What does 'o = o or {}' do in Lua? - class

As I understand from docs, we don't have classes in Lua. Lua does not have the concept of class; each object defines its own behavior and has a shape of its own.
So a simple emulation of classes in Lua, following the lead from prototype-based languages, such as Self and NewtonScript would be something like.
function Account:new (o)
o = o or {}
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
return o
What I don't understand here is what does o = o do and why do we need to use setmetadatatable and the next line index = self.
What does it do and why do we need them?
Also self.o = o was pretty much understood, but o = o, wouldn't that create any conflict?

A = B or C is commonly used idiom, relying on short-circuit evaluation of logic operators. If the first operand B is not null or false, then the A gets value of B, and the other operand is not evaluated. If the B is null or false, then the A gets value of C.
In this particular application of the idiom the o gets default value of new empty table when the parameter o wasn't given, because the missing parameter evaluates to null value.
The parameter o is a local variable, so all the effects of assigning anything to it will stay local to the Account:new() function.

For the first line, see Vlads answer.
setmetatable(o, self) assigns self as the metatable of o. self can now contain a set of metamethods to add functionality to o (see link for more information).
__index is the metamethod called when o does not contain an indexed key. It can also be another table. In this example, __index is set to self, so if you attempt to index a nil value in o, it will look in self instead. If you only call Account:new(), self is Account.
Example from you link: you have an deposit function in Account. After you created your object o = Account:new() you can now call o:deposit(). This will look in o for deposit, fails, then looks in __index=Account for deposit, succeeds, calls it.
If you do not set the metatable, or __index, calling o:deposit() will result in an attempt to call a nil value.


Verifying programs with heterogeneous arrays in VST

I'm verifying a c program that uses arrays to store heterogeneous data - in particular, the program uses arrays to implement cons cells, where the first element of the array is an integer value, and the second element is a pointer to the next cons cell.
For example, the free operation for this list would be:
void listfree(void * x) {
if((x == 0)) {
} else {
void * n = *((void **)x + 1);
Note: Not shown here, but other code sections will read the values of the array and treat it as an integer.
While I understand that the natural way to express this would be as some kind of struct, the program itself is written using an array, and I can't change this.
How should I specify the structure of the memory in VST?
I've defined an lseg predicate as follows:
Fixpoint lseg (x: val) (s: (list val)) (self_card: lseg_card) : mpred := match self_card with
| lseg_card_0 => !!(x = nullval) && !!(s = []) && emp
| lseg_card_1 _alpha_513 =>
EX v : Z,
EX s1 : (list val),
EX nxt : val,
!!(~ (x = nullval)) &&
!!(s = ([(Vint (Int.repr v))] ++ s1)) &&
(data_at Tsh (tarray tint 2) [(Vint (Int.repr v)); nxt] x) *
(lseg nxt s1 _alpha_513)
However, I run into troubles when trying to evaluate void *n = *(void **)x; presumably because the specification states that the memory contains an array of ints not pointers.
The issue is probably as follows, and can almost be solved as follows.
The C semantics permit casting an integer (of the right size) to a pointer, and vice versa, as long as you don't actually do any pointer operations to an integer value, or vice versa. Very likely your C program obeys those rules. But the type system of Verifiable C tries to enforce that local variables (and array elements, etc.) of integer type will never contain pointer values, and vice versa (except the special integer value 0, which is NULL).
However, Verifiable C does support a (proved-foundationally-sound) workaround to this stricter enforcement:
typedef void * int_or_ptr
That is: the int_or_ptr type is void*, but with the attribute "align this as void*". So it's semantically identical to void*, but the redundant attribute is a hint to the VST type system to be less restrictive about C type enforcement.
So, when I say "can almost be solved", I'm asking: Can you modify the C program to use an array of "void* aligned as void*" ?
If so, then you can proceed. Your VST verification should use int_or_ptr_type, which is a definition of type Ctypes.type provided by VST-Floyd, when referring to the C-language type of these array elements, or of local variables that these elements are loaded into.
Unfortunately, int_or_ptr_type is not documented in the reference manual (VC.pdf), which is an omission that should be correct. You can look at progs/int_or_ptr.c and progs/verif_int_or_ptr.v, but these do much more than you want or need: They axiomatize operators that distinguish odd integers from aligned pointers, which is undefined in C11 (but consistent with C11, otherwise the ocaml garbage collector could never work). That is, those axiomatized external functions are consistent with CompCert, gcc, clang; but you won't need any of them, because the only operations you're doing on int_or_pointer are the perfectly-legal "comparison with NULL" and "cast to integer" or "cast to struct foo *".

What does dot notation for classes, properties and methods mean?

I'm a relative newbie to programming, except having used basic capabilities of Matlab for several years (manipulating arrays, linear algebra, functions, scripts, etc.) and am very recently starting to explore the object oriented side of the program (which is also my first foray into any object oriented programming!).
My biggest sticking point right now is understanding what the heck this dot notation means. For example, say I write the simple class
classdef alchemy
function e = alchemy
e.element = ' ';
What does the e.element actually mean? Then typing into the command line
e.element = 'LEAD'
assigns the string 'LEAD' to one instance of the property element of the class alchemy.... Why does it do this?
Now say I add the method
function e = transmute(e)
oldElem = e.element;
if oldElem == 'LEAD'
e = 'GOLD';
elseif oldElem == 'GOLD'
e = 'LEAD';
disp('Oh no! This is a non-transmutable element.');
I can now put in the command line e = e.transmute and it will return
e =
What is going on in this situation with the dot notation? Why does e.transumte apply the function transmute to e? I'm really confused by this whole notation, and none of Matlab's help-pages give me any deeper inkling. Any help would be appreciated!
The dot notation is used for a property/attribute of the object or for invoking a method.
It has both meanings.
will give you the value of abc if abc is a property of name_object, or will invoke abc on name_object if abc it's a method.
The class (or object) in Matlab is a collection of properties and methods.
Maybe what is confusing is that your method transmute accepts the object (it should) but returns a string with the same variable name as the original object. It is more or less a "get value of" method. Not a transmute object.
In this way it returns the transmuted object.
function e = transmute(e)
switch e.element
case 'LEAD'
e.element = 'GOLD';
case 'GOLD'
e.element = 'LEAD';
disp('Oh no! This is a non-transmutable element.');
You can also call the method like this:
e = transmute(e)
It is equal to
e = e.transmute

Using F#'s hash function inside GetHashCode() evil?

I encountered a couple of places online where code looked something like this:
type Test =
| Foo
| Bar
override x.Equals y =
match y with
| :? Test as y' ->
match y' with
| Foo -> false
| Bar -> true // silly, I know, but not the question here
| _ -> failwith "error" // don't do this at home
override x.GetHashCode() = hash x
But when I run the above in FSI, the prompt does not return when I either call hash foo on an instance of Test or when I call foo.GetHashCode() directly.
let foo = Test.Foo;;
hash foo;; // no returning to the console until Ctrl-break
foo.GetHashCode();; // no return
I couldn't readily proof it, but it suggests that hash x calls GetHashCode() on the object, which means the above code is dangerous. Or is it just FSI playing up?
I thought code like the above just means "please implement custom equality, but leave the hash function as default".
I have meanwhile implemented this pattern differently, but am still wondering whether I am correct in assuming that hash just calls GetHashCode(), leading to an eternal loop.
As an aside, using equality inside FSI returns immediately, suggesting that it either does not call GetHashCode() prior to comparison, or it does something else. Update: this makes sense as in the example above x.Equals does not call GetHashCode(), and the equality operator calls into Equals, not into GetHashCode().
It's not quite as simple as the hash function simply being a wrapper for GetHashCode but I can comfortably tell you that it's definitely not safe to use the implementation : override x.GetHashCode() = hash x.
If you trace the hash function through, you end up here:
let rec GenericHashParamObj (iec : System.Collections.IEqualityComparer) (x: obj) : int =
match x with
| null -> 0
| (:? System.Array as a) ->
match a with
| :? (obj[]) as oa -> GenericHashObjArray iec oa
| :? (byte[]) as ba -> GenericHashByteArray ba
| :? (int[]) as ba -> GenericHashInt32Array ba
| :? (int64[]) as ba -> GenericHashInt64Array ba
| _ -> GenericHashArbArray iec a
| :? IStructuralEquatable as a ->
| _ ->
You can see here that the wild-card case calls x.GetHashCode(), hence it's very possible to find yourself in an infinite recursion.
The only case I can see where you might want to use hash inside an implementation of GetHashCode() would be when you are manually hashing some of an object's members to produce a hash code.
There is a (very old) example of using hash inside GetHashCode() in this way in Don Syme's WebLog.
By the way, that's not the only thing unsafe about the code you posted.
Overrides for object.Equals absolutely must not throw exceptions. If the types do not match, they are to return false. This is clearly documented in System.Object.
Implementations of Equals must not throw exceptions; they should
always return a value. For example, if obj is null, the Equals method
should return false instead of throwing an ArgumentNullException.
If the GetHashCode() method is overridden, then the hash operator will use that:
[The hash operator is a] generic hash function, designed to return equal hash values for items that are equal according to the = operator. By default it will use structural hashing for F# union, record and tuple types, hashing the complete contents of the type. The exact behavior of the function can be adjusted on a type-by-type basis by implementing System.Object.GetHashCode for each type.
So yes, this is a bad idea and it makes sense that it would lead to an infinite loop.

Lua - How to pass object's function as parameter to another function

local a = {}
function a:test1(value)
local b = {}
function b:test2(v1, v2)
b:test2(_, a.test1)
Doesn't work. Value is nil. I could find a solution doing an encapsulation in an anonymous function
b:test2(variable, function(value) a:test1(value) end)
But I find it pretty bad mkay
What is the correct syntax ?
anotherObject:aFunction(variable, object.doStuff) is the correct syntax.
Using a colon : with a function is just syntactic sugar for a call or declaration with an implicit self parameter as the first argument. If you would like to follow the pattern you've shown in your example in a cleaner way, you could use a helper function.
local function bind(t, k)
return function(...) return t[k](t, ...) end
You then apply it like so.
anotherObject:aFunction(variable, bind(object, 'doStuff'))
Edit: I believe the solution to your problem will require binding at some level, without resorting to modifying the Lua interpreter or using a code translation step.
This is fundamentally because functions in Lua do not carry any information about their origin. I.e., tables do not inherently own the functions that they store.
For example, the following is perfectly legitimate Lua code.
function Circle:area() -- function Circle.area(self)
-- ...
-- Evaluate the function in the "area" slot with Square as the self parameter.
Of course, you could try a paradigm shift, but it may be too late for that if you're building an entire application based on the idea of functions being tied to the table that they have been indexed from, as you said.
Therefore, I propose the following crazy solution.
local mt = {}
function mt:__index(k)
local v = self._slots[k]
if v == nil then
-- Ascend the inheritance tree.
-- This has to be done with rawget all the way up,
-- otherwise inherited functions would be repeatedly bound.
local p = self
p = rawget(p, '_parent')
if not p then break end
v = p._slots[k]
until v
if type(v) == 'function' then
-- Return a self-bound version of the function.
return function(...) return v(self, ...) end
return v
function mt:__newindex(k, v)
self._slots[k] = v
--- Demo & Tests ---
local function Object(parent)
local o = setmetatable({_slots = {}}, mt)
if parent then rawset(o, '_parent', parent) end
return o
local o1 = Object()
local o2 = Object(o1)
assert(o1.abc == nil, 'o1.abc should be nil')
o1.abc = 3
assert(o1.abc == 3, 'o1.abc should be 3')
assert(o2.abc == 3, 'o2.abc should be 3, inherited from o1')
o2.abc = 7
assert(o2.abc == 7, 'o2.abc should be 7, overriding o1')
assert(o1.abc == 3, 'o1.abc should be 3, unaffected by o2 setter')
function o1:test(bar)
return self.abc + bar
assert(type(o1.test) == 'function', 'o1.test should be a function')
assert(type(o2.test) == 'function', 'o2.test should be a function, inherited from o1')
assert(o1.test(5) == 8, 'o1.test(5) should return 3 + 5 = 8')
assert(o2.test(11) == 18, 'o2.test(11) should return 7 + 11 = 18')
function o2:test2(fn)
return self.abc + fn(7)
assert(o2.test2(o1.test) == 17, 'o2.test2(o1.test) should return 7 + (3 + 7) = 17')
o2.test3 = o1._slots.test -- proper function copying
assert(o2.test3(11) == 18, 'o2.test3(5) should return 7 + 11 = 18')
o2.abc = nil
assert(o2.abc == 3, 'o2.abc should be 3 again, inherited from o1 after clearing')
o2.abc = false
assert(o2.abc == false, 'o2.abc should be false, __index needs to differentiate between nil and false')
This metatable will provide you with what you want, with inherited and bound functions to boot. You will just need to make sure that all of the tables that you want to follow this pattern also follow the method of object creation shown in the example code.
To explain, each table made in this way has any new assignment redirected into the _slots sub-table and any new retrieval checked up the _parent inheritance tree. If the type of the value is a function, then it returns a new closure with the original self that started the check bound to the function found.
Obviously, calling a function from one of these objects with the : colon syntax is going to be a silly idea, since it would evaluate to o.fn(o, o), and that is probably not what you want. Another caveat is that copying functions onto these objects, from these objects, will not work as expected. o1.newfn = o2.fn will put an o2 bound function into o1, which in turn will be re-bound to o1. The end result would be something like o2.fn(o2, o1). You will have to copy functions from the _slots table.
In conclusion: Even though this works, I would not personally recommend it in the long run, since it may be confusing to anyone used to how Lua works with tables, indexing, and functions, and there will be overhead. You might be able to do away with some it via memoizing the closures, but I'll leave that decision up to you. Good luck!
Object method declared with : needs object instance as the first parameter. It gets added automatically if you call it with :, but as you passed just a function pointer, you need to pass this as well. This means whenever you pass a function in some object somewhere, you also have to pass object instance. This works:
local a = {}
function a:test1(value)
local b = {}
function b:test2(obj, v2)
v2(obj, 100); -- object instance is always the first param of a ":"-style func
b:test2(a, a.test1) -- passing object instance and a function
Building on #ryan-stein's neat bind() solution, in a module I've found this to be slightly more concise:
local m = {}
m.__index = m
m.word = 'bar'
function m:bind(fn)
return function(...) return self[fn](self, ...) end
function m:foo(fn)
print("Foo " .. self.word)
function m:start()
hs.timer.new(42, self:bind('foo'))
your code will be work. the reason Ryan has said.
I doubt that in the function anotherObject:aFunction(), you were using a wrong way to call the object.stuff.The correct way as this:
local a = {}
function a:test1()
local b = {}
function b:test2(v1, v2)
b:test2(_, a.test1)

Scala closures on wikipedia

Found the following snippet on the Closure page on wikipedia
//# Return a list of all books with at least 'threshold' copies sold.
def bestSellingBooks(threshold: Int) = bookList.filter(book => book.sales >= threshold)
//# or
def bestSellingBooks(threshold: Int) = bookList.filter(_.sales >= threshold)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this isn't a closure? It is a function literal, an anynomous function, a lambda function, but not a closure?
Well... if you want to be technical, this is a function literal which is translated at runtime into a closure, closing the open terms (binding them to a val/var in the scope of the function literal). Also, in the context of this function literal (_.sales >= threshold), threshold is a free variable, as the function literal itself doesn't give it any meaning. By itself, _.sales >= threshold is an open term At runtime, it is bound to the local variable of the function, each time the function is called.
Take this function for example, generating closures:
def makeIncrementer(inc: Int): (Int => Int) = (x: Int) => x + inc
At runtime, the following code produces 3 closures. It's also interesting to note that b and c are not the same closure (b == c gives false).
val a = makeIncrementer(10)
val b = makeIncrementer(20)
val c = makeIncrementer(20)
I still think the example given on wikipedia is a good one, albeit not quite covering the whole story. It's quite hard giving an example of actual closures by the strictest definition without actually a memory dump of a program running. It's the same with the class-object relation. You usually give an example of an object by defining a class Foo { ... and then instantiating it with val f = new Foo, saying that f is the object.
-- Flaviu Cipcigan
Reference: Programming in Scala, Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon, Bill Venners
Code compiled with Scala version 2.7.5.final running on Java 1.6.0_14.
I'm not entirely sure, but I think you're right. Doesn't a closure require state (I guess free variables...)?
Or maybe the bookList is the free variable?
As far as I understand, this is a closure that contains a formal parameter, threshold and context variable, bookList, from the enclosing scope. So the return value(List[Any]) of the function may change while applying the filter predicate function. It is varying based on the elements of List(bookList) variable from the context.