Azure DevOps. Get Discord Notification on Specific Pipeline Failure - azure-devops

We have a few pipelines that are taking backups on schedule. We would like to receive notifications on Discord in case if specific Pipelines were to fail.
There is a way to receive an email notification and an official application to integrate Slack into Azure DevOps.
But is there a good way to do that for Discord?

You can use the Discord Webhook extension that give you a task to send messages to Discord during your pipeline.
When creating a webhook for a channel in a Discord server, you will be given a url which contains the Channel ID and the Secret Key for that webhook in this format:{channelId}/{webhookKey}.
You will not need to provide the url to the task, but rather just the Channel ID and Secret Key. (The first section in the link above, Making a Webhook, is all that needs to be followed to be able to use this task).
More info you can find here.
After you know which values put in the task you can dd it to your pipeline and configure it to run only if the pipeline failed with the condition failed().


Slack integration with Tekton missing pipeline event messages

Following the documentation here, I created a Tekton Pipeline and integrated Slack through the tool integration. I also set up an incoming webhook following the Slack API documentation. Along with configuring the webhook URL, channel, and team name, I checked the pipeline events as shown below.
I have received messages regarding the successful binding between the Tekton pipeline and Slack integration. I am also seeing other tool integrations in the Slack channel but missing the pipeline events like Pipeline start, success, and failure.
Am I missing something here?
The easiest way is by adding a definition pointing to the post to Slack task helper and the associated sample.
Additionally, I have to enable the Slack notifications setting under the Tekton pipeline.
I have documented the steps with screen captures in a blog post here

How to use job monitor to check whether emails have been sent by Azure DevOps

I'm facing the issue that I can't get email notification from Azure DevOps.
I have read this question and learnt that there is a job monitor that can check whether Azure DevOps has sent the emails.
If I go into the job monitor I can see that the email notification job was partially successful...
I want to know how could I get the job monitor and how to use it.
By the way, I have done some checkings following this document but the issue still exists.
I want to know how could I get the job monitor and how to use it.
The job monitor is a monitoring dashboard dedicated to TFS. If you are using the azure devops service, I am afraid you cannot use the job monitor. As far as I know, it is impossible to check whether the email is sent in the azure devops service. Please refer to this blog.
You can first go to your personal subscriptions and locate the subscription, which you feel should have produced an email and ensure it's enabled.

How to trigger my "Incoming Webhook" Service Connection in Azure DevOps (OnPremise)? The Endpoint URL is unknown

Overview: I try to trigger an Azure DevOps 2020 Pipeline (YAML) in the event that a WorkItem of a specific type is created. So my idea I had was to create a connection between "WorkItem" -> Service Hook of Type "Web Hook" -> Service Connection of Type "Incoming Webhook" -> resource:webhook triggers the Pipeline in YAML.
My problem now is, that I could create the serviceendpoint by GUI or by API, but the documentation and the created endpoint does not make sense for me. I am running my server on-premise and the endpoint I got looks like this:
{"count":1,"value":[{"data":{},"id":"1babbef7-1edb-4b01-bf18-b6e3c309caae","name":"TestIncomingWebhook","type":"incomingwebhook","url":"", ...
The url does not make sense to me.
I can alter the url if I use the REST API to create the endpoint by using this format
POST https://{instance}/{collection}/{project}/_apis/serviceendpoint/endpoints
as described in Microsoft Azure API Documentation.
Why is the url that the service connection gets pointed to while I am running on-premise from a server on a totally different url? Would that be the url I have to POST to trigger the ServiceConnection?
What must be the correct URL-Format for my local Server? Where should I point that URL to?
How can I trigger the Service Connection from curl? Do I have to use GET with a lot of parameters or POST with a JSON payload?
I would appreciate if someone could help me out on this. Perhaps someone even got a full solution on how to trigger pipelines on workitem events. I searched a lot but could not find a solution, yet.
Thanks, Peter.
I created the WebHook and ServiceConnection from the GUI like this:
WebHook Configuration Screenshot
ServiceHook Configuration Screenshot
My real problem is, that I got no feedback what the correct ServiceHook URL is. I have no idea where to point my WebHook.
The correct URL for accessing the Incoming Webhook Service Endpoint in Azure DevOps is https://{instance}/{Collection name}/_apis/public/distributedtask/webhooks/{Service Connection name}?api-version=6.0-preview
This should be related to your machine settings, you could share the detail steps here
Since you are using Azure DevOps Server 2020, the url format for your local Server should be https://{instance}. You could open Azure DevOps Server Administration Console to check it.
It will trigger the webhook via the event you selected.
You could refer to this ticket for more details.
In addition, you could try this Logic Apps then create flow to trigger build when specific type is created
Create Service connection Incoming WebHook, eg. Web Hooks name is HookTests and Service connection name is TestHook
Create Web Hooks and enter the URL https://{instance}/{Collection name}/_apis/public/distributedtask/webhooks/{Web Hook name eg. HookTests}?api-version=6.0-preview
Create YAML build and add service connection resources in the yaml pipeline see below:
- webhook: MyWebhookTrigger
connection: {Service connection name, eg.TestHook}
Above steps actually do below things:
New workitem is created-->automatically Trigger Azure pipeline.
In addition, we could also add task power shell and call REST API to trigger another pipeline.

Setting up email Notification on Azure DevOps

I have Self-hosted agents on my Azure DevOps on which the execution is scheduled from ADO every night using the release pipelines which i've created. I would want to send out email notification with the results to a Distribution List after the completion of the execution. How can i achieve this??
I want this summary page to be sent as an attachment -
Setting up email Notification on Azure DevOps
AFAIK, Azure devops does not support add attachment in email Notification directly.
As workaround, we could use a powershell script to get test results with REST API then send emails:
To get test results with RESI API Releases - Get Task Log:
Then use powershell scripts to read the details of the test result file (.trx) and create a formatted email message to sent to the defined recipients:
You could check this thread Send Test Result Email After Running Automated Tests with Release Management for some details.
Hope this helps.

how to trigger a jenkins pipeline stage when an authorized user make a comment on github pull request?

I am familiar with Jenkins Pull Request Builder and I had set up a freestyle job with it to build my project based on the comment that authorized user put. (For example test in prod) in the past.
Now I am trying to use a Jenkins 2.0 with github organization plugin for one of my project.
this is the scenario:
A User is making a PR to master(or some other sensitive branch)
A test is going to get run automatically.
After the test past, an authorized user needs to go to the PR and put a comment Deploy to test environment and then a jenkinsfile that was waiting for this input needs to get trigger.
I just dont know how to do the step 3. how do I make jenkins pipeline job listen for comments in github repo pull requests? the Jenkins documentation is not really clear about the input from user part.
I read this thread answer but the documentation about the Gates approval is really limited.
I know this is super late, but here's some info for future Googlers:
I have a Github webhook that sends the event to a Lambda function that will parse the event for a specific comment string, then create an HTTP POST request for the Jenkins job, which is configured to allow builds to be triggered remotely.
So: open PR > comment on PR 'Deploy to test environment' > webhook sends to AWS APIGateway > AWS SNS topic > AWS Lambda > parse the event for comment > If comment matches, create HTTP POST > Jenkins receives request and runs job
There's a lot of documentation on this, but none of it together, so here are the resources that I used:
Regarding allowing jobs to be triggered remotely:
Using Github to trigger Lambda function:
Github API. You will want to pay particular attention to the Issues API: