Permission denied for file in scripts folder - deployment

I've getting permission denied upon running scripts/ prod in wsl2. Am I supposed to run a chmod command?
I've previously tried to follow this -bash: ./ Permission denied , ERROR: script returned exit code 126 by entering chmod +x scripts/ but when I tried running scripts/ prod it tells me the file doesn't exist.
Could someone kindly advice? Thank you!
Here's evidence that the file is there:


VSCode won't install extension - Permission denied

I am having a problem installing extensions on VSCode on macOS Catalina. In console says permission denied. When I checked permission, I have read and write permission and still won't install.
I couldn't find the respective solution to the error so eventually posting here and seeking help to fix the issue.
Error Message
extensionsActions.ts:265 Error: Unable to write file
(NoPermissions (FileSystemError): Error: EACCES: permission denied,
open '/Users/me/Library/Application
Of course, the issue was permission. Fixed by change ownership of the folder CachedExtensionVSIXs
User this command to fix it
sudo chown -R ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/CachedExtensionVSIXs
Or lead to the Code folder ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code and run the below command
sudo chown -R CachedExtensionVSIXs

Permission denied

I've been with this problem for a long time and I would like to clarify this problem, since the documentation doesn't say much.
[FATAL tini (6)] exec /sbin/ failed: Permission denied
What is tini?
Why the error with the permissions?
COPY /sbin/
ENTRYPOINT ["tini", "--", "/sbin/"]
I know I'm a little late but seconding #ARK, you need to give execute permissions to the But use the following command after COPY /sbin/ (note the lowercase chmod and a RUN command) -
RUN chmod +x /sbin/
You have to give execute permissions after you copy the file to the image. Add the following line after COPY /sbin/ -
RUN chmod +x /sbin/

Nohup command cause an error

I follow some tutorial about queuing on laravel and run it on the background, with this command
sudo nohup php artisan queue:work --daemon --tries=3
After awhile, i want to update my code, with command
git add .
but i got this error
error: open("nohup.out"): Permission denied
error: unable to index file nohup.out
fatal: adding files failed
I assume it comes from above command.
How can i solve this?
thanks man, really confused now!
Sorry for late,
Can you see that file to include? I say if you use:
git status
Then if you cant, try with chmod 777 to give all permissions.

Matlab startup error permission denied

The error message is as follows. How to deal with this trouble?
Error using
Cannot CD to C:\Users\dell\AppData\Local\Temp (Directory permission
The following worked for me:
1 - Go into the MATLAB installation directory using terminal.
2 - Change installation file type in the sense of permission and execution:
sudo chmod +x install
3 - Run installer:
sudo ./install
Apparently the aforementioned method provides permission in the necessary steps.

unable to set up spark notebook getting the no such command error and permission denied errors

I am trying to run spark notebook on my machine and I followed the procedure mentioned in "spark notebook io". During this procedure, I am giving the command bin/spark-notebook, in the terminal, and I am getting
Error: permission denied
and when I am using sudo bin/spark-notebook I am getting
Error: no such command
How can I resolve this issue?
Changing permissions fixed the bin/spark-notebook command for me. Go to the folder containing the parent of the bin folder (I renamed mine sparknotebook). Then execute chmod 755 sparknotebook and you should be able to proceed with cd sparknotebook and bin/spark-notebook should work.
Similar to Ricky, I changed the access permissions, but with the following command worked for me:
chmod +x [name of root directory of the expanded distribution]
I just run
sudo chmod +x bin/spark-notebook
on my macbook air and it works