How to set up a CloudSQL Postgres to CloudSQL Postgres stream replication (not using CE), in different accounts - google-cloud-sql

IM having some trouble to identify the steps required to do a PITR backup , restore and replication resume using CloudSQL servers manually. The issue seems to me not trivial since they are on separate accounts. May i ask some directions on this? Maybe a strategy using logical replication may help, but to resynchronize LSN is the real deal here


Postgres Replication with no configuration access

I am currently working with a Managed Instance from TimescaleDB and have incoming data. Now, I am setting up another instance, but this time it will be self-hosted and managed by me.
As such, I would like to setup some sort of replication so that the data coming into the managed instance is accessible in the self-hosted one (after a while, does not have to be live). I've looked into setting up replication with WAL streaming, however I've run into an issue.
Most replication workflows require changes in postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf files which I cannot access (Managed instance). TimescaleDB support also says modifying this is not possible.
Is there a way to achieve this, without access to those files?

Multi cloud PostgreSQL replication

I have an Azure-managed PostgreSQL database.
I want to create a logical replica of it at GCP, (Google-managed, if possible).
At Azure, I've set the Azure replication support to Logical. However, this just seems to allow me to create replicas inside Azure. What I want is to create a replica in GCP.
If this was not Azure-managed, but self-managed, I would be able to create a tunnel from Azure to GCP and then do the WAL copy replication.
One might wonder: why? Because I don't want to be locked with one vendor.
If that cross-cloud replication is not possible, what's the easiest way to pull the entire database off (possibly not just the data with pgdump, but all its internals too).
While this question is Azure -> GCP, it seems other alternatives like GCP -> AWS or other vendors are also not supported. Or what am I missing?
Cross-Cloud Replication from Azure Source PostgreSQL to GCP destination CloudSQL through Conventional Native Logical Replication is possible and I've tested that it's working. I'm sure that it would work for self managed database too.

How does RDS replicate a Postgres database through multiple availability zones

Is there some kind of native Postgres tool they use, or is it a custom one? Are the replicas always in sync or do they drift apart from time to time?
With Multi-AZ RDS replication is synchronous. And since AWS like to be in full control of their software, it’s most likely a customised replication (but I couldn’t tell you for sure).

real-time sync between local Postgres instance and Azure Cloud Postgres instance

I need to set up real time sync process between a on premise postgresql instance with cloud postgresql instance. Please let me know what are all the options available through which i can achieve it.
Do i have to use any specific tool or it can be managed through replication .
Please advice
Use PgPool
from their web page:
pgpool-II can manage multiple PostgreSQL servers. Using the replication function enables creating a realtime backup on 2 or more physical disks, so that the service can continue without stopping servers in case of a disk failure.

Replicate data from one RDS server to another

Can we replicate data from one RDS server to another? Or can we set master slave relationship between two RDS servers?
Should we replicate data from non RDS instance to RDS instance?
RDS can replicate from external mysql and also be a master of an external slave. It depends on your usecase if you "should" do it.
While i guess you could setup replication between two RDS instances yourself I don't see why you should since starting a RDS read replica is just a few clicks in AWS console or an api call.
It can be possible to replicate data from RDS to RDS. It is also possible to replicate data from RDS to some other MySQL server.
You can go creating your ec2 server and install MySQL.
Change configuration to replicate data.
That will require additional work to manage ec2 instance in case if your data is increasing and crossing the server limits
Then you have to do all the manual work again to replicate data as we can't increase storage in ec2 server.
RDS provides an easy mechanism to create Read replica via a few clicks. (Note: replica is quite a costlier option.)
But going with that you will save manual work one person salary who will be managing the database and doing these setups regularly.
If you are using postgresql database on RDS then you can use bucardo for asynchronous replication. You need to create a EC2 or use can use local system also but it will not be fast enough.
Use the following tutorial if you want to use bucardo.
I think you can using snapshot to clone another rds database