MDT: Remove obsolete files from WinPE ("Extra Directory to Add") - mdt

I have added some files, including test files that are no longer needed, under "Extra Directory to Add" (in my case under MDT Deployment Share ... / Advanced Configuration / Media / MEDIA001 / WinPE / General...).
How can I remove these test files afterwards? At the moment I have the problem that I can add files but not remove them. Once they are included, they remain permanently in WinPE.
I have already updated the deployment share and created a new media (ISO) - without any "extra directories". All this did not work.
However, I did notice the following error message when creating a new media ("Update Media Content"): "Unable to remove extra folder content. Specify 'force' to recreate the boot image."
What does this message mean and how can I solve my problem?
Thanks a lot.


Kubernetes object size limitations

I am dealing with CRDs and creating Custom resources. I need to keep lots of information about my application in the Custom resource. As per the official doc, etcd works with request up to 1.5MB. I am hitting errors something like
"error": "Request entity too large: limit is 3145728"
I believe the specified limit in the error is 3MB. Any thoughts around this? Any way out for this problem?
The "error": "Request entity too large: limit is 3145728" is probably the default response from kubernetes handler for objects larger than 3MB, as you can see here at L305 of the source code:
expectedMsgFor1MB := `etcdserver: request is too large`
expectedMsgFor2MB := `rpc error: code = ResourceExhausted desc = trying to send message larger than max`
expectedMsgFor3MB := `Request entity too large: limit is 3145728`
expectedMsgForLargeAnnotation := `metadata.annotations: Too long: must have at most 262144 bytes`
The ETCD has indeed a 1.5MB limit for processing a file and you will find on ETCD Documentation a suggestion to try the--max-request-bytes flag but it would have no effect on a GKE cluster because you don't have such permission on master node.
But even if you did, it would not be ideal because usually this error means that you are consuming the objects instead of referencing them which would degrade your performance.
I highly recommend that you consider instead these options:
Determine whether your object includes references that aren't used;
Break up your resource;
Consider a volume mount instead;
There's a request for a new API Resource: File (orBinaryData) that could apply to your case. It's very fresh but it's good to keep an eye on.
If you still need help let me know.
This happened to me when I put some large files in my Helm chart directory. Removing those files helped me resolve my issue.
Check the size of files in the directory, which contains the templates and values.yaml of the release of your chart (as it seems the name of directory is usually equals to charts).
du <directory-path> --max-depth=1
# if you want it to be more readable add -h switch
du -h <directory-path> --max-depth=1
Make sure you do not have any irrelevant files if the file size exceeded 3145728. (source)
If you are using HELM, check if you have large file like log files. Add .helmignore
# Common VCS dirs
# Common backup files
# Various IDEs

Media not found Exception In Email Business Process (Hybris)

I've created a process to be able send email to the user on order confirmation.
The problem is that on the DEV environment everything goes well but when I did a deploy to UAT server
I got an exception during the task execution ( " Media not found (requested media location: hf0/h27/8861015965726.bin) ").
Any Ideas what could be happening ?
How can this issue be resolved and what causes this issue.
hybris creates emails using Velocity templates. Those Velocity Templates are stored as Medias on the hybris Servers. hybris Medias consist of two parts: an entry in the respective table in the database and a file on the hard drive. The database entry stores metadata about that media while the file stores the actual content.
Now what hybris is telling you, is that the file on the hard drive is missing. The database entry directs to a file that is not existing. There could be a lot of reasons why that file is missing:
It was deleted during deployment.
It wasn't created during deployment.
The hybris server has no access/access rights to that directory.
In a clustered environment the file could have been stored on another node and is not accessible on the current node.
Media could be the email itself as Johannes stated, but it can also be a part of the email, an image set from the CMS cockpit for example.
To fix this issue you have to master your impex flows.
First be sure that impex contain all the data needed to create properly the email.
Then know what is imported when you deploy and update your system.
Be sure that mandatory files are imported during initialization.
Be sure that data that can be managed by webmasters are not reset by impex during update.
If a data is created during the update because init is already done then be sure that is won't be played after each update.
As the media file is not found, you can
1. go to hmc-->Multimedia-->Media, in search panel,
2. click "search additional attributes" dropdown box, select "PK of file"
3. use "8861015965726" as PK of file to search
Then you can find out what file is missing and you can import impex or upload using hmc to fix this problem.

n_tied_num.mdef and alltriphones.mdef for reading was not found

While I was training my native language (Amharic) using SphinxTrain-5prealpha.... Fatal error happened when creating the PRUNE TREE and Training the Context dependent models.
Training wav file is about 19 hours WAVFILE_SRATE 16000.
check this link to see sphinx_train.cfg file
The logs file are:
It is supposed to create it by it self. Is there any configuration that it is needed or configuration which I have missed?
After the error happened, I looked into the files and folders created during the training process. There is a folder named model_architecture among others.
In the model_architecture folder, there are two mdef files including others. and YOUR_DB_NAME.untied.mdef. (my database name was amharic as you can see from the error log. so it was amharic.untied.mdef).
I copied both mdef file into the model_architecture folder and RENAMED to YOUR_DB_NAME.3000.mdef (3000 is n_tied.num, so it could be different for you) and YOUR_DB_NAME.untied.mdef to YOUR_DB_NAME.alltriphones.mdef.
If it is a directory that is missing, do the same.

Capistrano 3 move log directory

how can I change the directory where capistrano puts its log files? I could not find in the docs.
Currently the logs appear in myapp/log/... on my dev machine. However, since I am using laravel, and there is a log directory myapp/storage/logs I would like capistranos logs to appear here as well.
Do you mean the capistrano.log file that is created and appended to whenever you deploy?
You can specify the location by adding the following to deploy.rb:
set :format_options, log_file: "storage/logs/capistrano.log"
This tells Airbrussh (the default logging implementation in Capistrano 3.5.0+) where to place the log file. More information here:

Specify path for image directory as a shared resource directory

Currently I am specifying the path to a shared image directory in the wicket application as follows:
getSharedResources().add("images", new FolderContentResource(new File(this.getServletContext().getResource("/images").getFile())));
Following path does not work either:
getSharedResources().add("images", new FolderContentResource(new File("/opt/tomcat/webapps/test/images")));
When deploying the application to Jelastic/Tomcat, the images cannot be retrieved. How to fix this?
According to Jelastic's documentation ( user.home /opt/tomcat/temp is your user space. You should put your stuff there.
Check this article for inspiration how to do it.
- Jelastic's docu says "environment variables" but "user.home" looks like a system property to me
- the folder name is temp, so it may get cleaned by Jelastic in some conditions. Read their documentation to be sure when this may occur.