Not able to load argo workflow UI - argo-workflows

I am trying to follow this documentation
To set up argo pod in my kubernetes ,everything works fine but when I am loading the ui in browser it is stuck at loading
The complete page is not loading some how
Apart from port forwarding i tried creating a load balancer service as well but still it doesn't work
Any idea how to load the ui?

Its a known issue ,I guess there is some problem with the master branch
so instead of creating deployment with master branch
kubectl apply -n argo -f
use stable branch like below
kubectl apply -n argo -f
Hope it helps

This is happening to me and I am fairly certain it is this regression bug that was just opened. There are two different workarounds in the comments in the link that you may want to try.
I attempted the first suggestion. I created a local copy of the manifest and changed the version tag for argocli from to I then ran the command as:
kubectl apply -f <filepath/to/my/copy>
Rather than using the line from the tutorial where you pull from their repo.
If you care and intend to use workflows in more than just the tutorial sense, you should open the linked bug and give it a thumbs up.


unable to create a pv due to VOL_DIR: parameter not set

I'm running rke2 version v1.22.7+rke2r2 in 3 nodes. Today I decide to reinstall my application and I'm not able to do it anymore due to a problem in claiming PV.
I have had never this problems before, and I think is due to an update on local-path-provisioner but I'm not sure I'm still a newbie about kube.
Anyway these are the commands I run before installing my solution:
kubectl apply -f
kubectl patch storageclass local-path -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"":"true"}}}'
I omitted metallb. Then as a test I try to install the test specified in the local-path-provisioner website (
kubectl create -f
kubectl create -f
What I see is that the pvc stays in a PENDING status, then I check the pod creation in local-path-storage namespace and I see that the helper-pod-create-pvc-xxxx goes in error.
I try to get some logs and the only thing I was able to grab is this:
kubectl -n local-path-storage logs helper-pod-create-pvc-dd8cecf3-d65b-48f7-9e04-d56a20573f8e -f
/script/setup: line 3: VOL_DIR: parameter not set
So it seems VOL_DIR is not set for whatever reason. But I never did a custom configuration, it always starts without problem, and to be honest I don't know what put in VOL_DIR env variable and where.
I just answer to my question. It seems to be a bug on local-path-provisioner
they are fixing it.
In the meantime, instead of using the last one present in the master that has the bug, please use 0.0.21, like this:
kubectl apply -f
I tested and it works fine.
The deploy manifest in master branch is already fixed.
The master branch is for development, so please use the v0.0.x (e.g v0.0.21, stable release) for production use.

How to check if k8s deployment is passed/failed manually?

I'm trying to understand what does kubectl rollout status <deployment name> do.
I'm using k8s-node-api, and from this thread (, the maintainer suggest using k8s-watch api to watch for changes in the deployment, but I'm not sure what to check.
How to make sure the new deployment succeed?
How to make the the new deployment failed?
Is it safe to assume that if the spec/containers/0/image changes to something different than what I'm expecting, it means there is a new deployment and I should stop watching?
My questions are probably ambiguous because I'm new to k8s.
Any guidance will be great!
I can't use Kubectl - I'm writing a code that does that based on what kubectl does.
As we have discussed in comment section I have mentioned that to check any object and processes in Kubernetes you have to use kubectl - see:
Take a look how to execute proper command to gain required information - kubectl-rollout.
If you want to check how rollout process looks from backgroud look at the source code - src-code-rollout-kubernetes.
Pay attention on that if you are using node-api:
The node-api group was migrated to a built-in API in the > repo with the v1.14
release. This repo is no longer maintained, and no longer synced
with core kubernetes as of the v1.18 release.
I often use 2 following command for check out deployment status
kubectl describe deployment <your-deployment-name>
kubectl get deployment <your-deployment-name> -oyaml
The first will show you some events about process of schedule a deployment.
The second is more detailed. It contains all of your deployment's resource info as yaml format.
Is that enough for your need ?
After digging through k8s source code, I was able to implement this logic by my self in Node.js:
How to make sure the new deployment succeed?
How to make the the new deployment failed?
Basically, I'm subscribing to events about a specific deplyoment (AFTER chancing something in it, for example, the image).
Is it safe to assume that if the spec/containers/0/image changes to something different than what I'm expecting, it means there is a new deployment and I should stop watching?
Yes. But will help also to idenfity that there is a new deployment going on and the yours is no longer the "latest-deployment".
For More Info
I wrote an answer about how deployment works under the hood:

How to update kubernetes deployment without updating image

We are using k8s 1.7. We use deployment.yml to maintain/update k8s cluster state. In deployment.yml, pod's image is set to ${some_image}:latest. Once deployment is created, pod's image will update to ${some_image}:${build_num}, whenever there is code merge into master.
What happen now is, let's say if we need to modified the resource limited in deployment.yml and re-apply it. The image of deployment will be updated to ${some_image} :latest as well. We want to keep the image as it is in cluster state, without maintaining the actual tag in deployment.yml. We know that the replcas can be omitted in file, and it takes the value from cluster state by default.
On 1.7, the spec.template.spec.containers[0].image is required.
Is it possible to apply deployment.yml without updating the image to ${some_image}:latest as well (an argument like --ignore-image-change, or a specific field in deployment.yml)? If so, how?
Also, I see the image is optional in 1.10 documentation.
Is it true? if so, since which version?
--- Updates ---
CI build and deploy new image on every merge into master. At deploy, CI run the command kubectl set image deployment/app container=${some_image}:${build_num} where ${build_num} is the build number of the pipeline.
To apply deployment.yml, we run kubectl apply -f deployment.yml
However, in deployment.yml file, we specified the latest tag of the image, because it is impossible to keep this field up-to-date
Using “:latest” tag is against best practices in Kubernetes deployments for a number of reasons - rollback and versioning being some of them. To properly resolve this you should maybe rethink you CI/CD pipeline approach. We use ci-pipeline or ci-job version to tag images for example.
Is it possible to update deployment without updating the image to the file specified. If so, how?
To update pod without changing the image you have some options, each with some constraints, and they all require some Ops gymnastics and introduce additional points of failure since it goes against recommended approach.
k8s can pull the image from your remote registry (you must keep track of hashes since your latest is out of your direct control - potential issues here). You can check used hash on local docker registry of a node that pod is running from.
k8s can pull the image from local node registry (you must ensure that on all potential nodes for running pods at “:latest” is on the same page in local registry for this to work - potential issues here). Once there, you can play with container’s imagePullPolicy such that when CI tool is deploying - it uses apply of yaml (in contrast to create) and sets image policu to Always, immediately folowing by apply of image policy of Never (also potential issue here), restricting pulling policy to already pulled image to local repository (as mentioned, potential issues here as well).
Here is an excerpt from documentation about this approach: By default, the kubelet will try to pull each image from the specified registry. However, if the imagePullPolicy property of the container is set to IfNotPresent or Never, then a local image is used (preferentially or exclusively, respectively).
If you want to rely on pre-pulled images as a substitute for registry authentication, you must ensure all nodes in the cluster have the same pre-pulled images.
more about how k8s is handling images and why latest tagging can bite back is given here:
In case you don't want to deal with complex syntax in deployment.yaml in CI, you have the option to use a template processor. For example mustache. It would change the CI process a little bit:
update image version in template config (env1.yaml)
generate deployment.yaml from template deployment.mustache and env1.yaml
$ mustache env1.yml deployment.mustache > deployment.yaml
apply configuration to cluster.
$ kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
The main benefits:
env1.yaml always contains the latest master build image, so you are creating the deployment object using correct image.
env1.yaml is easy to update or generate at the CI step.
deployment.mustache stays immutable, and you are sure that all that could possibly change in the final deployment.yaml is an image version.
There are many other template rendering solutions in case mustache doesn't fit well in your CI.
Like Const above I highly recommend against using :latest in any docker image and instead use CI/CD to solve the version problem.
We have the same issue on the Jenkins X project where we have many git repositories and as we change things like libraries or base docker images we need to change lots of versions in pom.xml, package.json, Dockerfiles, helm charts etc.
We use a simple CLI tool called UpdateBot which automates the generation of Pull Requests on all downstream repositories. We tend to think of this as Continuous Delivery for libraries and base images ;). e.g. here's the current Pull Requests that UpdateBot has generated on the Jenkins X organisation repositories
Then here's how we update Dockerfiles / helm charts as we release, say, new base images:
Are you aware of the syntax for pulling images from docker registry? It is almost exactly designed to solve the problem you are describing.
updated from a comment:
You're solving the wrong problem; the file is only used to load content into the cluster -- from that moment forward, the authoritative copy of the metadata is in the cluster. The kubectl patch command can be a surgical way of changing some content without resorting to sed (or worse), but one should not try and maintain cluster state outside the cluster

Is there a way to make kubectl apply restart deployments whose image tag has not changed?

I've got a local deployment system that is mirroring our production system. Both are deployed by calling kubectl apply -f deployments-and-services.yaml
I'm tagging all builds with the current git hash, which means that for clean deploys to GKE, all the services have a new docker image tag which means that apply will restart them, but locally to minikube the tag is often not changing which means that new code is not run. Before I was working around this by calling kubectl delete and then kubectl create for deploying to minikube, but as the number of services I'm deploying has increased, that is starting to stretch the dev cycle too far.
Ideally, I'd like a better way to tell kubectl apply to restart a deployment rather than just depending on the tag?
I'm curious how people have been approaching this problem.
Additionally, I'm building everything with bazel which means that I have to be pretty explicit about setting up my build commands. I'm thinking maybe I should switch to just delete/creating the one service I'm working on and leave the others running.
But in that case, maybe I should just look at telepresence and run the service I'm dev'ing on outside of minikube all together? What are best practices here?
I'm not entirely sure I understood your question but that may very well be my reading comprehension :)
In any case here's a few thoughts that popped up while reading this (again not sure what you're trying to accomplish)
Option 1: maybe what you're looking for is to scale down and back up, i.e. scale your deployment to say 0 and then back up, given you're using configmap and maybe you only want to update that, the command would be kubectl scale --replicas=0 -f foo.yaml and then back to whatever
Option 2: if you want to apply the deployment and not kill any pods for example, you would use the cascade=false (google it)
Option 3: lookup the rollout option to manage deployments, not sure if it works on services though
Finally, and that's only me talking, share some more details like which version of k8s are you using? maybe provide an actual use case example to better describe the issue.
Kubernetes, only triggers a deployment when something has changed, if you have image pull policy to always you can delete your pods to get the new image, if you want kube to handle the deployment you can update the kubernetes yaml file to container a constantly changing metadata field (I use seconds since epoch) which will trigger a change. Ideally you should be tagging your images with unique tags from your CI/CD pipeline with the commit reference they have been built from. this gets around this issue and allows you to take full advantage of the kubernetes rollback feature.

Auto update pod on every image push to GCR

I have a docker image pushed to Container Registry with docker push and a pod created with kubectl run servertime --port=8080.
How can I enable automatic update of the pod everytime I push a new version of the image?
I would suggest switching to some kind of CI to manage the process, and instead of triggering on docker push triggering the process on pushing the commit to git repository. Also if you switch to using a higher level kubernetes construct such as deployment, you will be able to run a rolling-update of your pods to your new image version. Our process is roughly as follows :
git commit #triggers CI build
docker build yourimage:gitsha1
docker push yourimage:gitsha1
sed -i 's/{{TAG}}/gitsha1/g' deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f deployment.yml
Where deployment.yml is a template for our deployment that will be updated to new tag version.
If you do it manually, it might be easier to simply update image in an existing deployment by running kubectl set image deployment/yourdeployment <containernameinpod>=yourimage:gitsha1
I'm on the Spinnaker team.
Might be a bit heavy, but without knowing your other areas of consideration, Spinnaker is a CD platform from which you can trigger k8s deployments from registry updates.
Here's a codelab to get you a started.
If you'd rather shortcut the setup process, you can get a starter Spinnaker instance with k8s and GCR integration pre-setup via the Cloud Launcher.
You can find further support on our slack channel (I'm #stevenkim).
It would need some glue, but you could use Docker Hub, which lets you define a webhook for each repository when a new image is pushed or a new tag created.
This would mean you'd have to build your own web API server to handle the incoming notifications and use them to update the pod. And you'd have to use Docker Hub, not Google Container Repository, which doesn't allow web hooks.
So, probably too many changes for the problem you're trying to solve.