Is it possible to update the candy machine with adding new nft to the collection ?
I mean I want to release the web site by July but the mint will only take place in september so in July I will not have the entire collection finished...
Is it possible to deploy the candy machine then add the nft assets (png + json files) ?
I didn't find anything about it on the metaplex doc...
Once a candymachine is uploaded and written to it can't be uploaded to again.
You could make another candymachine on the same keypair/wallet address and merge the collections with a site over at This site allows you to move NFT's you have update authority over to either a new or existing collection you own. So you'd just need to provide a hashlist (token addressses) of all the NFT's you want to move to a collection.
I would suggest either waiting and uploading everything at once or you can go through the process of merging them all to the same collection after. It just means you'll have to run 2 candymachines for 2 seperate mints. Need to decide whats the better look for your community.
Hope that helps :)
Salesforce has two different UIs and in accordance with it, it has the possibility to store attached files differently.
Two files were uploaded via the classic UI and they are marked as 'attachments'. Other files were uploaded through the new UI and they are marked as 'files'.
I want to upload all of these files using REST API. I cannot find the proper documentation. Can somebody help me with this?
That's not 100% true. In SF Classic UI you were able to upload Files too. It's "just" about knowing the right API name of the table and you'll find lots of examples online.
Attachment and Document objects have exactly same API names, you can view their definitions in SOAP API definition or in REST API explorer (there was something which you can still see in screenshot in here, seems to be down now, maybe they're moving it to another area in documentation...)
The Files (incl. "Chatter Files") are stored in ContentDocument and ContentVersion object. The name is unexpected because long time ago SF purchased another company's product and it was called "Salesforce Content". In beginning it was bit of mess, now it's better integrated into whole platform but still some things lurk like File folders can be called Libraries sometimes in documentation but actual API name is ContentWorkspace. The entity relationship diagram can help a bit:
ContentDocument is a header to which many places in SF link (imagine file wasting space on disk only once but being cross-linked from multiple records). It can have at least 1 version and if you need to update the document - you'd upload new version but all links in org wouldn't change, they'd still link to header.
So, how to use it?
REST API guide:
or maybe Chatter API guide (you tagged it with chatter so chances are you already use it):
some of my answers here might help (shameless plug). They're about upload and reading data too and one is even about data loader... but you might experiment with exporting files first, get familiar with structure before you load?
I am trying to move document libraries, from one site collection to another and retain of the metadata such as Modified By, Date Modified etc.
I have tried using the 'move' function within SharePoint 2013 Content and Structure but unfortunately this doesn't extend to across site collections.
I have tried multiple PowerShell scripts they successfully copy the file from one Site Collection to another but do not retain the metadata.
Any ideas, would be greatly appreciated.
have you tried saving the library as a template? You can mark the template to keep the contents.
Then you can deploy a new library from that template (Site actions / More options / Template name), and after that delete the template.
Additionally you can move it between servers. Go to the Site settings, there to the template gallery and download the template you just created. Now you can move it to another server or application.
Hope it helps.
Take a look at the SharePoint migration tools. Some of them offer free trials for limited amounts of data.
I would like to be able to use "manage content and structure" to move sub-sites within a site collection (SharePoint 2010). For example I have a site that is right under my top level site and I would like to move it to be the child site of one of its' current peers.
There is some concern from admins that this creates a mess in the content DB, therefore all moves should be done using powershell export/import.
Can anyone tell me, technically, what happens when we use the move command in "content and structure" within a site collection and if there are known issues with it?
Moving sub sites around within a site collection is no problem. They had the exact same command for moving sites in SharePoint 2007, and it worked.
When you click the button, what likely happens is there is a stored procedure that executes and moves all the data to the new location.
Databases are designed to handle the all these changes. You don't create more of a "mess" in the content database by moving a site around compared to the daily "mess" of adding new documents to document libraries all over the place. In fact doing a PowerShell export, delete old site, import process is probably more messy because the old site isn't 'deleted' it's moved to the "Recycle Bin". And some of the GUID's associated with the site will be changed on the import.
Basically my recommendation is use the Move command to move sites around as that's the easiest thing to do, and don't worry about the database, because it just works.
I'm trying to put together the following system, and I'd like some advice, from "don't do it" to "just install X and it will do it"
Stage 1: have a folder somewhere dedicated to documents. Anyone from the team can put files there, edit files, create folders, etc. Let this location be indexed by a search-engine, e.g. Solr and thus accessible.
Q: Do I need some special indexing/crawling system separate from the search engine?
Stage 2: have a bot mail-user that whenever it receives e-mail, it stores it in said folder.
Q: Is this easy to do? We use outlook exchange, but we have also Linux servers if it makes things easier.
Stage 3: add some logic while storing the e-mails: e.g. put same-subject e-mails in the same folder.
Q: How do you do that?
I'm helping a friend transfer a site to a new server who uses Actinic to run a small catalogue of items.
I've transferred the files over to the new server, but I need to change a few configuration settings for Actinic, as the old server stored files in
But the new one uses
Does anyone know which files I need to edit to do this? I can't get in touch with my friend at the moment as he is on holiday.
Any advice appreciated.
Are you referring to Actinic, a company that makes e-commerce solutions? You do not specify which product you are trying to use, but since this is a commercial product, I would suggest simply contacting your vendor or service representative.
It's just a case of changing Network settings in Actinic Application. I'm not sure if you can just copy files from one server and put them into another. It's highly unlikely this will work. Also check if new host is compatible with Actinic. A lot of Actinic websites use secure connections.
Actinic boils down to 2 folders -
Images and site files go into the acatalog folder
Pear files etc go into the CGI-BIN folder