importing repos to github from curl results in 404 response - github

i am trying to use the curl command for github importer to import repositories from tfs (as git), following github's documentation
when i am running this command, i get a 404 response:
curl \
-X PUT \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json"\
-H "Authorization: token {MY_GITHUB_TOKEN}" \{MY-ORGANIZATION}/{REPO_NAME}/import \
-d '{"vcs":"git","vcs_url":"{TFS_REPO_URL}","vcs_username":"{TFS_USER_NAME}","vcs_password":"{TFS_PAT"}'
when i run the importer from the ui in github, everything works.
when i run a curl command to check the import status (for the repo i imported from the ui), i get a valid response:
curl \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
-H "Authorization: token {MY_GITHUB_TOKEN}" \{MY-ORGANIZATION}/{REPO_NAME}/import
what is the missing piece?

so apparently the importer works differently from the ui and from the api:
when running the importer from curl we first need to create a repo in github and only then we can import it.


curl command failing to download release asset from private GitHub repo

According to multiple answers provided in other similar questions, I am trying to download a release assed from GitHub using curl, as follows:
curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" -H "Authorization: Bearer XXXXXXXX" -LJO
This keep fetching a file with content Not Found.
When opening the link from an authenticated browser window, it does download the file.
I have also tested my token by running
curl -H "Authorization: token XXXXXXXX"
What is more, the token has the right scopes given that
gh release download 0.4.2 --pattern repo-linux-amd64 -R Org/repo
also works (the token value is exported in the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable).
I have also tried this variation (with token instead of Bearer in the Authorization header) and the end result is the same
curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" -H "Authorization: token XXXXXXXX" -LJO
What am I missing?

GitHub Actions: Must have admin rights to trigger workflow_dispatch?

Using the github API I am trying to manually start a workflow using:
curl \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: MY_TOKEN" \
but I keep getting an authentication error:
"message": "Must have admin rights to Repository.",
"documentation_url": ""
This seems to be a similar issue to this question. But my PAT token has all admin and repo scopes selected. I also have my user account setup as admin for the repository and I have added a workflow dispatch to the workflow yaml file.
"run from cmdline"
I have been following the docs at and have had no problems using the API to retrieve all previous workflow jobs. I have also tried the runs and jobs endpoints but get the same error. So I am now not sure what else I can do. Is there somewhere else I need to set permissions?
This is a poor error message to tell you that your request is not formed correctly. If you want to pass a PAT as a header, you need to prefix it with token, as described in the docs:
-H "Authorization: token MY_TOKEN"
Once that's resolved, however, you'll also get an error because you don't pass the required ref payload. Assuming your default branch is main, here's a correct curl command:
> export MY_TOKEN=gha_abcdef
> curl \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: token $MY_TOKEN" \
-d '{"ref": "main"}' \

How to attach docs and import issue at the same time using GitHub API?

I need to import all bug reports and attachments from my internal system to GitHub Issues.
What GitHub API parameter should I use to attach a document in my curl command?
curl -X "POST" \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.VERSION.html" \
-H "Authorization: token <token>" \ \
-d '{
"title":"Create an issue in HTML format",
"body":"<H1>Testing HTML tags</H1><P>Does it work?</P>",
"assignee": "BT23",
"milestone": 1,
"labels":["bug", "functional"]
I do not see the word file anywhere in Issues API.
And this thread confirms you cannot attach a file during Issue Creation.
Adding a file to issue or pull request seems to be done manually through drag & drop only.

How do I download a file from a GitHub draft

I am using AppVeyor to set up the CI for a GitHub repository and upload the build artifacts to a draft named CI builds. The file is e.g. located under
and can be accessed and downloaded from a browser.
Now I would like to access those uploaded artifact from another AppVeyor project (i.e. an appveyor.yml script). I tried without success to download with AppVeyor DownloadFile command, curl, and wget using the following commands
set DOWNLOAD_FILENAME=filename.tar.gz
wget --header "Authorization: token $GH_AUTH_TOKEN" --output-document=$DOWNLOAD_FILENAME $DOWNLOAD_ADDRESS
wget --auth-no-challenge --header "Accept:application/octet-stream" --output-document=$DOWNLOAD_FILENAME "$DOWNLOAD_ADDRESS?access_token:$GH_AUTH_TOKEN"
curl -fsSL -G -H "Authorization: token $GH_AUTH_TOKEN" -H "Accept: application/octet-stream" -o $DOWNLOAD_FILENAME $DOWNLOAD_ADDRESS
curl -fsSL -G -H "Authorization: token $GH_AUTH_TOKEN" -H "Accept: application/octet-stream" -o $DOWNLOAD_FILENAME
Slowly I get a feeling that a file download from a draft via GitHub API or download link is not possible.
What is the correct command to download such a file?
TLDR Use the Get Release asset API with header Accept: application/octet-stream :
curl -OJ -L -H "Accept: application/octet-stream" \
-H "Authorization: Token $YOUR_TOKEN" \
You need to have the assetID. In order to have it you need the releaseID if you have not already this information use GET /repos/:user/:repo/releases :
curl -s -H "Authorization: Token $YOUR_TOKEN" \
"$REPO/releases" | jq '.[] | {(.name): .id}'
Then get the assets IDs use GET /repos/:user/:repo/releases/:release_id :
curl -s -H "Authorization: Token $YOUR_TOKEN" \
"$REPO/releases/$RELEASE_ID" | \
jq -r '.assets[] | {(.id |tostring): .name}'
Then once you have assetID (maybe you already had it btw) you can finally use GET /repos/:user/:repo/releases/assets/:asset_id with header Accept: application/octet-stream. From the documentation :
To download the asset's binary content, set the Accept header of the
request to application/octet-stream. The API will either redirect the
client to the location, or stream it directly if possible. API clients
should handle both a 200 or 302 response.
The following download the file locally :
curl -OJ -L -H "Accept: application/octet-stream" \
-H "Authorization: Token $YOUR_TOKEN" \

How to add a label to an issue using GitHub API?

I'm trying to find a way to add a label to a GitHub issue using the API. After checking the API documentation I tried the following curl request:
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: token OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" -H \
"Accept: application/vnd.github.symmetra-preview+json" \
-d #label.json
label.json contains:
However, I got the following response:
"message": "Invalid request.\n\nFor 'links/1/schema', [\"submitted\"] is not an object.",
"documentation_url": ""
Why isn't this working and how can I fix it?
You're POSTing to the wrong URL. Add /labels onto the end:
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: token OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" -H \
"Accept: application/vnd.github.symmetra-preview+json" \
-d #label.json \