I have a sap.ui.table.Table which I want to make editable. In the SAPUI5 Samples I can see that SAP replaces the m.Texts with m.Inputs in the column list items of a sap.m.Table. I have a sap.ui.table.Table and at the moment I don't know how I can change the template of a sap.ui.table.Table in the controller. What I need is to change the template of my columns or rows. I did the binding in the View, like:
<m:Label text="label"/>
<m:Text text="{xx}"/>
but I have to define the template in the controller. I tried following:
var oTemplateTable = new sap.ui.table.Row({
cells: [
new sap.m.Text({
text: "{xxx}"
// ... further cells per row
path: sBindingPathRunC,
template: oTemplateTable
but this doesnt work because I think I have nowhere defined the fixed columns.
What did I forget to define? My goal is to bind the sap.ui.table.Table with the bindRows method in the controller and set the template or the ui elements of my rows in the same step. So I can implement a method for editing the table where I put m.Input elements in the rows and a display data method where m.Texts are visible for only showing the table data.
To update the template, you should can set the template aggregation of the sap.ui.table.Column in your controller e.g.
var oProductNameColumn = this.byId("ProductNameColumn");
oProductNameColumn.setTemplate(new sap.m.Input({value: "{ProductName}"}));
see the documentation of the template aggregation for more details.
I'm using AgGridReact, but this is a general question about how to get the entire row's data inside a cell in that row using AgGrid.
I'm using a custom cell renderer for a certain cell (whose field is id) in which I need to get the entire row's data and not just the id field's data.
This is how the grid is defined:
idRenderer: IdRenderer,
<AgGridColumn field="id" cellRenderer="idRenderer"></AgGridColumn>
<AgGridColumn field="name"></AgGridColumn>
<AgGridColumn field="phone"></AgGridColumn>
<AgGridColumn field="email"></AgGridColumn>
Here's the IdRender component (used to customize the look of the id field's cell) where I need to get the row's data:
import { useEffect } from 'react';
function IdRenderer(props) {
// the following currently stores the cell's value in `rowData`
const rowData = props.valueFormatted ? props.valueFormatted : props.value;
useEffect(() => {
console.log(rowData); // get the entire row's data here instead of just this cell's value
}, [])
return (
{/* some components */}
export default IdRenderer;
I'm not able to figure out from the docs what should I add to the grid or the cell renderer to be able to get the entire row's data inside the id field's cell (where I'll be posting the data to an API on a button click).
After digging through the docs for a long time I finally found the way to achieve this: using a valueGetter. I decided to post this Q&A to help others in figuring out how to achieve the same.
Just define the following value getter for the row's data:
const rowDataGetter = function (params) {
return params.data;
and use it on the AgGridColumn by setting the valueGetter prop:
<AgGridColumn field="id" cellRenderer="idRenderer" valueGetter={rowDataGetter}></AgGridColumn>
Now rowData in IdRenderer will contain the entire row's data instead of the cell value.
I would like to know how to get the content of TextArea, assign the value to a variable, set it to a model, and then set the variable to another TextArea in another view. I have coded some examples and it works, but not on TextArea.
Here is the example code:
// In init of the Component.js
this.setModel(new JSONModel(), "TransportModel"); // JSONModel required from "sap/ui/model/json/JSONModel"
// In *.controller.js
this.getView().getModel("TransportModel").setProperty("/", {
"Serial": this.byId("mat_serial").getValue() // "mat_serial" == id of the Input box in XML view
In the last step, I set the Text from a different View (also XML and Input Box) with the Value of the Model Element.
<Text text="{TransportModel>/Serial}" />
That worked pretty well.
But how to do the same with the TextArea? How can I do it based on this model? The value that I want to use from the first TextArea should also be on a TextArea in another view.
UI5 supports two-way data binding. I.e. if the user changes something in the UI (e.g. user types something in the text area), that change will be reflected automatically in other bindings that listen to the change.
<!-- In view 1 -->
<TextArea value="{TransportModel>/Serial}" />
<!-- In view 2 -->
<Text text="{TransportModel>/Serial}" />
No need to get input values by hand. Simply let the framework synchronize the value.
How to use a local json model:
initItemViewModel: function () {
return new JSONModel({
Serial: ""
this._oViewModel = this.initItemViewModel();
this.setModel(this._oViewModel, "TransportModel");
this.getView().getModel("TransportModel").setProperty("/Serial", serial);
<Text text="{TransportModel>/Serial}" width="auto" maxLines="1"/>
Hi I just created the ionic accordion dropdowns by following a tutorial blog link which used widgets for creating an accordion dropdowns, Below is the link of that blog.
updated: here is the my project demo link https://stackblitz.com/github/dSaif/search-accordion
Everything is working perfect, but i want to add Ion-searchbar at the top of the accordions sothat the dropdowns gets filter by inputing text.
please assist me how can i do that. Thank you.
You are going to have to create a variable in your homepage to store your filtered results. Then you need to have a filter function that will take the input from the search bar and filter your master list. Keep in mind you should not set the new variable to the master list, this could cause issues due to object referencing.
So you should have something like
in your html
<ion-searchbar placeholder="Search a name." [(ngModel)]="searchValue" (ionChange)="filterList()"></ion-searchbar>
In your ts file
searchValue: string = '';
filteredList: Array<{ name: string, description: string, image: string }> = this.technologies;
// function called in the html whenever you change the ion searchbar value
private filterList(){
//Make a variable so as to avoid any flashing on the screen if you set it to an empty array
const localFilteredList = []
this.technologies.forEach(currentItem => {
//here goes your search criteria, in the if statement
if(currentItem.name && currentItem.name.toLowerCase().includes(this.searchValue.toLowerCase())) {
//finally set the global filter list to your newly filtered list
this.filteredList = localFilteredList;
You also need to make sure to reference the filterList variable instead of the current one you are referencing.
I have a component in a list in a sapui5 XML view and I want to set multiple properties of that component with one function. E.g. I want to set text, status, tooltip and icon of an ObjectStatus together, because the values of those are all different facets of the same data. The issue is that i have to calculate the values to set to those properties from the model with the same relatively time-heavy function. If I write a separate formatter for each of those properties, it has to run the same function for each property. Instead of this I would like to write one function that runs this time-heavy function once and sets a value to all those properties at the same time.
To accomplish this, I have tried creating a sapui5 fragment that could be placed in the list and filled with different information by the createContent function for each instance of that fragment. However I cannot figure out how to do this.
In the view definitions I'm trying to instantiate the fragment like this:
<core:Fragment fragmentName="QuantificationParameter" type="JS" path="{project>}"/>
And then I'm trying to set different content to each instance of the fragment:
sap.ui.jsfragment("namespace.fragments.QuantificationParameter", {
createContent: function(oParentController) {
//Get the object bound to this list item
var derived; //Calculate some intermediate information from this object
return new sap.m.ObjectStatus({
icon: derived.icon,
text: derived.text,
state: derived.state,
tooltip: derived.tooltip
While debugging it seems that the createContent function of the fragment is run only once and I cannot figure out any way to access the data that I'm trying to bind to the fragment. Is there any way I can render different content to each instance of the fragment?
What you are searching for is called databinding.
But first of all: we do not use JS Fragments, due to the same reason we do not use JS views. Here s a little Blog written on that topic.
Now the databinding part:
I asume, that Fragment will have the same controlls for each instance and you just want the values to change. To do just that you need to create a JSONModel either in your BaseController or component.js. In this Model you store i.e. your Labels text.
Inside your Fragmet you bind that property to the label. Since JSONModels bindingmode is two way by default the Label will change dynamically if you update the model. You can update the model i.e. everytime the user clicks on one of your list items.
Framgmet example:
creation of the model i.e in component.js:
var oBaseModel = new JSONModel({
inputA: "",
textA: "",
textB: ""
this.setModel(oBaseModel, "baseModel");
example for your press lit item funtion:
(should be in the controller of the view your list is located in)
onListPress: function (oEvent) {
var oLine = oEvent.getSource().getBindingContext("yourRemoteService").getObject();
this._oBaseModel.setProperty("/inputA", oLine.ListPropertyA);
this._oBaseModel.setProperty("/textA", oLine.ListPropertyb);
this._oBaseModel.setProperty("/textB", oLine.ListPropertyC);
You should really give that tutorial a go:
Using Angular 4 (typescript), I have some code like below using ag-grid 12.0.2. All I'm trying to do is load my grid and automatically (programmatically) select the first row.
this.gridOptions = ....
suppressCellSelection = true;
rowSelection = 'single'
loadRowData() {
this.rowData = [];
// build the row data array...
let node = this.gridOptions.api.getRowNode(...);
// console logging here shows node holds the intended row
// console logging here shows node.selected == true
// None of these succeeded in highlighting the first row
this.gridOptions.api.redrawRows({ rowNodes: [node] });
this.gridOptions.api.refreshCells({ rowNodes: [node], force: true });
First node is selected but the row refuses to highlight in the grid. Otherwise, row selection by mouse works just fine. This code pattern is identical to the sample code here: https://www.ag-grid.com/javascript-grid-refresh/#gsc.tab=0 but it does not work.
Sorry I am not allowed to post the actual code.
The onGridReady means the grid is ready but the data is not.
Use the onFirstDataRendered method:
<ag-grid-angular (firstDataRendered)="onFirstDataRendered($event)">
onFirstDataRendered(params) {
This will automatically select the top row in the grid.
I had a similar issue, and came to the conclusion that onGridReady() was called before the rows were loaded. Just because the grid is ready doesn't mean your rows are ready.(I'm using ag-grid community version 19) The solution is to setup your api event handlers after your data has loaded. For demonstration purposes, I'll use a simple setTimeout(), to ensure some duration of time has passed before I interact with the grid. In real life you'll want to use some callback that gets fired when your data is loaded.
My requirement was that the handler resizes the grid on window resize (not relevant to you), and that clicking or navigating to a cell highlights the entire row (relevant to you), and I also noticed that the row associated with the selected cell was not being highlighted.
window.addEventListener("resize", function() {
setTimeout(function() {
Since you want to select the first row on page load, you can do onething in constructor. But your gridApi, should be initialized in OnGridReady($event) method
this.gridApi.forEachNode((node) => {
if (node.rowIndex === 0) {
It's setSelected(true) that does this.
We were using MasterDetail feature, its a nested grid and on expanding a row we needed to change the selection to expanded one.
Expanding a row was handled in
detailCellRendererParams: {
getDetailRowData: loadNestedData,
detailGridOptions: #nestedDetailGridOptionsFor('child'),
and withing loadNesteddata, we get params using we can select expanded row as
Hope this helps.