Instantiating Objects at Different Intervals Unity - unity3d

I am trying to make a 3D jumping game where my character is standing still and the objects and background are moving towards him to make it seem like he is running. I have a bunch of models for buildings that I am instantiating using an empty game object that I use as a spawner. I want the buildings to spawn one after each other, so whenever one building has moved far enough and left enough space the next one should spawn. I first tried to do this with InvokeRepeating, but the buildings are different widths so it does not work well with a constant repeat rate. I then tried to put a collider on my spawner and spawn a building whenever the spawner collider is not colliding with anything, but it seems to just spawn buildings infinitely. Is there a way to fix this or a better way to do this?

There are many different ways of doing this.
The most straightforward is possibly to let each building spawn the next one, as I assume they each know how wide they are and thus when it's time for the next.

Well , first things first your problem is looking more like a design problem. I would recommend searching things like "procedural world building" , also object pooling. There is lots of examples of runner games that do what you describe.
You can check the palyer position to instantiate , you can create parts of the road as prefabs , make lots and lots of prefabs and instantiate them as you go etc. The question you asked is simply too wide to give an actual answer. So if you have any more spesific questions , it'll be nice to answer !


How to create Spell Indicator Combat

I'm trying to do a League of Legends style combat. I have some ways that I have thought about doing it. I could use a range of vector 3's and say that if the enemy is in between those then the ability would hit. I could also use a collider that is a child to the player.
Both of these ways seem okay but I'm sure there is a more effective way.
This asset pack actually seems quite on point to what I'm attempting if anyone needs reference.

VR: How to form hands around object they are holding in Unreal?

I'm working on a VR project in Unreal and I'd like my player hands to form to certain objects whenever the user grabs them. (I.e. the way our hands work) Unfortunately, I haven't really found any examples online of others doing this.
For example, I'd like when the user picks up say a hand held tool like a hammer that the hand would wrap around the handle. When the user grabs a basketball the hand shouldn't be closed but, expanded like a you would if you were to palm a basketball in real life.
I haven't done a lot of testing with this but, I'm pretty sure since the hands are based off of a Animation Blueprint that they simply ignore collisions and follow the animation.
I guess the simplest solution would probably be based off of collision where the hand plays an animation and as the fingers of the hand wrap around the object they stop at that position where they collide with the object in question. If it is even possible that is.

How to ensure sprites face the correct direction at all times in a 2D top down game. (logic)

I am making a multiplayer top down 2D game with 3d elements. All my movement, healthbars and basic functionality is working flawlessly even while hosted and playing on a server, node.js However In this game it is possible to move the camera like in Realm of the mad god.
in case you are in doubt here is a video:
This of course means that the players can end up being upside down with regards to each other and I cannot find a solution that works in all regards to make sure the sprites of the other players are always facing the correct direction with regards to their movement.
I have made several solution to this problem which cover most scenarios but while play testing other things we always end up noticing that the sprites sometimes face the wrong directions. So I am wondering if anyone has an answer, the logic, the fixing this problem.
Things I have tried:
Adding a gameobject to the camera to which all sprites asses their change in distance and determine their facing direction based off that information. (this leads to the players sometimes flipping erratically when the camera is moved and they as well are moving as sometimes they may be moving slower and there although moving left the camera approaches from the right and that flips them)
Adding a gameobject to the world which allows all sprites to have a fixed point to which they can measure their change in distance and therefore also know what direction to face (this worked somewhat better as they always know what direction they have to face, however once the player is upside down everything is inverted)
Emitting to the other players wether I am upside down or not in order to try to reinvert the above solution in the case I am upside down. (I could not find a good way to do this, and it got me thinking that this must be a problem people have fixed before many times and perhaps someone know of a good solution that works.)
thank you all for your input.
I seem to have found a solution for this issue that works decently well. Keeping in mind that I do not want to have the server being involved in this and I would rather have each individual sprite know its direction rather that have something heavy trying to determine this logic I came up with the following solution. May not be the best but it works. Still very keen to hear other solutions.
On my main character I have a switch case, which changes depending on the players rotation in the world. I need this switch case anyway for fixing ( that issue.
As the cases change I simply place the gameobject that I want the sprites to compare their distance to at 1 of 4 positions. YPos, YNeg, XPos, XNeg. Meaning that the sprite now determines its facing direction based on a gameobject that is placed in accordance with the Players position. without having to place it on the camera.
I will update if during further play tests this gives me trouble but thus far it works in the all the cases I need it to.
Still very willing to hear other solutions to this problem.
Thank you.

Best way to create different zones in Unity?

this is my demo lvl, made in blender:
think of it as two prallel walls,, the player can walk "through" them, exiting and entering the tunnel at any point
what i want is, to have a flag on the player,.. player inside the tunnel? = true.. outside = false. and the flag is updated at all times
so i had few solutions in mind .. i'll list them .. im a beginner, and i think there has to be a better way than what i have in mind . so bear with me
1- ray casting... have multiple nodes scattered across the tunnel, especially at corners.. if the player can raycast the nearest node, without the ray hitting the wall first.. then he is inside.. ..
well, this may have many problems.. no need to list them all :D
2- trigger zones.. have huge cube meshes around the tunnel. once the player leaves the zone mesh.. he is flagged outside..
great, except that it wont be accurate, as the wall is curvy as hell :D . .
3- draw a plane between the tunnel walls.. as in floor.. if the player is ontop of that specific plane. then he is inside the tunnel
thing is, i dont plan to make a floor.. but if i have to. then be it
4- draw a train of low resolution cubes , along and inside the walls.. and make them act as triggors.. so each time the player crosses the wall, he will pass through them, and they will trigger.. i might have to have two parallel trains at each side.. to figure out, whether the player is actually leaving the tunnel, or entering it
i know its a very basic question, but i think i can do better than the previous solutions i offered :(
You could use the solution 2, the triggers can overlap and have different shapes (box, sphere). This way you can get a more accurate tunnel information.
Aways try to avoid mesh colliders due performance issues.
Just in case:

Unity: Third Person Collision with Animated Platforms

first time posting on stack and everything looks promising so far! I had a bit of a complicated question here so I'll do my best to provide exact details of what I'd like to get accomplished. I'm working with a third person controller in unity, so far everything is going great. I've dabbled with basic up and down platforms, a little glitchy but things work. Anytime my player runs through a mesh I make sure the mesh collider is working and a 'rigid-body' is attached set to Kinematic. Here's the kicker, in my game I have turning gears which the player can jump on. This is great except for the player doesn't turn with my gear, which would make sense according to my game-play. What would be the process for getting my character to interact with this animated mesh? I imagine some sort of script which my nooby mind cannot fathom at this point in my unity career. If anyone out there knows the solution to this, I would love to have any assistance, either way I'll plugging away at a solution. Thanks again!!
This is assuming that you're using the packages that ship with Unity3D, which it sounds like you are. After importing the Character Controllers package, you'll have a bunch of scripts in the Standard Assets\Character Controllers\Sources\Scripts folder, in the project hierarchy view. There's a script in there called CharacterMotor.js, attach that to the same GameObject you're running ThirdPersonController on.
Essentially this script adds more interactivity between the character and the scene. There's several methods inside this script that automatically move the character when in contact with a moving object (as long as it has a collision mesh) basically by inheriting the object's velocity.
If your gear/cog wheel has a proper collision mesh set up, adding this script to your character should be all that you require.