How Do I Resolve This Prisma relationship schema error - prisma

model Match {
id String #id #unique #default(cuid())
name String
description String
player1 User #relation( fields: [player1Id], references: [id])
player1Id String
player2 User #relation( fields: [player2Id], references: [id])
player2Id String
createdAt DateTime #default(now())
updatedAt DateTime #updatedAt
leagueId String
model User {
id String #id #unique #default(uuid())
email String #unique
password String
createdAt DateTime #default(now())
updatedAt DateTime #updatedAt
matches Match[]
Getting following error
Error: Schema parsing
error: Error validating model "Match": Ambiguous relation detected. The fields `player1` and `player2` in model `Match` both refer to `User`. Please provide different relation names for them by adding `#relation(<name>).
--> schema.prisma:85
84 | description String
85 | player1 User #relation(fields: [player1Id], references: [id])
86 | player1Id String
want to keep track of all of the matches the user plays, each match has two players (Users)


Multiple relation to the same field prisma postgresql

I want to create this database deisng
I need to make model of Station and TrackSegment (A track segment ties two stations together.)
This is my prisma schema but it give me this error "Error validating model 'station': the unique index definitions refers to the field code multiple times.
model Station {
id Int #id #default(autoincrement())
createdAt DateTime #default(now())
updatedAt DateTime #updatedAt
name String
code String #unique
model TrackSegment {
id Int #id #default(autoincrement())
createdAt DateTime #default(now())
updatedAt DateTime #updatedAt
sourceId String
destinationId String
stationCode Station #relation(fields: [destinationId, sourceId], references: [code, code])
I imagine this is how the data will look.
Station: [
name: 'kalisetail'
code: 'KLS
name: 'rogojampi'
code: 'RGJ
then the TrackSegment is
id: 1
sourceId: KLS
destinationId: RGJ
both sourceId and destinationId refer to the same field(code) of model Station
You will need to add a second Station relation on your TrackSegment field to differentiate between the source the destination.
model Station {
id Int #id #default(autoincrement())
createdAt DateTime #default(now())
updatedAt DateTime #updatedAt
name String
code String #unique
sourceSegments TrackSegment[] #relation("source")
destinationSegments TrackSegment[] #relation("destination")
model TrackSegment {
id Int #id #default(autoincrement())
createdAt DateTime #default(now())
updatedAt DateTime #updatedAt
sourceId String
destinationId String
sourceStationCode Station #relation(name: "source", fields: [sourceId], references: [code])
destinationStationCode Station #relation(name: "destination", fields: [destinationId], references: [code])
Notice I have always disambiguated the relations by giving them different names.

Prisma - How to point two fields to same model?

I'm having trouble conceptualizing how to handle this issue. I've pored through the Prisma docs and other SO questions, but they all seem to be slightly different from this situation.
I have two models:
model User {
id Int #id #default(autoincrement())
firstName String? #map("first_name")
lastName String? #map("last_name")
email String #unique
password String
role UserRole #default(value: USER)
image String? #map("image")
createdAt DateTime #default(now()) #map("created_at")
updatedAt DateTime #updatedAt #map("updated_at")
friends Friend[]
model Friend {
id Int #id #default(autoincrement())
inviteSentOn DateTime #map("invite_sent_on") #db.Timestamptz(1)
inviteAcceptedOn DateTime #map("invite_accepted_on") #db.Timestamptz(1)
userId Int #map("user_id")
friendId Int #map("friend_id")
createdAt DateTime #default(now()) #map("created_at")
updatedAt DateTime #updatedAt #map("updated_at")
user User #relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
// friend User? #relation(name: "FriendFriend", fields: [friendId], references: [id])
I want to be able to set up the relationships on the Friend model to both point towards the User model, however I receive errors such as Error validating field 'friend' in model 'Friend': The relation field 'friend' on Model 'Friend' is missing an opposite relation field on the model 'User'.
I've tried adding the name property to the #relation field, but start receiving errors about ambiguous relations being detected.
How do I go about setting these relations up correctly?
You just need to provide name to disambiguate relation, like that:
model User {
id Int #id #default(autoincrement())
friend Friend?
friends Friend[] #relation(name: "friends")
model Friend {
id Int #id #default(autoincrement())
userId Int
friendId Int
user User #relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
friend User #relation(fields: [friendId], references: [id], name: "friends")
And dont forget that both sides of relations need to have connections to the other.

Prisma: Model with three unique index fields referencing optional fields

I got a question regarding unique indexes with optional values.
I have a schema like this:
model Thread {
id Int #id #default(autoincrement())
createdAt DateTime #default(now())
updatedAt DateTime #updatedAt
body String
user User #relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
userId Int
likes Like[] #relation("ThreadsOnLikes")
model Like {
id Int #id #default(autoincrement())
createdAt DateTime #default(now())
user User #relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
userId Int
thread Thread? #relation("ThreadsOnLikes", fields: [threadId], references: [id])
threadId Int?
comment Comment? #relation("CommentsOnLikes", fields: [commentId], references: [id])
commentId Int?
##unique([userId, threadId, commentId])
And inside a resolver I want to for example delete a like from a user for a specific threadId like so:
await db.thread.update({
where: { id: },
data: {
likes: {
delete: {
userId_threadId_commentId: { userId: session.userId, threadId: },
But when I try to execute that mutation, prisma throws the following error:
Argument commentId for data.likes.delete.userId_threadId_commentId.commentId is missing.
When I add it to the delete argument with , commentId: null it states this error:
Argument commentId: Got invalid value null on prisma.updateOneThread. Provided null, expected Int.
Although inside the database the comment_id field is actually null . Is this a bug or how is this fixable?
From the docs:
All fields that make up the unique constraint must be mandatory fields. The following model is not valid because id could be null:
model User {
firstname Int
lastname Int
id Int?
##unique([firstname, lastname, id])
The reason for this behavior is that all connectors consider null values to be distinct, which means that two rows that look identical are considered unique:
firstname | lastname | id
John | Smith | null
John | Smith | null
I am not sure why Prisma is unable to validate schema beforehand in "compile time", maybe it is a bug, so I suggest you to maybe create an issue on Github?

One-to-many and may-to-many relation between two prisma model

I am working on a side project and I came to an issue that I'm not sure how to solve. I have created two models, one for User and one for Project. The relation between them is many-to-many, as many users can have many projects, but i would also like to add a createdBy to the Project model, and this should be one-to-one as each project can only have one user who creates it. This is how my models are looking:
model User {
id String #id #default(cuid())
name String?
email String? #unique
emailVerified DateTime?
image String?
createdAt DateTime #default(now())
updatedAt DateTime #updatedAt
accounts Account[]
sessions Session[]
projects Project[]
Project Project[] #relation("userId")
model Project {
id Int #id #default(autoincrement())
createdAt DateTime #default(now())
name String
favourite Boolean #default(false)
archived Boolean #default(false)
users User[]
about String?
archivedAt String?
deletedAt String?
createdBy User #relation("userId", fields: [userId], references: [id])
userId String
The error that is getting from prisma migrate dev is
Step 1 Added the required column userId to the Project table without a default value. There are 2 rows in this table, it is not possible to execute this step.
Not sure what I am doing wrong as am pretty much a db modeling novice. Any help would be appreciated.
To achieve Many-to-Many with One-To-Many you need to set your schema.prisma file like:
model User {
id String #id #default(cuid())
name String?
email String? #unique
emailVerified DateTime?
image String?
createdAt DateTime #default(now())
updatedAt DateTime #updatedAt
projects Project[]
userProjects UserProjects[]
model Project {
id Int #id #default(autoincrement())
createdAt DateTime #default(now())
name String
favourite Boolean #default(false)
archived Boolean #default(false)
about String?
archivedAt String?
deletedAt String?
createdBy User #relation(fields: [user_id], references: [id])
user_id String
projectUsers UserProjects[]
model UserProjects {
project Project #relation(fields: [project_id], references: [id])
project_id Int
user User #relation(fields: [user_id], references: [id])
user_id String
##id([project_id, user_id])
It should migrate successfully.

prisma2 how to relate one-to-many and many-to-one?

I need some help to understqnd how to set my data modelisation.
What i'm trying to do is :
Reference a group ID in User model. A user can only be in one group, this is what i've done below.
Reference in Group Model all users that are inside a group. This is what I need help with.
model User {
id String #id #default(uuid())
email String #unique
role Role #default(USER)
group Group? #relation(fields: [group_id], references: [id], onDelete: SetNull)
group_id String
created_at DateTime #default(now())
updated_at DateTime #updatedAt
model Group {
id String #id #default(uuid())
name String
users User[]
created_at DateTime #default(now())
updated_at DateTime #updatedAt
deleted Boolean #default(false)
How can I make this list of User when I already have users User[] for the relation in User model ?
(BTW i've read the doc but i'm totally lost...)
I think your code is correct, you can use prisma-client to test
This is an example of this relation
model Agents {
id Int #id #default(autoincrement()) #db.UnsignedInt
name String? #db.VarChar(255)
owner String? #db.VarChar(255)
address String? #db.Text
lat String? #db.VarChar(10)
lng String? #db.VarChar(10)
tel String? #db.VarChar(13)
mobile String? #db.VarChar(11)
workTime String? #db.VarChar(255)
province Provinces #relation(fields: [provinceId], references: [id])
provinceId Int #db.UnsignedInt
createDateTime DateTime #default(now()) #db.Timestamp(0)
updateDateTime DateTime? #db.Timestamp(0)
##index([provinceId], name: "provinceId")
##map(name: "agents")
model Provinces {
id Int #id #default(autoincrement()) #db.UnsignedInt
name String? #db.VarChar(255)
coords String? #db.Text
createDateTime DateTime #default(now()) #db.Timestamp(0)
updateDateTime DateTime? #db.Timestamp(0)
agents Agents[]
##map(name: "provinces")