What size should i apply for favicon? - favicon

I have sized a favicon with 20px and 5px. but it's showing stretched and not looking well at all. what should I do to set favicon nicely on my project? Here's my project link.

The optimal size for the favicon without it getting stretched would be 16x16

At least 64x64 for reasonable appearance,


How can I resize image in pub package "flutter_native_splash"?

I am using flutter_native_splash 1.3.1 package to add splash screen to the app.
The image size is getting displayed bigger than the desired size on the splash screen. What is right approach to decrease the size of the image on the splash screen?
Unfortunately, I don't think you can do it. So the option is to resize your image to fit your screen. You can read about the resolution in this topic https://github.com/jonbhanson/flutter_native_splash/issues/89
I was having issues with this. I tried a lot of different suggestions from stackoverflow, but nothing worked. I eventually just added padding within the image around the logo I wanted to display. So the logo was about 1/3 of the image, centered in the middle and then used center for gravity
<bitmap android:gravity="center" android:src="#drawable/splash" />
The images are all called splash.png.
The images sizes were all squares and had the dimensions:
hdpi 192X192,
xhdpi 288X288,
xxhdpi 384X384,
xxxhdpi 1024X1024
It is stated in the documentation that the image will be stretched to fit the screen. I think the best solution is to make your image with an aspect ratio of 9x16 (portrait) so the proportions stay the same.

How to avoid image rendering over original image size in "click-enlarge mode" (css-styled-content)

If I set some value for styles.content.imgtext.linkWrap.width or styles.content.imgtext.linkWrap.height small images will be rendered to this value instead in its original size.
How can I achieve, that great images will be decreased to my value but small images won't be enlarged to this value?
You can find the following setting in the TYPO3 Install Tool:
Uncheck this checkbox to prevent upscaling of smaller images.

Unity: text is clear in editor but blurry in game

I've read that Unity has problems rendering clear text and I've tried out several different fixes: setting a large font size on the imported font and changing the character setting to unicode, making the text size large and then scaling it down, setting filter mode to point when it comes to pixel fonts... All these methods seem to work from the editor (as in, the text appears crisp), but in the game the text is still blurry:
(The screenshot is using free aspect - the text looks better, but still somewhat blurry, when the game view resolution matches the reference resolution.)
Currently, the imported font (not pixel) is set to a size of 180; rendering to smooth; character to unicode. The text isn't scaled right now and is at a size of 50. The canvas is set to scale with screen size, and the reference resolution is 2560x1440 (a Samsung S7). It should also be noted that at a different resolution, the box around the text (which is an image) also gets blurry, which makes me think it's a problem with the canvas scaling.
What am I missing?
Turns out all I had to do was uncheck Low Resolution Aspect Ratios in the game view... The text is still slightly blurry, but likely that's typical of Unity. To counter that, I just decided to use a pixel font (using the fix explained in this video).
I use scaling down as a workaround.
For me, it was using Unity-Remote. After building the app directly I didn't see the blur anymore.
I had the same problem, the best solution to the blurry text problem in Unity is as follows:
Select the text item from the scene.
Go to Font and see where your font is located in your project folder
Go to your font in your project
Change the font size from 16 to 100-300
change "Character" to "Unicode"
Press Apply

How to keep the real width rate of the thumbnails on facebook share.php

I'm trying to use share.php and I already have some thumbnails on the site. Some of these thumbs are wide and when I try to share it on FB by share.php (p[images][0]) the FB popup cut the thumb to display the thumb. There is a way to avoid this behavior?
On my searchs I see that the best wasy is to have square images.
I would like to do something like this image below:
There is any way to do this?
Thanks in advance...
To not have your images resized (or avoid big cuts), you'll need to use images with 1.91:1 aspect ratio and at least 1200x630 pixels.
There is more information here on item 4: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/howtos/maximizing-distribution-media-content/
As you already have many posts/articles in your website, you can use a script like timthumb (https://code.google.com/p/timthumb/) to generate a resized thumbnail with borders when the image is not in that aspect ratio.

Images/Sprites question in Cocos2d

Okay, so I have a background image of a desert for my app, it is in the .gif format, and is #2x. I have it scaled down like so:
background.scale = 0.5;
and it appears fine. I have another image for a health bar that is in .png format, and is also #2x. I also have it scaled down like above. But the health bar is WAY pixelated on the edges, and the desert's edges are not AS pixelated, but WAY better. I've tried changing the health bar's format to .gif, that didn't do anything. And note: When I view the images in Preview/Xcode, they look just fine! Am I missing something? I use Inkscape, if that helps. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Generally, scaling in cocos2d is not recommended as it is low quality (as you observe) and it becomes a performance bottleneck (or it used to be, I don't know this could have changed). Why don't you just pre-scale the images to the exact dimensions you want and display them without scaling? If this is for a universal app, just pre-scale the images to each intended resolution and load them depending on the screen scale/size.