How to open Flutter app mobile view in desktop or laptop browser? - flutter

How to run Flutter web(designed for mobile) in Desktop or Laptop browser as mobile view without inspect(becoz I don't want developer tools)
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I have integrated google dialog flow with my flutter project it is responding when running it as desktop app, but not responding as mob app (apk file)

I am developing a chat bot app in which i have used google dialog flow platform and integrated it to my flutter project, it is working and responding normally when running it on desktop but when i m creating it apk file and running it on mobile device then bot is not responding any question.
as I am getting responses here while running on desktop but it is not answering and question when running its apk file on mobile

Firebase storage image is not showing on flutter web desktop

So I am using firebase for my flutter web project but the image is not showing on the desktop version and showing on android chrome. using firebase hosting and domain so cros access I think should not be a problem or is it. I dont know

using flutter to build a browser application

I want to start working on a new browser application for ios devices. Can I use flutter and the webview_flutter plugin to build a custom browser like google chrome or monzila for IOS Devices

Unable to trigger Windows desktop icon install of pwa (progressive web app), using a tested manifest which works on mobile

PWA works fine on mobile browsers. It does not trigger an icon install on windows desktops. also is there a way to link to the windows store app from the pwa ?

Appium and android stock browser

I have Samsung device with stock browser that called Internet.
The device is over 4.4 version.
I'm trying to remote debug the stock browser on a real device without success.
Already succeeded to remote debug chrome.
Is it possible on a real device and not on emulator?
The problem is just Samsung's stock browser
Hi!, Appium started to work with Android's stock browser (named.. Browser) since v1.3, the actual problem is the Samsung stock browser isn't Browser, it's Internet! These both apps are different (shame on Samsung!, not Appium guys fault). All other Android distributions that stock browser is Browser are working fine with Appium >= v1.3 as I've said before.
Emulator stock browser is Browser, that's why it's working for you on Emulator!
Why Appium doesn't work with Samsung's stock browser?
Appium are built to work with Chromium WebView (present on Chrome and Browser) , and Internet does not have it. So it doesn't work with Appium now, and probably won't work never, as Appium's maintainers does not have any interest to do the automation outside Chromium WebView. See this issue for more information:
Ok, but how do I use Appium with Samsung devices?
So, the only solution is installing Chrome into your samsung device.
If you can't access the store to install the Chrome app, you can download and install manually the Chrome APK into your device (or other browser that uses Chromium webview, such as Chromium and ContentShell).
PS: ContentShell is basically only Chromium webview, without favorites, bookmarks and other common browser stuff, so it's pretty good for Appium testing.