How can i identify different terminal instances in VsCode - visual-studio-code

I am using VsCode Remote with Linux, and when starting a VsCode integrated terminal in the IDE, I need to run some scripts in the remote server. I would therefore like to identify "which" of my integrated terminals is calling the script. Is there any way to identify the concrete terminal instance from the script in the remote machine? (For example, environment variable containing the name of the terminal, etc...)


Change terminal used by Code-Runner extension in VS Code to cmd while workspace default integrated terminal is powershell?

Is there a setting in VS Code for the Code Runner extension that lets you run in a shell that's different than the workspace's default shell?
For context, my default integrated terminal is powershell. I have the code-runner.runInTerminal setting set (see, e.g., here), and whenever I run python using the extension, it creates a new "Code" powershell integrated terminal (unless one already exists), activates my selected python environment, and runs the code. However, when it tries to activate the environment, I get this popup:
So, I'd like to change the shell that Code Runner uses to cmd, BUT I want to keep using powershell as my default integrated terminal for the workspace.
Changing my workspace's default shell to cmd isn't an option, and neither is changing to a third shell like WSL. This issue indicates to me that the environment activation isn't getting fixed in powershell anytime soon. For now, I've done what the issue suggests and have just stopped Code Runner from activating a new environment in the terminals it creates (set python.terminal.activateEnvironment to false), but I'm worried now I won't be able to have Code Runner use any other python environments than the default one. What can I do?

Set the path in portable vscode installation powershell terminal

I have multiple versions of vscode installed on my system with portable mode. I start each of them via a desktop shortcut. Since they are in portable mode, their installation directories are not in the default PATH variable.
When I make a new powershell terminal window, the portable vscode directory is not on the path. I need the command "code" in the terminal window to run the same vscode version that the terminal shell is running in. In other words, if I am running a portable vscode, and I open a powershell terminal and type the command "code", I want it to run the code.exe file that is the same as the vscode I am running it in, and not a different one, and not get the "object not found" message. For various reasons I do not want to have to type the full path.
So, in essence, I want to add a directory to the path variable when vscode starts up, with that directory being the base directory of the vscode itself.
You need to set this in: File/Preferences/Settings then select Workspace, there go to: Terminal/Integrated:Cmd and there specify An explicit start path where the terminal will be launched.

How can I force VSCode to use a specific terminal when I click run/debug from the GUI?

So, I have multiple terminals open in the VSCode editor. I want the VSCode to use a specific terminal that I have named as interactive. Is it possible for me to force VSCode to use that terminal and not the default terminal?
More details
I am trying to run python programs on a cluster that uses lsf scheduler. I have created a remote session in VSCode to the login node of the cluster. Hence, the default terminal of VSCode would run programs on the login node which is not allowed.
In another integrated terminal, I have created an interactive session using the scheduler to a compute node. I am trying to force VSCode to use this terminal.

How does VSCode's Remote Extension open files in my local editor through its internal terminal?

I use VSCode's remote development extension fairly regularly. I can use the terminal in VS Code as if it were on my own machine, and even the code command works correctly. That is, when I'm in a remote VSCode session, I can type code path/to/some/file and it will open another editor tab with that file. The terminal session and the file being opened are on the remote machine to which I've connected.
I have VSCode installed on the remote machine, and the code executable is in my PATH. So my question is, how is this functionality implemented behind the scenes? That is, how does VSCode know that when I type code path/to/some/file it should open that file into another editor tab on my machine instead of trying to fire up VSCode on the remote machine?
Literally seconds after I wrote the question I found the answer.
If I run which code in the terminal, it doesn't resolve to the usual VSCode executable, but instead it resolves to one located at $HOME/.vscode-server/bin/a5d1cc28bb5da32ec67e86cc50f84c67cc690321/bin/code.
If I echo $PATH I can see that $HOME/.config/bin and $HOME/.vscode-server/bin/a5d1cc28bb5da32ec67e86cc50f84c67cc690321/bin has been appended to the beginning of the PATH env var that my bash profile generates.
I assume this means that VSCode is executing bash with a different profile script that
Sources my usual bash profile
Creates the directories above and copies some helper programs into them
Modifies my path to include these directories
I also assume that the injected code executable is communicating with my local instance of VSCode in some way, instructing it to open the file in its editor.

How do i open a local terminal from a remote session in VScode?

When i open my workspace in VScode i go directly into my SSH work area, which is what i want. But i want to have a split terminal with access to both my SSH-work area and a terminal for my local computer, but i cant access the local one without making an explicitly new terminal from the dropdown window. And if i try to split the new local terminal i get the error "The terminal shell CWD "/Users/asd/work/" does not exist" as if its being looked for in my SSH work directory. Is there any way of specifying the default terminal to be on my local computer? If i do so in the terminal preferences in VScode i get the CWD-error on startup instead.
This should have been resolved with microsoft/vscode-remote-release issue 1479
Both of you don't have C:\Windows\System32 on your path, I don't understand why that is.
But I will change this to not rely on the PATH.
Even if this was for Windows originally, opening a local shell, (Mac or Windows) should now be possible while having a remote session.
Wtih ctrl+shift+p or cmd+shift+p(Command Palette), you have:
Terminal: Create New Integrated Terminal (local)
Bonus, with VSCode 1.53 (Jan. 2021), there is now:
Remote layout persistence
Terminal layout is restored on remote terminal reconnection. In the video below, the terminal layout is restored when reloading VS Code and reconnecting to a Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) remote instance.