Сonvert the coefficients of the Hermite polynomial into a function - matlab

I want to make a function from the output of Matlab Hermite function (for example, if we had an output from Hermite function [8 0 -12 0] it would be 8x^3 - 12x polynomial) and then integrate this function using the Simpson's 3/8 Rule.
I have already created a function in Matlab that integrate any function using this rule and also I have created function that returns coefficients of Hermite's polynomial (with the recursion relation) in the vector form.
My questions:
If it's possible, in Hermite function I want from this output [8 0 -12 0] make this output 8x^3 - 12x. This output I will able to integrate. How can I do this?
Can I combine these two functions and integrate Hermite's polynomial without convention the output of the first function?
Code of Hermite polynomial function, where n is the order of the polynomial:
function h = hermite_rec(n)
if( 0==n ), h = 1;
elseif( 1==n ), h = [2 0];
h1 = zeros(1,n+1);
h1(1:n) = 2*hermite_rec(n-1);
h2 = zeros(1,n+1);
h2(3:end) = 2*(n-1)*hermite_rec(n-2);
h = h1 - h2;
Code of Simpson function, that integrate function using the Simpson 3/8 Rule. a is a lower limit of integral, b is a upper limit of integral:
n = 3;
h = (b-a)/(3*n); %3h = (b-a)/n
for i=1:n
IS2 = IS2+(f(a+(3*i-3)*h) + 3*f(a+(3*i-2)*h) + 3*f(a+(3*i-1)*h) + f(a+(3*i)*h))*3*h/8;
Thank you for any advice!

To create a polynomial function given its coefficients, you can use polyval (see also anonynmous functions):
p = [1 2]; % example. This represents the polynomial x+2
f = #(x) polyval(p, x); % anonymous function of x, assigned to function handle f
Now f is a function that you can integrate numerically.
If you want to include this directly as part of your Hermite function, just add something like this at the end:
h = #(x) polyval(p, x);
Then the Hermite function will return a function (handle) representing the Hermite polynomial.


How do i get aproximation of a function?

I have the following function :
f (t) = 0.05sin(1000t)+0.5cos(pit)-0.4*(10*t)
t are points distributed equidistantly between [0,1] for which i calculate values of f .
The following pairs (ti,f(ti)) are inputs for aproximation of function f with Lagrange and Least Squares.
This is what i tried, but doesn't seem to work, because i'm not sure if i'm doing f right
%Main function
f = 0.05*sin(1000*t)+0.5*cos(pi*t)-0.4*sin(10*t);
lagrange(t,f); % returns coeficients of Lagrange polynomial of rank 1
least_squares(t,f) % returns coeficients of polynomial of rank n using least squares method
This is the lagrange function:
function[L] = lagrange(x,y)
n = length(x);
lj= zeros(1,n)
Lj= zeros(n);
for j=jr
mr=jr(jr~=j);%m-range 1<=m<=n, m~=j
And the least_squares function:
function [yR] =least_squares(x,y)
for i=1:length(x)
a=[a;x(i) 1];

Integral in Matlab

I have 3 equations:
f = (exp(-x.^2)).*(log(x)).^2
g = exp(-x.^2)
h = (log(x)).^2
The interval is:
x = 0.05:10
I am able to correctly plot the equations but when I try to find an integral, it says that there is an error.
The code I used to find an integral is:
The integrals for f and g are from 0 to infinity and the integral for h is from 0 to 10. None of my code to find integrals works.
You need to define f,g,h as functions like shown below. See documentation of integral(), it takes a function as its first argument. Matlab integral documentation
x = 0.05:10
f = #(x) (exp(-x.^2)).*(log(x)).^2
g = #(x) exp(-x.^2)
h = #(x) (log(x)).^2
integral(f,0,Inf) % 1.9475
integral(g,0,inf) % 0.8862
integral(h,0,10) % 26.9673
h = #(x) (log(x)).^2
This syntax is called anonymous functions, basically they are nameless functions. In above case it takes x as input and returns log(x) squared.
From now on h is a function and it can be used like this.
h(1) % will be equal 0
For more on anonymous functions refer to matlab anonymous functions guide:
Anonymous Functions

Taylor Method ODE

I am trying to implement the Taylor method for ODEs in MatLab:
My code (so far) looks like this...
function [x,y] = TaylorEDO(f, a, b, n, y0)
% syms t
% x = sym('x(t)'); % x(t)
% f = (t^2)*x+x*(1-x);
h = (b - a)/n;
fprime = diff(f);
f2prime = diff(fprime);
y(0) = y0,
for i=1:n
T((i-1)*h, y(i-1), n) = double(f((i-1)*h, y(i-1)))+(h/2)*fprime((i-1)*h, y(i-1))
y(i+1) = w(i) + h*T(t(i), y(i), n);
I was trying to use symbolic variables, but I don´t know if/when I have to use double.
I also tried this other code, which is from a Matlab function, but I do not understand how f should enter the code and how this df is calculated.
As error using the function from this link, I got:
>> taylor('f',0,2,0,20)
Error using feval
Undefined function 'df' for input arguments of type 'double'.
Error in TaylorEDO (line 28)
D = feval('df',tj,yj)
The f I used here was
syms t
x = sym('x(t)'); % x(t)
f = (t^2)*x+x*(1-x);
This is a numerical method, so it needs numerical functions. However, some of them are computed from the derivatives of the function f. For that, you need symbolic differentiation.
Relevant Matlab commands are symfun (create a symbolic function) and matlabFunction (convert a symbolic function to numerical).
The code you have so far doesn't seem salvageable. You need to start somewhere closer to basics, e.g., "Matlab indices begin at 1". So I'll fill the gap (computation of df) in the code you linked to. The comments should explain what is going on.
function [T,Y] = taylor(f,a,b,ya,m)
syms t y
dfs(1) = symfun(f, [t y]); % make sure that the function has 2 arguments, even if the user passes in something like 2*y
for k=1:3
dfs(k+1) = diff(dfs(k),t)+f*diff(dfs(k),y); % the idea of Taylor method: calculate the higher derivatives of solution from the ODE
df = matlabFunction(symfun(dfs,[t y])); % convert to numerical function; again, make sure it has two variables
h = (b - a)/m; % the rest is unchanged except one line
T = zeros(1,m+1);
Y = zeros(1,m+1);
T(1) = a;
Y(1) = ya;
for j=1:m
tj = T(j);
yj = Y(j);
D = df(tj,yj); % syntax change here; feval is unnecessary with the above approach to df
Y(j+1) = yj + h*(D(1)+h*(D(2)/2+h*(D(3)/6+h*D(4)/24)));
T(j+1) = a + h*j;
Example of usage:
syms t y
[T, Y] = taylor(t*y, 0, 1, 2, 100);

Get coefficients of symbolic polynomial in Matlab

I have a Matlab function that returns a polynomial of the form:
poly = ax^2 + bx*y + cy^2
where a, b, and c are constants, and x and y are symbolic (class sym).
I want to get the coefficients of the polynomial in the form [a b c], but I'm running into the following problem. If the function returns poly = y^2, then coeffs(poly) = 1. I don't want this – I want it to return [0 0 1].
How can I create a function that will give me the coefficients of a symbolic polynomial in the form that I want?
You can use sym2poly if your polynomial is a function of a single variable like your example y^2:
syms y
p = 2*y^2+3*y+4;
c = sym2poly(p)
which returns
c =
2 3 4
Use fliplr(c) if you really want the coefficients in the other order. If you're going to be working with polynomials it would probably also be a good idea not to create a variable called poly, which is the name of a function you might want to use.
If you actually need to handle polynomials in multiple variables, you can use MuPAD functions from within Matlab. Here is how you can use MuPAD's coeff to get the coefficients in terms of the order of variable they precede (x or y):
syms x y
p = 2*x^2+3*x*y+4*y;
v = symvar(p);
c = eval(feval(symengine,'coeff',p,v))
If you want to extract all of the information from the polynomial, the poly2list function is quite helpful:
syms x y
p = 2*x^2+3*x*y+4*y;
v = symvar(p);
m = eval(feval(symengine,'poly2list',p,v));
c = m(:,1); % Coefficients
degs = m(:,2:end); % Degree of each variable in each term
The polynomial can then be reconstructed via:
sum(c.*prod(repmat(v,[size(m,1) 1]).^degs,2))
By the way, good choice on where you go to school. :-)
There is also an alternative to this problem. For a given degree, this function returns a polynomial of that degree and its coefficients altogether.
function [polynomial, coefficeint] = makePoly(degree)
syms x y
previous = 0 ;
for i=0:degree
current = expand((x+y)^i);
previous= current + previous ;
[~,poly] = coeffs(previous);
for j= 1:length(poly)
coefficeint(j) = sym(strcat('a', int2str(j)) );
polynomial = fliplr(coefficeint)* poly.' ;
Hope this helps.

Using MATLAB to write a function that implements Newton's method in two dimensions

I am trying to write a function that implements Newton's method in two dimensions and whilst I have done this, I have to now adjust my script so that the input parameters of my function must be f(x) in a column vector, the Jacobian matrix of f(x), the initial guess x0 and the tolerance where the function f(x) and its Jacobian matrix are in separate .m files.
As an example of a script I wrote that implements Newton's method, I have:
n=0; %initialize iteration counter
eps=1; %initialize error
x=[1;1]; %set starting value
%Computation loop
while eps>1e-10&n<100
g=[x(1)^2+x(2)^3-1;x(1)^4-x(2)^4+x(1)*x(2)]; %g(x)
eps=abs(g(1))+abs(g(2)); %error
Jg=[2*x(1),3*x(2)^2;4*x(1)^3+x(2),-4*x(2)^3+x(1)]; %Jacobian
y=x-Jg\g; %iterate
x=y; %update x
n=n+1; %counter+1
n,x,eps %display end values
So with this script, I had implemented the function and the Jacobian matrix into the actual script and I am struggling to work out how I can actually create a script with the input parameters required.
If you don't mind, I'd like to restructure your code so that it is more dynamic and more user friendly to read.
Let's start with some preliminaries. If you want to make your script truly dynamic, then I would recommend that you use the Symbolic Math Toolbox. This way, you can use MATLAB to tackle derivatives of functions for you. You first need to use the syms command, followed by any variable you want. This tells MATLAB that you are now going to treat this variable as "symbolic" (i.e. not a constant). Let's start with some basics:
syms x;
y = 2*x^2 + 6*x + 3;
dy = diff(y); % Derivative with respect to x. Should give 4*x + 6;
out = subs(y, 3); % The subs command will substitute all x's in y with the value 3
% This should give 2*(3^2) + 6*3 + 3 = 39
Because this is 2D, we're going to need 2D functions... so let's define x and y as variables. The way you call the subs command will be slightly different:
syms x, y; % Two variables now
z = 2*x*y^2 + 6*y + x;
dzx = diff(z, 'x'); % Differentiate with respect to x - Should give 2*y^2 + 1
dzy = diff(z, 'y'); % Differentiate with respect to y - Should give 4*x*y + 6
out = subs(z, {x, y}, [2, 3]); % For z, with variables x,y, substitute x = 2, y = 3
% Should give 56
One more thing... we can place equations into vectors or matrices and use subs to simultaneously substitute all values of x and y into each equation.
syms x, y;
z1 = 3*x + 6*y + 3;
z2 = 3*y + 4*y + 4;
f = [z1; z2];
out = subs(f, {x,y}, [2, 3]); % Produces a 2 x 1 vector with [27; 25]
We can do the same thing for matrices, but for brevity I won't show you how to do that. I will defer to the code and you can see it then.
Now that we have that established, let's tackle your code one piece at a time to truly make this dynamic. Your function requires the initial guess x0, the function f(x) as a column vector, the Jacobian matrix as a 2 x 2 matrix and the tolerance tol.
Before you run your script, you will need to generate your parameters:
syms x y; % Make x,y symbolic
f1 = x^2 + y^3 - 1; % Make your two equations (from your example)
f2 = x^4 - y^4 + x*y;
f = [f1; f2]; % f(x) vector
% Jacobian matrix
J = [diff(f1, 'x') diff(f1, 'y'); diff(f2, 'x') diff(f2, 'y')];
% Initial vector
x0 = [1; 1];
% Tolerance:
tol = 1e-10;
Now, make your script into a function:
% To run in MATLAB, do:
% [n, xout, tol] = Jacobian2D(f, J, x0, tol);
% disp('n = '); disp(n); disp('x = '); disp(xout); disp('tol = '); disp(tol);
function [n, xout, tol] = Jacobian2D(f, J, x0, tol)
% Just to be sure...
syms x, y;
% Initialize error
ep = 1; % Note: eps is a reserved keyword in MATLAB
% Initialize counter
n = 0;
% For the beginning of the loop
% Must transpose into a row vector as this is required by subs
xout = x0';
% Computation loop
while ep > tol && n < 100
g = subs(f, {x,y}, xout); %g(x)
ep = abs(g(1)) + abs(g(2)); %error
Jg = subs(J, {x,y}, xout); %Jacobian
yout = xout - Jg\g; %iterate
xout = yout; %update x
n = n + 1; %counter+1
% Transpose and convert back to number representation
xout = double(xout');
I should probably tell you that when you're doing computation using the Symbolic Math Toolbox, the data type of the numbers as you're calculating them are a sym object. You probably want to convert these back into real numbers and so you can use double to cast them back. However, if you leave them in the sym format, it displays your numbers as neat fractions if that's what you're looking for. Cast to double if you want the decimal point representation.
Now when you run this function, it should give you what you're looking for. I have not tested this code, but I'm pretty sure this will work.
Happy to answer any more questions you may have. Hope this helps.