Unable to run docker-compose.yml using Docker tooling eclipse - eclipse

I'm using Windows 10, WSL2 with Ubuntu, Docker and Spring Tool Suite 4.14.1.RELEASE (STS) with Docker tooling eclipse.
I has set up docker tooling eclipse, but I can't run a docker-compose.yml in my Java Project inside the STS Eclipse, when I try do this, I receive the error:
unable to resolve docker endpoint: Invalid bind address format:
The configurations:
Windows > Preferences > Docker Compose
Windows > Preferences > Docker Machine
Docker Explorer
Run Configurations
Error - When I try run as.
Docker Configuration


Setup mvn clean package -P profile_name in eclipse in eclipse run configuration

Consider a project which till now used to be built using:
mvn clean package -P pname
in terminal and deployed manually to tomcat's webapps folder.
How to setup the run configuration and deployment for this in eclipse?
Here's what I've tried in Eclipse Oxygen:
Created a new Maven Build Run Configuration like this - set the Base directory of the project, set the Goals to clean package and Profiles to local.
Once run, I tried deploying the project to the tomcat set up in eclipse.
The issue is that there is difference between the runs when I am building and deploying manually and when I am using the eclipse configuration that I have made. The pname part is not being picked properly.

Run a deployed JBoss Fuse Integration application

I exported a Fuse Integration project as a jar file and deployed it to a remote server. Like so:
Start server for all IPs
/root/EAP-7.1.0/bin/standalone.sh -b -bmanagement
start the management cli
/root/EAP-7.1.0/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect
deploy /home/ec2-user/fuseToolingTutorial.jar
When I access the EAP Admin platform (The console that's on port 9990 by default), I'm able to see that the file was in fact deployed, but I don't see any way to run the project.
If there's documentation on how to actually run Fuse applications deployed on EAP please let me know.
The right way is to follow the official Installation Guide:
Quick answer is you need to install the Fuse 7 on EAP installer before deploying your Fuse application jars as follows:
java -jar fuse-eap-installer-7.0.0.fuse-000085-redhat-1.jar

run maven from eclipse as root

Maven builds for docker plugin (mvn package docker:build) fail because docker must be executed as root (something about opening a socket on port 80).
Is there a way I can sudo a maven build launched from eclipse Run As..?
This is not the answer to the eclipse run as sudo question, but a solution to the docker build from maven plugin problem that works for me:
Run docker host on the dev machine on a tcp socket (restricted to localhost) instead of a unix socket (you can configure the env var DOCKER_HOST as tcp://localhost:2375 on the eclipse run configuration). That way you don't need to be root to do the docker build.

how to deploy war in glassfish?

i use "/opt/glassfish3/bin/asadmin deploy " to deploy war in glassfish
get the message
Remote server does not listen for requests on [localhost:4848]. Is the server up?
Unable to get remote commands.
Closest matching local command(s):
Command deploy failed.
In my setup, I am using Cargo to deploy as described in the following question/answer: How to deploy a Maven web application to a local-installed Glassfish?
I have a locally installed Glassfish 4.x server and a maven web application project (packaging=war). I am able to deploy using only the following commands:
mvn clean package cargo:deploy
mvn clean package cargo:redeploy

eclipse can not determine apache tomcat 7 on ubuntu

I'm using eclipse 3.8 and running it on ubuntu 12.10 which has apache tomcat 7.
the problem is when I want to select tomcat as my server on eclipse runtime environment there is no option for selecting apache tomcat 7.
I've tested tomcat server at localhost:8080 and it works.it seems there is no problem with tomcat itself but I don't know why I cant add it to eclipse.Is there any idea to solve this problem?
my eclise is not a java ee edition and I've installed java ee as a plugin.
Here's the way I did it, it keeps the system tomcat and your own personal tomcat instance separate, and you don't have to change permissions or stop the tomcat running as a service.
Install tomcat as per normal: sudo apt-get install tomcat7
Install private instance support: sudo apt-get install tomcat7-user
Create local instance in your home folder:
tomcat7-instance-create -p 10080 -c 10005 mytomcat
Note: -p sets the port number (default is 8080) and -c is the control port (default 8005), we set these so we don't compete with the main installation of tomcat running as a service. "mytomcat" can be anything you like, but it will create a directory by this name in your home.
Now use the following to make Eclipse happy:
cd mytomcat
ln -s /usr/share/tomcat7/lib
ln -s /etc/tomcat7/policy.d/03catalina.policy conf/catalina.policy
ln -s /usr/share/tomcat7/bin/bootstrap.jar bin/bootstrap.jar
ln -s /usr/share/tomcat7/bin/tomcat-juli.jar bin/tomcat-juli.jar
mkdir -p common/classes;
mkdir -p server/classes;
mkdir -p shared/classes;
Now within Eclipse you can create a Tomcat v7.0 server and set the installation directory as ~/mytomcat.
Note: common, server and shared classes could be links too, but I wanted to keep the two separate.
please be more precise in your question: did you install Tomcat and Eclipse via APT? Is your Eclipse Java EE edition, or did you install the Java EE plugin?
I will suppose you got both from Ubuntu repository and you are using Eclipse for Java EE developers.
You look to http://lackovic.wordpress.com/2012/05/31/set-up-eclipse-and-tomcat-7-on-ubuntu-12-04-to-create-java-restful-web-services-with-jersey/ and follow the how-to till step 13. For me worked flawlessly.
Before starting, you must stop the running service with sudo service tomcat7 stop. In fact, Eclipse needs to start his own instance of Tomcat, that is gonna crash if there is another Tomcat listening on 8080.
Please note that Ubuntu's Tomcat installation is a little bit different from the vanilla one: in fact, Ubuntu's maintainers decide to split up the base directory and the configuration directory, while Eclipse is going to look in the base directory for configurations.