Eclipse feature and plugin not visible after installing from updatesite - eclipse

I made several new E4-based plugins, each defined in a fragment.e4xmi file. The simplest one should just show a test menu in the main menu and a test popup menu.
When running an Eclipse instance from the development IDE, everything works as expected. However, when publishing those plugins and features via a test update site, an end user can install the new plugins using the update site, but the UI is not visible in the Eclipse IDE. In the Help / About Eclipse IDE / Installation Details, the "Installed Software" shows my new plugins, but the features list does not. The Plug-Ins list does show some utility plugins, but none of those contributing to the UI.
Older plugins (not using e4) are visible as expected.
Which settings do I have to check?
How can I debug the installation?
Thanks in advance.


eclipse RCP: plugin runs via popup-menu

I have created a non-RCP plugin project in eclipse. To run my eclipse plugin, the user must right clicks on a file and select my tool option from a popup menu. Is it possible to have a RCP for such a plugin? How can I provide a RCP distribution (zip) ready to be tested for such a plugin? Would you help me to find an appropriate manual for such a case?

How to deploy an Eclipse Plugin?

Environment: Eclipse Oxygen.3a Release (4.7.3a), Build id: 20180405-1200
I have completely developed my new Eclipse Plugin. I have debugged it successfully and It´s ready to be deployed for beta testing by other developers in my organization.
The Overview tab in plugin.xml Eclipse editor offers an Export Wizard that works and produces a .jar file (theoretically) containing the plugin to be installed in other Eclipse installations.
After exporting the plugin to a local folder in my computer I tried to install it in Eclipse by using Help > Install new software... > [Add...] > [Archive...], selecting the .jar file generated and clicking [Ok].
However, I get the error message "Could not find jar:file:*<the selected plugin file>*!" and the [Finnish] button remains disabled.
What is missing to make my new plugin fully installable?
The most robust way to publish a plug-in (or Feature) for others to consume is to produce an Update Site. Then you can direct users to that site so they can install your plug-is/features via the Install New Software UI. It also provides an easy way to publish updates to your plug-ins.
Here is documentation about creating an Update Site.

plugin doesn't show after deployment in the eclipse

I have created an eclipse plugin and it works fine when I'm running it using run as eclipse application.But when I deployed my plugin in the eclipse using File->Export->Deployable plugins and fragments, I cannot see it under new wizard.
I can see my plugin under installed plugins.
Any help why I cannot see it under new wizard list?
My plugin shows under plugin registry view and when I'm diagnosing it says "no problems detected".
Can anyone help why it's not visible?
Quite often this is due to a missing dependency.
Check the "Plug-in Registry" View of your Eclipse installation for your Plug-In.
Right click on any plugin and check "Show Advanced Options".
Search your plugin, right click it and clcik on "Diagnose".
It should show you missing dependencies, if there are any.

After i deleted plugin, it is still executing in my eclipse

i have created a plugin for eclipse and created update site for it and everything. I installed on my Eclipse and it worked like a charm.
But then i want to remove the plugin.
I have tried using help>install new software>what´s already installed>click on plugin name > uninstall...
It didn´t work, the plugin is still on my eclipse.
I have tried deleting the .jar on my plugins folder...
It didn´t work, the plugin is still on my eclipse(i know that because my plugin does something when my mouse is hovering a method).
What do i do? How can I(and my plugin users) remove this plugin?
By the way, to build my plugin website, i used this tutorial:
And uploaded my plugin on my website
When the plugin is installed using Features:
To Uninstall a plug-in from Eclipse the usual UI way is to select About Eclipse then click Installation Details button and select the plugin you want to uninstall. Then click Uninstall button.
When the plugin is not installed with a Feature:
When you have installed it in your running Eclipse from the Plug-in Export dialog, and after as you have done deleting the plug-in from your plugins directory, you need to restart Eclipse from the command line using the -clean flag. This will rebuild the plugin cache. This is very low-level and not recommended.
- Always develop plugins using features

adding software components to eclipse

I have an eclipse installation from the "Eclipse for PHP Developers" package and I want to "extend" it to have in addition to the PHP components all the components of "Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers".
but the Feature Lists in the above links do not match the items I am presented when I choose "Install new software..." from the eclipse help menu.
Is there anything I can do about this?
the result of copying plugins/features into that folder is not that predictable and hence not safe. Eclipse adviced to install plugins via "Install new Software" - it will tell you about conflicts (like different plugins use different version of another plugin" etc; or you need to install another plugin etc.) Otherwise I had situations when it didn't work and I got no idea why (had to read logs to figure it out).
Well, to install new plugin you have few possibilities:
1) "Install new Software" - you already tried it. Take into account that the list of plugins by default is limited here. But below the button "Add..." you can see "Available Software Sites" - this list is enhanced, and some of plugins you can find here". UPDATE: the process of installation is described here
2) With new Eclipse (Helios) you got new way to add plugins, so called Eclipse Marketplace (Help/Eclipse Marketplace...). This is recommended way to look and install new plugins.
Back to your problem - I think it is much more easier to download Java IDE for Java EE Developers, and install PHP Development Tools there. In Marketplace I selected Yoxos as source, typed "pdt" and found plugins related to PDTs (although I'm not sure there are all parts of it)