explorer browsers

Has anyone had any issues while setting up their local development system with Mamp Pro 1.8.4, VirtualBox 3.2.8. For viewing websites in IE browsers. I have three websites that I'm looking at all three work in Firefox, Chrome, Safari. For this example lets just say I have:
Now site1 works in IE on VirtualBox well, however Site2 and Site3 display a HTTP 500 Internal Server Error on IE 7, IE 8.
The host file has the following:
I'm using a Bridged Network Adapter for the guest operating system.
Has anyone experienced this before?
I've just had weird experiences with the Windows hosts file compared to Linux and would suggest just expanding the hosts file to the following:

Why does Perl's Crypt::SSLeay timeout on Intel Mac OS X machines?

A have a Perl cron job that recently started having its HTTPS connections start failing with an error of "500 SSL read timeout". I've tracked that the error is being thrown as part of an alarm in Crypt::SSLeay, but I don't know if this is simply something taking too long to respond.
So far, I've adjusted the timeout from the default 30 seconds to 10 minutes and it still times out. I've moved the script to other machines, and those on Intel Mac OS X systems all time out, while those under Linux, or on PPC Mac OS X systems run fine, so I don't think it's changes on the network or remote server.
When the process started having problems does not coincide with any software updates or reboots on the machine, and I've contacted the server I'm connecting to, and everyone claims that they haven't changed anything.
Does anyone have recommendations on trying to debug HTTPS, or have you ever seen this behavior and give recommendations on something I might've overlooked at that could've caused this problem?
The problem seems to be specific to OS X and related directly to OpenSSL, so not unique to perl. It possibly has to do with one of the latest security updates from Apple (2010-001).
I'm having the same issue with:
python httplib (uploads over ~64k produce 'The read operation timed out' error). Smaller uploads over SSL work. Uploads of all sizes over HTTP work.
curl over HTTPS. curl times out. Same curl command from Linux works fine with both HTTP and HTTPS. curl on OS X over HTTP also works fine.
I found a few places online that cover similar issues across different programming languages / software. I can only post one...