Pick up changes in json files that are being read by pyspark readstream? - pyspark

I have json files where each file describes a particular entity, including it's state. I am trying to pull these into Delta by using readStream and writeStream. This is working perfectly for new files. These json files are frequently updated (i.e., states are changed, comments added, history items added, etc.). The changed json files are not pulled in with the readStream. I assume that is because readStream does not reprocess items. Is there a way around this?
One thing I am considering is changing my initial write of the json to add a timestamp to the file name so that it becomes a different record to the stream (I already have to do a de-duping in my writeStream anyway), but I am trying to not modify the code that is writing the json as it is already being used in production.
Ideally I would like to find something like the changeFeed functionality for Cosmos Db, but for reading json files.
Any suggestions?

This is not supported by the Spark Structured Streaming - after file is processed it won't be processed again.
The closest to your requirement is only exist in Databricks' Autoloader - it has option cloudFiles.allowOverwrites option that allows to reprocess modified files.
P.S. Potentially if you use cleanSource option for file source (https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/structured-streaming-programming-guide.html#input-sources), then it may reprocess files, but I'm not 100% sure.


How to do duplicate file check in DataStage?

For instance
File A Loaded then next day
File B Loaded then next day
This time Again, File A received this time sequence should be abort
Can anyone help me out with this
There are multiple ways to solve this, but please don't do intentionally aborts as they're most likely boomerangs.
Keep track of filenames and file hashes (like MD5sum) in a table and compare the list before loading. If the file is known, handle/ignore it.
Just read the file again as if it was new or updated. Compare old data with new data using the Change Capture stage, handle data as needed, e.g. write changed and new data to target. (recommended)
I would not recommend writing a sequence that "should abort" as this is not the goal of an ETL process. If the file contains the very same content that is already known, just ignore it. If it has updated data, handle it as needed. Only abort, if there is a technical issue, e.g. the file given is wrong formatted. An abort of a job should indicate that something is wrong with the job. When you get a file twice, then it's not the job that failed.
If an error was found in the data that needs to be fixed by others, write the information about it to a table. Have a another independend process monitoring that table to tell the data producer about it (via dashboard, email,...).

Is it possible to merge Azure Data Factory data flows

I have two separate Data flows in Azure Data Factory, and I want to combine them into a single Data flow.
There is a technique for copying elements from one Data flow to another, as described in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_1I4XdoBKQ
This does not work for Source or Sink stages, though. The Script elements do not contain the Dataset that the Source or Sink is connected to, and if you try to copy them, the designer window closes and the Data flow is corrupted. The details are in the JSON, but I have tried copying and pasting into the JSON and that doesn't work either - the source appears on the canvas, but is not usable.
Does anyone know if there is a technique for doing this, other than just manually recreating the objects on the canvas?
Thanks Leon for confirming that this isn't supported, here is my workaround process.
Open the Data Flow that will receive the merged code.
Open the Data Flow that contains the code to merge in.
Go through the to-be-merged flow and change the names of any transformations that clash with the names of transformations in the target flow.
Manually create, in the target flow, any Sources that did not already exist.
Copy the entire script out of the to-be-merged flow into a text editor.
Remove the Sources and Sinks.
Copy the remaining transformations into the clipboard, and paste them in to the target flow's script editor.
Manually create the Sinks, remembering to set all properties such as "Allow Update".
Be prepared that, if you make a mistake and paste in something that is not correct, then the flow editor window will close and the flow will be unusable. The only way to recover it is to refresh and discard all changes since you last published, so don't do this if you have other unpublished changes that you don't want to lose!
I have already established a practice in our team that no mappings are done in Sinks. All mappings are done in Derived Column transformations, and any column name ambiguity is resolved in a Select transformations, so the Sink is always just auto-map. That makes operations like this simpler.
It should be possible to keep the Source definitions in Step 6, remove the Source elements from the target script, and paste the new Sources in to replace them, but that's a little more complex and error-prone.

Is there a way to add literals as columns to a spark dataframe when reading the multiple files at once if the column values depend on the filepath?

I'm trying to read a lot of avro files into a spark dataframe. They all share the same s3 filepath prefix, so initially I was running something like:
path = "s3a://bucketname/data-files"
df = spark.read.format("avro").load(path)
which was successfully identifying all the files.
The individual files are something like:
Upon attempting to manipulate the data, the code kept errorring out, with a message that one of the files was not an Avro data file. The actual error message received is: org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted due to stage failure: Task 62476 in stage 44102.0 failed 4 times, most recent failure: Lost task 62476.3 in stage 44102.0 (TID 267428,, executor 9): java.io.IOException: Not an Avro data file.
To circumvent the problem, I was able to get the explicit filepaths of the avro files I'm interested in. After putting them in a list (file_list), I was successfully able to run spark.read.format("avro").load(file_list).
The issue now is this - I'm interested in adding a number of fields to the dataframe that are part of the filepath (ie. the timestamp and the id from the example above).
While using just the bucket and prefix filepath to find the files (approach #1), these fields were automatically appended to the resulting dataframe. With the explicit filepaths, I don't get that advantage.
I'm wondering if there's a way to include these columns while using spark to read the files.
Sequentially processing the files would look something like:
for file in file_list:
df = spark.read.format("avro").load(file)
id, timestamp = parse_filename(file)
df = df.withColumn("id", lit(id))\
.withColumn("timestamp", lit(timestamp))
but there are over 500k files and this would take an eternity.
I'm new to Spark, so any help would be much appreciated, thanks!
Two separate things to tackle here:
Specifying Files
Spark has built in handling for reading all files of a particular type in a given path. As #Sri_Karthik suggested, try supplying a path like "s3a://bucketname/data-files/*.avro" (if that doesn't work, maybe try "s3a://bucketname/data-files/**/*.avro"... i can't remember the exact pattern matching syntax spark uses), which should grab all avro files only and get rid of that error where you are seeing non-avro files in those paths. In my opinion this is more elegant than manually fetching the file paths and explicitly specifying them.
As an aside, the reason you are seeing this is likely because folders typically get marked with metadata files like .SUCCESS or .COMPLETED to indicate they are are ready for consumption.
Extracting metadata from filepaths
If you check out this stackoverflow question, it shows how you can add the filename as a new column (both for scala and pyspark). You could then use the regexp_extract function to parse out the desired elements from that filename string. I've never used scala in spark so can't help you there, but it should be similar to the pyspark version.
Why dont you try to read the files first by using wholetextfiles method and add the path name into the data itself at the beginning. Then you can filter out the file names from the data and add it as a column while creating the dataframe. I agree it's a two step process. But it should work. To get a timestamp of file you will need filesystem object which js not serializable , i.e. it cant be used in sparks parallelized operation , So you will have to create a local collection with file and timestamp and join it somehow with the RDD you created with wholetextfiles.

Azure Data factory, How to incrementally copy blob data to sql

I have a azure blob container where some json files with data gets put every 6 hours and I want to use Azure Data Factory to copy it to an Azure SQL DB. The file pattern for the files are like this: "customer_year_month_day_hour_min_sec.json.data.json"
The blob container also has other json data files as well so I have filter for the files in the dataset.
First question is how can I set the file path on the blob dataset to only look for the json files that I want? I tried with the wildcard *.data.json but that doesn't work. The only filename wildcard I have gotten to work is *.json
Second question is how can I copy data only from the new files (with the specific file pattern) that lands in the blob storage to Azure SQL? I have no control of the process that puts the data in the blob container and cannot move the files to another location which makes it harder.
Please help.
You could use ADF event trigger to achieve this.
Define your event trigger as 'blob created' and specify the blobPathBeginsWith and blobPathEndsWith property based on your filename pattern.
For the first question, when an event trigger fires for a specific blob, the event captures the folder path and file name of the blob into the properties #triggerBody().folderPath and #triggerBody().fileName. You need to map the properties to pipeline parameters and pass #pipeline.parameters.parameterName expression to your fileName in copy activity.
This also answers the second question, each time the trigger is fired, you'll get the fileName of the newest created files in #triggerBody().folderPath and #triggerBody().fileName.
I understand your situation. Seems they've used a new platform to recreate a decades old problem. :)
The patter I would setup first looks something like:
Create a Storage Account Trigger that will fire on every new file in the source container.
In the triggered Pipeline, examine the blog name to see if it fits your parameters. If no, just end, taking no action. If so, binary copy the blob to a account/container your app owns, leaving the original in place.
Create another Trigger on your container that runs the import Pipeline.
Run your import process.
Couple caveats your management has to understand. You can be very, very reliable, but cannot guarantee compliance because there is no transaction/contract between you and the source container. Also, there may be a sequence gap since a small file can usually process while a larger file is processing.
If for any reason you do miss a file, all you need to do is copy it to your container where your process will pick it up. You can load all previous blobs in the same way.

Using each plugin in Nutch separately

I'm using extractor plugin with Nutch-1.15. The plugin makes use of parsed data.
The plugin works fine when used as a whole. The problem arises when a few changes are made to the custom-extractos.xml file.
The entire crawling process needs to be restarted even if there is a small change in the custom-extractors.xml file.
Is there a way that single plugin can be used separately on parsed data?
Since this plugin is a Parser filter, it must be used as part of the Parse step, and is not stand-alone.
However, there are a number of things you can do.
If you are looking to change the configuration on the fly (only affecting newly parsed documents), you can use the extractor.file property to specify any location on the HDFS, and replace this file as needed, it will be read by each task.
If you are want to reapply the changes to previously parsed documents, the answer is dependent on the specifics of your crawl, but you may be able to run the parse step again using nutch parse on old segments (you will need to delete the existing parse folders in the segments).