How to efficiently join two huge tables by nearest timestamp? - postgresql

I have two huge tables, A and B. Table A has around 500 million rows of time-series data. Table B has around 10 million rows of time-series data. To simplify, we can assume they are constituted by the following columns:
Table A
2022-01-01 23:54:01
2022-01-01 23:54:05
2022-01-01 23:54:10
Table B
2022-01-01 23:54:00
2022-01-01 23:54:07
2022-01-01 23:54:08
I want to create a table C, that results from "joining" both tables by matching each value of timestamp_1 of table A to the nearest value of timestamp_2 of table B whose measure is 0, and also for the same factory and machine. I also only need this for the part = 1 values of table A. For the small example above, the resulting table C would have the same amount of rows as A and would look like:
Table C
2022-01-01 23:54:01
2022-01-01 23:54:05
2022-01-01 23:54:10
Some things that are also important to consider are:
Table A has an index on columns (factory, machine, timestamp_1, part, suplement). That index is essential working great for other queries not related to this. Table B has indexes on columns (machine, timestamp_2, measure).
Table A is a compressed timescaleDB partitioned table by (factory, timestamp_1). This is also because of other queries. Table B is a postgresql vanilla table.
I used the following statement to create table C:
create table C (
machine int4 not null,
timestamp_1 timestamptz,
time_since_measure_0 interval,
constraint C primary key (machine,timestamp_1)
I then tried this code to select and insert data into table C:
insert into C (
timestamp_1 - (
select timestamp_2
from B
A.machine = B.machine
and B.measure = 0
and B.timestamp_2 <= A.timestamp_1
order by B.timestamp_2 desc
limit 1
) as "time_since_measure_0"
from A
where A.part = 1
However, this seems takes a loooot of time. I know I am dealing with very big tables, but is there something I am missing or how could I optimize this?

Because of course we don't have access to your tables and you haven't posted a query plan it's difficult to do more than make some general observations. The indexes you describe as being in place do not appear to be useful to this query. Looking at your query it appears to me that you need to add the following indexes:
Table A
Index on (machine, timestamp_1)
Table B
Index on (machine, measure, timestamp_2)
Give that a shot and see what happens.

What you want is called "as-of join". That joins each timestamp to the nearest value in the other table.
Some time-series databases, like clickhouse, support this directly. This is the only way to make it fast. It is quite similar to a merge join, with a few modifications: the engine must scan both tables in timestamp order, and join to the nearest value row instead of the equal value row.
I've looked into it briefly and it doesn't look like timescaledb supports it, but this post shows a workaround using lateral join and a covering index. This is likely to have similar performance to your query, because it will use a nested loop and an index-only scan to pick the nearest value for each row.


Best usage of indexes and primary key on joined and filtered data in PostgreSQL

I have 2 tables with the exact same number of rows and the same non-repeated id. Because the data comes from 2 sources I want to keep it 2 tables and not combine it. I assume the best approach would be to leave the unique id as the primary key and join on it?
SELECT * FROM tableA INNER JOIN tableB ON tableA primary key = tableB primary key
The data is used by an application that force the user to select 1 or many values from 5 drop downs in cascading order:
select 1 or many values from tableA column1.
select 1 or many values from tableA column2 but filtered from the first filter.
select 1 or many values from tableA column3 but filtered from the second filter which in turn is filtered from the first filter.
For example:
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Selecting "Doe" from column1 would limit the second filter to ("Jane","John"). And selecting "Jane" from column2 would filter column3 to ("2022-01","2021-12")
And last part of the question;
The application have 3 selection options for column3:
picking the exact value (for example "2022-01") or picking the year ("2022") or picking the quarter that the month falls into ("Q1", which equates in "01","02","03").
What would be the best usage of indexes AND/OR additional columns for this scenario?
Volume of data would be 20-100 million rows.
Each filter is in the range of 5-25 distinct values.
Which version of Postgres do you operate?
The volume you state is rather daunting for such a use case of populating drop-down boxes using live data for a PG db.
No kidding, it's possible, Kibana/Elastic has even a filter widget that works exactly this way for instance.
My guess is you may consider storing the different combinations of search columns in another table simply to speed up populating the dropboxes. You can achieve that with triggers on the two main tables. So instead of additional columns/indexes you may end with an additional table ;)
Regarding indexing strategy and given the hints you stated (AND/OR), I'd say there's no silver bullet. Index the columns that will be queried the most often.
Index each column individually because Postgres starting from 11 IIRC can combine multiple indexes to answer conjunctive/disjunctive formulas in WHERE clauses.
Hope this helps

PostgreSQL different index creation time for same datatype

I have a table with three columns A, B, C, all of type bytea.
There are around 180,000,000 rows in the table. A, B and C all have exactly 20 bytes of data, C sometimes contains NULLs
When creating indexes for all columns with
CREATE INDEX index_A ON transactions USING hash (A);
CREATE INDEX index_B ON transactions USING hash (B);
CREATE INDEX index_C ON transactions USING hash (C);
index_A is created in around 10 minutes, while B and C are taking over 10 hours after which I aborted them. I ran every CREATE INDEX on their own, so no indices were created in parallel. There are also no other queries running in the database.
When running
SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity;
wait_event_type and wait_event are both NULL, state is active.
Why are the second index creations taking so long, and can I do anything to speed them up?
Ensure the statistics on your table are up-to-date.
Then execute the following query:
SELECT attname, n_distinct, correlation
from pg_stats
where tablename = '<Your table name here>'
Basically, the database will have more work to create indexes when:
The number of distinct values gets higher.
The correlation (= are values in the field physically stored in order) is close to 0.
I suspect you will see field A is different in terms of distinct values and/or a higher correlation than the other 2 fields.
Edit: Basically, creating an index = FULL SCAN of the table and create entries in the index as you progress. With the stats you have shared below that means:
Column A: it was detected as unique
A single scan is enough as the DB knows 1 record = 1 index entry.
Columns B & C : it was detected as having very few distinct values + abs(correlation) is very low.
Each index entry takes an entire FULL SCAN of the table.
Note: the description is simplified to highlight the difference.
Solution 1:
Do not create indexes for B and C.
It might sound stupid but in fact and as explained here, a small correlation means the indexes will probably not be used (an index is useful only when entries are not scattered in all the table blocks).
Solution 2:
Order records on the disk.
The initialization would be something like this:
CREATE TABLE Transactions_order as SELECT * FROM Transactions;
TRUNCATE TABLE Transactions;
INSERT INTO Transactions SELECT * FROM Transactions_order ORDER BY B,C,A;
DROP TABLE Transactions_order;
The tricky part comes next: with insert/update/delete records, you need to keep track of the correlation and ensure it does not drop too much.
If you can't guarantee that, stick to solution 1.
Create partitions and enjoy partition pruning.
There are quite a lot of efforts being made for partitioning recently in postgresql. It could be worth having a look into it.

Can heavily index table have its updates slower even if the columns updated aren't in any of the indexes?

I'm trying to understand why a 14 Milion row table is so slow updating, even though I'm joining with its primary key, and updating in batches( 5000 rows).
COL2 = B.COL2,
TABLE_X has 14 Million rows
TABLE_X has 12 INDEXES, however the updated columns do not belong to any index. so it's not expected that this slowness is caused by having so many indexes right?
TABLE_Y has 5000 rows
I must update by the order of other column(Group) rather than the PK. If I could update by the order of PK then it would be way faster.
This is a business need. If they need to stop the process. they want groups to be either updated or not updated at all.
What could be causing such slow updates?
Database is SYBASE 15.7

SQL (Redshift) to get the intersect of multiple tables

I'm using Redshift and have 6 tables of IDs in. I want to get the intersect between each of the tables.
So my final output would look something like this:
Table 1 & Table 2 have 10% common IDs
Table 1 & Table 3 have 50% common IDs
Table 6 & Table 4 have 20% common IDs
Table 6 & Table 5 have 3% common IDs
I can easily get the data, but it would be a lot of repeating the same SQL, so I've tried to create some tables of all the IDs and tables they are in but I'm stuck as to what to get the data in one or two SQL's.
Any ideas welcome!
you could try to full join all these tables by ID in a subquery and then use conditional aggregate so that Table 1 & Table 2 have 10% common IDs would be expressed as
100.0*sum(case when id1 is not null and id2 is not null then 1 end)/count(id1)
(taking Table 1 row count as denominator)

Optimal use of LIKE on indexed column

I have a large table (+- 1 million rows, 7 columns including the primary key). The table contains two columns (ie: symbol_01 and symbol_02) that are indexed and used for querying. This table contains rows such as:
id symbol_01 symbol_02 value_01 value_02
1 aaa bbb 12 15
2 bbb aaa 12 15
3 ccc ddd 20 50
4 ddd ccc 20 50
As per the example rows 1 and 2 are identical except that symbol_01 and symbol_02 are swapped but they have the same values for value_01 and value_02. That is true once again with row 3 and 4. This is the case for the entire table, there are essentially two rows for each combination of symbol_01+symbol_02.
I need to figure out a better way of handling this to get rid of the duplication. So far the solution I am considering is to just have one column called symbol which would be a combination of the two symbols, so the table would be as follows:
id symbol value_01 value_02
1 ,aaa,bbb, 12 15
2 ,ccc,ddd, 20 50
This would cut the number of rows in half. As a side note, every value in the symbol column will be unique. Results always need to be queried for using both symbols, so I would do:
select value_01, value_02
from my_table
where symbol like '%,aaa,%' and symbol like '%,bbb,%'
This would work but my question is around performance. This is still going to be a big table (and will get bigger soon). So my question is, is this the best solution for this scenario given that symbol will be indexed, every symbol combination will be unique, and I will need to use LIKE to query results.
Is there a better way to do this? Im not sure how great LIKE is for performance but I don't see an alternative?
There's no high performance solution, because your problem is shoehorning multiple values into one column.
Create a child table (with a foreign key to your current/main table) to separately hold all the individual values you want to search on, index that column and your query will be simple and fast.
With this index:
create index symbol_index on t (
least(symbol_01, symbol_02),
greatest(symbol_01, symbol_02)
The query would be:
select *
from t
least(symbol_01, symbol_02) = least('aaa', 'bbb')
greatest(symbol_01, symbol_02) = greatest('aaa', 'bbb')
Or simply delete the duplicates:
delete from t
using (
select distinct on (
greatest(symbol_01, symbol_02),
least(symbol_01, symbol_02),
value_01, value_02
) id
from t
order by
greatest(symbol_01, symbol_02),
least(symbol_01, symbol_02),
value_01, value_02
) s
where id =
Depending on the columns semantics it might be better to normalize the table as suggested by #Bohemian