Primefaces charts replaced by chartJS? - charts

Tried PF traditional charts like bar,line and pie. Bar is working. But line and pie did not show. From the showcase, do not have these charts listed on the left menu. Are they replaced by the new chartJS and not supported?
Version 11.0.0.

No, they are not removed, they are deprecated since PrimeFaces 10 and will be removed in 13.
See also


DataLabelSettings builder not working Appropriately in syncfusion bar chart

I'm using the Syncfusion package in my App I am trying to display different values for chart labels from the actual chart value
so if I'm using the builder in DataLabelSettings the data is not displayed Appropriately
how data looks if a leave it as default
how can I fix it?
The reported issue regarding the data label template is not positioned properly has been fixed and included in our weekly patch release. To avoid this issue please update your chart package to the below version.

Overlapping Bar Chart using Chart.js

I want to develop a bar chart as shown below is it possible to develop it using chart.js?
Yes this is possible, see examples in this thread on Github Notice the comment relating to offset, which will apply to versions of Chart js > 2.4.

What kind of charts library is being used on this Huffington Post page?

I like the chart on this huffington post page and I was wondering what kind of charting library is being used? What is the name of the vertical line that appears (in charts jargon) when we hover over the area?
It's created with Highchart
The vertical line, according to its documentation, is "crosshair"

Ext-gwt stacked bar chart

Anyone knows of a reference/tutorial for making a stacked bar chart in ext-gwt. Also is there any other gwt widget library which supports simultaneous stacked bar chart and line chart.
The chart system in Ext GWT is a wrapper around Open Flash Charts 2. At present I believe the stacked bar chart is not wrapped fully and so not available in Ext GWT out of the box.

Fusion charts dynamic clickable

I have a scenario where in I am using fusion chart which has a multiple line chart in one fusion chart. I want to create a clickable line chart where in clicking on label that particular attribute will be displayed in graph. So basically each line chart in graph is dynamically displayed with click of button for each line chart. I hope you get my requirement. Any help will be really appreciated.
I hope I have understood your requirement correctly.
As far as I know, FusionCharts v3.2 has something similar to what you require.
From the documentation,
Interactive legends in charts that allow for selective showing/hiding of data series (or slicing, in case of pie charts)
You can see a demo of this at FusionCharts gallery
