Roblox Leaderstats not updating/only updating once - roblox

Roblox Leaderstats aren't updating correctly.
When told to update leaderstats, it sometimes doesn't update, and other times, it only updates once.
Code is below:
local en = plr.leaderstats.Energy
en.Value += 1
local speed = 5.07 * ((en.Value / 10) + 1)
plr.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").WalkSpeed = speed
On times it doesn't update, the print(en.value) says 1 while the leaderstat stays as 0.
When leaderstat only updates once, the print only updates once as well.
Edit: The leaderstat was defined/created in a previous script.

I completely forgot to answer this, but I am using +=, you would assume it would add to the current amount as the hint says, but it doesn't
Old Code: en.Value += 1
What I do now: en.Value = en.Value + 1

You are declaring the "en" variable right before you add one to the value in this function. This means that every time you run this code, you will reset the "en" variable. If you declare the variable outside of the scope of this function, it should get rid of your issues.


Roblox - attempt to call a nil value

When trying to create a code, that on FireServer with Specific Player chosen a GUI would've been cloned into their PlayerGui, But instead I get a nil value.
local Blinder = game.ReplicatedStorage.RCD.Blind
Blinder.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, PlayerToBlind)
if not player:IsInGroup(7465879) then return false end;
script.BL:Clone().Parent = PlayerToBlind:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
Basically what I try to reach is if my Admin Panel Remoteevent is fired, and a Target has been chosen, the Targeted Player will become a Cloned GUI into their PlayerGui
Any fix on this error?
The error message itself is telling you that you are calling a function that doesn't exist. This issue is caused by an object not being the type you expect.
Unfortunately, the message is pointing at a line that has a few function calls, so it's difficult to say what is causing the exact error. Either script.BL isn't an object with a Clone() function, or PlayerToBlind isn't an object with a WaitForChild() function.
If you can break the operations into a few different lines and add safety checks along the way, you can guarantee that your code is safe and being called properly.
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local Blinder = ReplicatedStorage.RCD.Blind
local BL = script.BL
Blinder.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, PlayerToBlind)
-- check that the person calling Blinder:FireServer actually provided a PlayerToBlind
assert(type(PlayerToBind) == "string", "Blinder expects PlayerToBind to be the name of a player")
-- escape if the player is not in the appropriate group
if not player:IsInGroup(7465879) then
-- find the Player object based on the name provided from PlayerToBlind
local blindedPlayer = Players:FindFirstChild(PlayerToBlind)
if not blindedPlayer then
warn("Could not find player named : ", PlayerToBlind)
-- create a blinding UI on the other player
local targetGui = blindedPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
local newBL = BL:Clone()
newBL.Parent = targetGui
By adding asserts into your code, it won't stop your code from breaking, in fact it will force your code to break faster and in expected ways.
The issue has been fixed,
I have been setting up the LocalScript wrong.
(I grabbed the Text from a TextButton, Instead of the TextBox)

plc structured text loop delay

I am trying to have a loop where it will start at 100 and drop until it hits to a point where the while condition no longer holds true.
I started with
While Solar_Power_House_W_Solar_PER <= OneHundred AND BatChargePercent < OneHundred DO
State_Dis_Charge := false
FOR PLC_SetLoopChargeValue:= 100 TO 0 By -1 DO
ConvertoReal := INT_TO_LREAL(PLC_SetLoopChargeValue);
Divide := ConvertoReal DIV(100);
PLC_SetCharge := Divide;
PLC_Charge := 1500 * PLC_SetCharge;
RB_Charge := PLC_Charge;
Visual_RBPower := 1500 * PLC_SetCharge; (*Charge *)
The problem I believe I have with this is that it cycles too fast so the condition never gets out of the while loop because it takes a while for the system to update so I thought of adding a delay portion:
While Solar_Power_House_W_Solar_PER <= OneHundred AND BatChargePercent < OneHundred DO
State_Dis_Charge := false;
wait(IN:=not wait.Q , PT:=T#50ms);
if Wait.Q Then
FOR PLC_SetLoopChargeValue:= 100 TO 0 By -1 DO
ConvertoReal := INT_TO_LREAL(PLC_SetLoopChargeValue);
Divide := ConvertoReal DIV(100);
PLC_SetCharge := Divide;
PLC_Charge := 1500 * PLC_SetCharge;
RB_Charge := PLC_Charge;
Visual_RBPower := 1500 * PLC_SetCharge; (*Charge *)
How I think it should work is every 50ms 1 for loop should run. Currently nothing happens every 50ms.
You have to consider that WHILE and FOR are executed synchronously. It means blocking. It means that interpreter do not execute next line, until previous line is finished.
This means that "running to fast" cannot apply here. It does not matter how fast it runs, the execution of the lines will be always in order.
The only thing I would change and loop not from 100 to 0 but vice versa from 0 to 100, because I am not sure this backward will work fine. And then all you have to change:
ConvertoReal := INT_TO_LREAL(100 - PLC_SetLoopChargeValue);
You do now show all code it is VERY HARD to judge but if FOR loom is complete it totally make no sense. You calculate some variables but you do not use them there. You know that you cannot use them outside of your FOR loop, right? Because outside of your FOR loop those variable will be always same value of last loop.
In your second example your FOR loop, although it might work, you should not use timer to run the loop inside the loop. Because loops are synchronous and times async.
As I understand you task you do not need WHILE at all. With this approach your program execution of other parts will be blocked until 100%. That might take a while as I can see. So you have to use IF.
IF Solar_Power_House_W_Solar_PER <= OneHundred AND BatChargePercent < OneHundred DO
// ....
The difference is significant. With WHILE it will block your program till WHILE finish and other parts will not be executed for this long, in the same PLC cycle FOR might be executed so many times.
With IF if will run FOR one time per one PLC cycle and actualy doe snot change your logic.
If you would share your full code or at least parts where variables you have here are used so that the whole picture is visible, you might get a better help. Edit your post and I'll edit my comment.
With this answer im only adressing your issue with the for loop not being executed every 50ms.
The other answers why the while loop cant be exited are correct unless the variables Solar_Power_House_W_Solar_PER and BatChargePercent aren't changed in a parrellel thread.
I suggest wait is a TON function block. Please mind that names of FBs are case sensitive: wait.Q is possibly unequal Wait.Q. I think that is the main reason your for loop is not executed, because you check the output of another FB. Maybe check your declaration list for doubles with higher or lower cases.
Another possibility is, that your condition for the while loop isn't met at all and you didn't notice. In this case the for loop wouldn't be executed too of course.

unexpected frame appears onto another frame after an event

I'm using a character application. In the first page, there is a frame f-selection where the search fields are entered. When I search for something and open some other frames in that search, then I press F10 which is for opening another frame, the new frame opens but f-selection also appears on it. I'm suspecting this code makes it pop up again:
else assign ll-lgst-key1:SENSITIVE in frame f-selection = TRUE
ll-lgst-key2:SENSITIVE in frame f-selection = FALSE
because when I comment these lines, the frame doesn't pop up. But then I can't use these fields at the first frame where I should, too. I don't know why this code is called again; but is there anything else I can do to fix this issue? I tried to write hide frame f-selection everywhere possible but it doesn't work.
That snippet of code is making "key1" of your frame sensitive. In order to be sensitive it needs to pop up...
So the issue is why is that block of code executing? You say "I don't know why this code is called again". Neither will anyone else because you have shared such a tiny little bit of the overall code. Apparently the flow of control is taking you through that block so you should work on understanding why that is. You might try using the debugger to step through the code execution or you could insert some old fashioned MESSAGE statements to get to the bottom of it.
If you want to kludge around the problem you could wrap that bit of code in conditional logic. Define and set a variable that determines the desired state of the f-selection frame and use that to control the sensitivity logic:
define variable f-shouldBeVisible as logical no-undo.
if .... then
f-shouldBeVisible = yes.
f-shouldBeVisible = no.
if f-shouldBeVisible then
assign ll-lgst-key1:SENSITIVE in frame f-selection = TRUE
ll-lgst-key2:SENSITIVE in frame f-selection = FALSE
Of course that looks kind of silly -- but it is just an example with grossly over-simplified logic.
OTOH if you know enough to set the variable you ought to be able to figure out why the ELSE branch is executing. But maybe it is a useful first step.

Uitable, cellSelectionCallback and modifying dataset

My code is really too long to be posted here, even by little portions. So I will just ask for one or two things :
It appears to me that when modifying the 'Data' property of an uitable 'ht' :
set(ht, 'Data', something);
that the "cellSelectionCallback" routine is triggered (as the selection is very likely to have changed, indeed), but not immediatly after the dataset is modified.
Is this true ?
Is there any way to prevent such a behavoir ?
Thanks !
I have code using a uitable, e.g:
tbl = uitable('Parent', fh, 'CellSelectionCallback',{#cell_select_callback fh});
I did a quick experiment and when using set(tbl,'Data',my_data) the callback is triggered only if the set causes the selected cell(s) to change, and this happens immediately (as far as I can tell - I saw no appreciable delay).
To stop that happening you could just unset the CellSelectionCallback property, change the data, and then reset CellSelectionCallback.
I had the same issue. Was getting index out of bounds warnings. To get rid of those I used this in my CallSelectionCallback:
if ~isempty(eventdata.Indices)
// all the code
When the set command triggers the CallSelectionCallback the eventdata.Indices is empty.
A similar possibility to Sebastien's answer is to put this in your cellselectioncallback function:
function output = mycellselection(source,event)
if isempty(event.Indixes)
output = [];
% rest of your code for cell selection
If you don't have any output needed, you can just remove it. I just put it in there to remind you that you have to assign a value to any outputs.

Facebook Koala loop not working properly

The following is the code that does not work -
for x in #y
v = #graph.get_object("me") # This is not a useful code. I'm just trying to make a point
While the following code works
u = #graph.get_object("me")
for x in #y
v = u
I'd appreciate help with this issue. Thanks!
I tried testing something similar to this in the console, and saying something like
for i in 1..1000
and after some amount of time, it finally finished.. but it took a while. I'm assuming there's a chance the connection between you and facebook can get blocked/closed/timeout.
Every call took about a second. I think the problem is that facebook's API has a bandwidth limit. So, in the case of your first block of code, you're calling get_object over and over, where as in the second one, you are simply calling the API once, then just assigning that value over and over.