Can't set my tiny2040 pimoroni to print hello world - raspberry-pi

I have flashed the latest micropython into my rp2040, can access it, but when I try the simplest code possible exactly like this:
print("hello world")
it returns a bunch of gibberish and syntax error and so on. wth is going on, help please! I need to get it working so I can start actually using this.


pytesseract doesn't use user-words

Im trying to use a created 'bazaar' config file with this format (I tryed setting T and F):
load_system_dawg F
load_freq_dawg F
user_words_suffix user-words
I'm using as Latin.traineddata language and created a Latin.user-words in same directory /tessdata
with some words, like:
Monotributista (with and without comma)
tesseract without config paramethers game me this, around other words, is a 5 pages text Nfonotributista,
So I tried with the user-words, maybe it can correct that, using this code:
import pytesseract
pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd =r'C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract'"page-1.png")
text=pytesseract.image_to_string(imagen, lang='Latin', config='bazaar')
No errors, but same result, I cannot find much documentation to know what's happening behind, is it using the config? is it trying the OCRed words against the dictionary?
Is there anything wrong on my code?
I appreciate any help
Thank you!
Edit: added some character with bad recognition:
First one detects LIL or LII
Seccond detects LI

Why Zend_Debug::dump() doesn`t working

I was trying to use this function like this:
$test = 'tekst';
It does not print anything ...
Maybe this part of code is not actually running? (is this part of larger website?)
Maybe you didn't have Zend loaded, and your PHP shows error (like 'Can't find class Zend_Debug') but you have error_reporting disabled?

Use the tree-view in Atom editor init script

I'm trying to write a init script for the Atom editor to add a custom command to be able to reveal the currently opened editor file in the tree-view with one key combination, instead of two.
Here is an example code (which makes something different) to make clear how it generally has to look like.
atom.commands.add 'atom-editor', 'custom:cut-line', ->
editor = atom.workspace.getActiveEditor()
The two commands I need should not be sent to the editor, but to the tree-view. Here are the two commands:
I assume I have to do something similar as above, like getActiveTreeView or something like that. I tried to google it but it doesn't seem to be obvious. Does someone know how to do this?
It could look something like this:
atom.commands.add 'atom-editor', 'custom:show-active-file', ->
You can use the atom.commands.dispatch() method to send a command when getting a hold of the object to send the commands to is hard. In your case, you can use:
atom.commands.add 'atom-editor', 'custom:show-active-file', ->
atom.commands.dispatch(atom.workspaceView.element, 'tree-view:toggle-focus')
atom.commands.dispatch(atom.workspaceView.element, 'tree-view:reveal-active-file')
Sadly, Lee's answer is not correct anymore. Within changes in the API the changed the naming of atom.workspaceView to atom.workspace.
So, if anyone gets here (sure questions and answer is a "bit" old), here's the current working script.
atom.commands.add 'atom-editor', 'custom:show-active-file', ->
atom.commands.dispatch(atom.workspace.element, 'tree-view:toggle-focus')
atom.commands.dispatch(atom.workspace.element, 'tree-view:reveal-active-file')

Padrino + MongoMapper/Joint Troubles

I'm using MongoMapper with Joint on Padrino, and trying to get the
upload working. However, I keep getting thrown a NoMethodError
"undefined method 'path' for #<Hash:0xa6fbdf0>". It seems like it
can't see the path, but the parameters are okay. What is the problem
Gist with the code:
I was able to get it to not error, but when I go to find the file with mongofiles, I can't find. The same goes for rack/grid-fs. Where is Joint saving to, and is it saving at all?
See my comments above:
Here's my thought on what you need to do, I think you need to modify the params so that params[:background][:file] is the tempfile object, like so:
params[:background][:file] = params[:background][:file][:tempfile]
background = Background.create(params[:background])
I'm not 100% sure on this, but if this doen't work I could setup a quick Padrino app and test.

Customize Error Reporting via E-mail in Pylons

I am sending myself WebApp error reports from Pylons when users hit critical errors and I would love to be able to get the full output of session[] in the reports and customize it to my liking, but I've got no idea how to do that, or where the report is actually created / put together.
Anyone know how I can accomplish that?
The short answer is that you will have to roll your own for this functionality. WebError is the package used to handle this, and it doesn't provide any extension points. Your best bet may be to use a fork of it with your changes, although even then the code is not pretty.
I thank Michael for answering me, without really giving me anything to build on. That meant I had to figure it out myself, and that's always a good thing :)
What I did was, I looked at /config/ in my Pylons project and found this line:
app = ErrorHandler(app, global_conf, **config['pylons.errorware'])
I made my own ErrorHandler def and my own ErrorMiddleware class at the top of the file:
class ClaraErrorMiddleware(ErrorMiddleware):
def exception_handler(self, exc_info, environ):
# do what ever you want with the exc_info or environ vars
super(ClaraErrorMiddleware, self).exception_handler(exc_info, environ) # call parent
def ClaraErrorHandler(app, global_conf, **errorware):
if asbool(global_conf.get('debug')):
return ErrorHandler(app, global_conf, **errorware)
return ClaraErrorMiddleware(app, global_conf, **errorware)
So now, I can throw in some extra variables I want to be sent with my error emails. Simple enough ...