Why can't debug my Flutter App on my phone in VS Code while coding - flutter

I've just setup my windows environment for mobile development using Flutter in VS Code but I am getting this error while trying to debug on my phone
avdmanager is missing from the Android SDK

If you're using an emulator, check AVD manager is installed, and the emulator is installed. here is how to do that
or if you're using a physical phone
Here is one of the workaround:
Open Android Studio then click on SDK Manager (down-pointing arrow)
This should open a new box with your Android SDK Location at the top. It should look like this:
Configure the path of android-sdk
flutter config --android-sdk /Users/username/Library/Android/sdk
Add android-license to Flutter
flutter doctor --android-licenses
Then, you can run flutter doctor to verify,


error in try to run flutter project on android mobile emulator

I try to run my flutter program on an android phone and get this error:
if I run the program in chrome it works well.
I run this in vs code,
I installed android studio SDK.

Flutter doctor --android-licenses not finding sdkmanager without Android Studio

I'm trying to get my very first Flutter application up and running. When I ran flutter doctor it was saying that I was missing Android SDK, so I installed sdkmanager and ran:
sdkmanager "platform-tools" "platform;android-29" "build-tools;28.0.3"
From there I ran flutter config --android-sdk /opt/android-sdk
I got an error saying that I'm missing cmdline-tools, however I don't have Android Studio and don't want to as well. So I went on Android Studio's website and downloaded a manual cmdline-tools and moved the file to android-sdk. OK so far so good, right? No, now I needed to run flutter doctor --android-licenses and it's saying Android sdkmanager not found. Why? Is there something I'm missing? I'm doing all of this in Ubuntu.
Below is the image of flutter doctor status
Shows me running flutter doctor --android-licenses
As well as shows the path to the android-sdk in the terminal
I have as well set flutter config --android-sdk to the correct path
and is the reason why flutter doctor has no issues with finding the
Android toolchain - develop for Android devices X cmdline-tools component is missing run path/to/sdkmanager --install "cmdline-tools;latest"
This error means your "Android SDK Command-line Tools are missing"
Open Android Studio
In the Menu bar , click Tools(4th last)
choose SDK Tools panel
Tick Android SDK Command-line Tools
Click Apply at bottom of the window
I gave up and just downloaded android studio using snap package manager and within android studio I did the steps discussed above.
After downloading cmdline-tools from android studio. I have just set the android config --android-sudio-dir "toMyAndroidStudioPath" example. /home/myName/Android/Sdk....

flutter android studio not applicable for the main.dart configuration

i just installed flutter ,and i created a project ,but when I open android studio and I want to run it on my device I got an error like this
somoene can help me please i spent hours and hours but still got this probleme
and when i run flutter doctor command i got this
I resolved this on MacOS by downloading both the Flutter SDK and the Dart SDK and then setting the Flutter SDK and Dark SDK paths in Android Studio Preferences. See screenshots below:

Error after running flutter doctor : Unable to locate Android SDK

I got these errors after installing flutter then running flutter doctor to check if the installation succeeded, Although I've installed both Android Studio and Android SDK in Android Studio's installation progress steps with no issues at all, what do I have to do now?
If you're using android studio, try these steps :
Click Tools > SDK Manager.
In the SDK Platforms tab, select Android 10 (29).
In the SDK Tools tab, select Android SDK Build-Tools 29 (or higher).
Click OK to begin install.
In case if above steps don't solve your problem then try updating the SDK path
flutter config --android-sdk <path-to-your-android-sdk-path>
Note: path must be enclosed within double quotes

Android sdk manager not found

How can I fix this error ?
$ flutter doctor --android-licenses
Android sdkmanager tool not found (E:\Android Studio\android-sdk-windows-1.6_r1\tools\bin\sdkmanager).
Try re-installing or updating your Android SDK,
visit https://flutter.dev/setup/#android-setup for detailed instructions.
Try configuring android studio path using the command flutter config --android-studio-dir <Your Path To Android Studio>.
Here's how I solved the problem on a brand new install of Android Studio :
In Android Studio, open SDK Manager
Go to the SDK Tools tab
Uncheck Hide obsolete packages. That will display more tools in the list.
Check Android SDK Tools (Obsolete) in the list
Click Apply or OK