I have created a simple hello world java script application ( index.html and then index.js) which is running fine Chrome. Hosted the app in simple python http server ( as local , http://localhost:8080).
When the same I am trying to import as Tableau extension (at local Tableau desktop , starting in debug mode at port 8696) following the steps mentioned at Tableau documentation ( like creating manifest file etc. ) then the window is appearing as blank inside dashboard ( iframe).
The same app when I import as webpage inside tableau desktop then the page is appearing fine. Only as extension is not working, getting clueless after getting stuck with this issue since 3-4 days.
Any leads or help is much appreciated !
I have already created and designed my MATLAB app in App Designer, where it currently works fine with the executable deployment. However, I've been researching the implementation of my application into a web browser, and have attempted doing it through MATLAB Web App Server, however it only seems to work while I have the run button pressed, obviously. Additionally, I attempted to create an AWS server using the MATLAB tutorial, however for some reason my stack build always fails.
So just curious is there another way to do this, such that either the server can host my app indefinitely, or perhaps run it through a GitHub pages account because my current project is saved on Github?
You need a back server which runs the MATLAB engine (or MCR).
Something you can not do on GitHub as they don't dedicate you a server for persistent work.
I have several reports which have been integrated into a dashboard web app. On several of the reports we use the "Widgets Pro" angular gauge component. This renders and displays fine with visualize.js. The user would like to be able to export some of these as PDF documents. It renders fine if I export to PDF from within TIBCO jasper studio, but when I deploy it jaspersoft-pro and attempt to export it as a PDF or a DOCX file from the server the component does not render and the error message "[Fusion Component Not Supported]" is left in its place.
I'm not really sure where to start with this. I assume some components or libraries need to be added to our server.
A couple other details to mention: The workstation on which I develop is Windows. The server is Linux based. We are running TIBCO jasperserver 7.5.0
Well the local crew ended up figuring this out.
Turns out that PhantomJS needed to be updated and configured on the jaspersoft-pro server, to 2.1.1 in our case.
More specific steps:
Download PhantomJS 2.1.1 from official website and extract to an appropriate spot on your system (like /usr/local/phantomjs).
Edit $CATALINA_BASE/webapps/jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/js.config.properties and set "phantomjs.binary=/usr/local/phantomjs/bin/phantomjs"
Edit $CATALINA_BASE/webapps/jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/classes/jasperreports.properties and set "net.sf.jasperreports.phantomjs.executable.path=/usr/local/phantomjs/bin/phantomjs"
While using server.workbooks.publish() from the TableauServerClient in python, the images that I have embedded in a dashboard do not load into Tableau Server. These load fine when I manually load to Server from desktop. I've attempted using images saved from the Tableau default images location and from dropbox and from OneDrive with no success. Its obviously not a critical element of the dashboard but something that the client wants to see. Has anyone done this successfully?
For anyone running into the same issue, you must be loading a .twbx file for the images to be included. This was answered by a developer on github.
A'm guessing that if "localhost:80" leads me to "http://localhost/dashboard/" i just need to find the "localhost:number" that leads me to my project but idk how to do it. snippet:
simply create a virtual host with xampp and you can share your app as you can see in the image above
[Edited with new info]
I have created some spaces under my organization name in Bluemix successfully, using both Bluemix web interface & CLI.
I was trying to create an app from IoTFoundation Boilerplate by clicking the icon on the catalog. It leads me to the introduction page, and at the right hand side I was asked to select Space, Name, Host domain etc.
My problem is though I have spaces created and shown successfully in the Bluemix web interface, it is NOT POSSIBLE for me to select the space in the boilerplate. [new info: After > 10 minutes of creating the space using CLI, it finally appears in the boilerplate, however, the spaces created using Bluemix web interface doesn't appear even after a day...].
May I know what is the possible cause in this case?
Thanks in advance for any advise.
Generally, to fix this kind of issue follow these steps:
close browser
clean the cache and login in Bluemix console
If the issue is still there open a support request directly from your Bluemix console or you can open a new ticket here: https://support.ng.bluemix.net/gethelp/ .