Calendar weeks not displaying correclty using API in tableau - tableau-api

CW are displayed correctly both in tableau desktop and on the tableau server. But when we execute a py script downloading screenshots of the graphs via REST API the CW are not displayed correctly any more (+1CW).
Using API we get +1 in calendar weeks which is wrong
When we manually download image from table server we get the right result.
Do you have any idea what is causing this problem? We need to get the right results using the API.
Every opinion would be very much appreciated!


Search Console Impressions Issue

We are currently on Google Analytics 4 and since we have updated our end to the new tracking code, we seem to have false data on Search Console impressions graph - see attached. search console graph
You can see at the point we updated the code, the data lost all trends (no longer down at weekends etc)
Got any ideas on what the issue could be?
Thanks, Brad

Google Visualization Chart Stopped Working

I have created a dashboard which uses JSON data to create several different kinds of google visualization charts. This dashboard has been working perfectly for two years. Just in the past day or so, the column chart and the line chart give a "Cannot read property 'Do' of undefined" error while my tables and maps continue to work. I have checked all of the most recent records to make sure there is nothing that could be undefined and I have found no issues. I've checked my arrays in the console and they all look correct. I've also checked the chart objects in the console just before drawing and they are properly populated, so I am stumped. Can anyone help me figure out what could be happening?
load google charts with a saved version (a.k.a. Frozen Charts Version)...
google.charts.load('50', {
when implementing a page or application,
always use a saved version of google charts.
this way, changes to the 'current' version can't mess with your code.
you can find a list of the saved versions at the following link,
along with the changes that were implemented...

accessing XHR within google sheets

I've been using import functions a lot in my sports modeling, but I've never been able to figure out how to get past the issue of pulling information that is dynamically imported from another source.
For example, i'm trying to use importxml to pull the money line values in this link here:
I can get the information in the left columns up until "PINNACLE", and after research i now understand I can't get the rest of the information because it's not static on the page and I need to go to the source... how do I find the source of this information so I can pull it from there?
I tried inspecting the page, clicking on "network", clicking on "XHR", refreshing the page and previewing the results, but nothing seemed to match.
Am I looking in the wrong place?
The page uses websockets to download the data, so I don't think you could simulate it in Google spreadsheets using formulas (maybe it could be possible in a script). However in this particular case there is a 'classic view' variant of the page which includes all the data in its source:

rest content not appearing in Xamarin.forms examples

I am experimenting with two of the examples ToDoRest and the XamarinForms3RestApiApp. I am looking specifically at the UWP client.
I have made sure that I have the same code on my computer as the examples in GIT.
When I run them they compile without error and the form comes up. However in both examples the existing data from the rest backend does not appear as content on the UWP page. clicking on the api link shows that the json formatted data does come up when accessed directly
In both cases its the 'vanilla' example on GIT -nothing changed.
Has anyone else experienced this on these examples?If so, what might be preventing data from showing?

iPhone Application Tracking through Google Analytics

I have implemented the new Google Analytics tracking in my iPhone app and I can see the data in my Google Analytics reporting screen.
However, I want to extract this data and display it on my site using the Core Reporting API. I get the page views for my site using the ga:pagePath filter on the Visits metric. I can't however find any documentation about how I would extract the Screens data from the report. Has anyone found any?
Ideally I would like to filter the Screens by Screen Name and get the number of views. The only metric I have found is ga:appviews which returns my total number of appViews so do i filter the screen Name on this and how would I do that?
Thanks for any help you can offer!
I think google just forgot the ga:screenName which they should have created in:
ga:screenViews is working well now ! :-)
you have also : ga:screenName and ga:uniqueScreenViews