How To use Tensoflow TFlite Models in flutter - flutter

I have developed a model in python and exported it to TFLite format but I tried to integrate it into my flutter application all in vain. The plugins available at that deal with tflite models are all deprecated and therefore cant run with flutter v2. How can I overgo this? Thanks.

This worked for me!
Follow This great tutorial. It explains step by step how to use your tflite models in your flutter apps


Using an Audio Library in a Flutter project?

I'm considering building my app with Flutter because of the attractive cross-compilation features, native feel, and speed of development.
I need to use an advanced audio processing library to be able to make my app, so the options I was considering are either to use JUCE through CocoaPods (a C++ audio library) or AudioKit (a Swift audio library) with Flutter.
I think JUCE is definitely possible to use with Flutter as I've seen two github projects which seemed to implement it ( and I haven't been able to get it running on my own setup though, the build succeeds but when I use the first link (JucyFluttering) but I get an error as follows: I've tried to look into it for a while and couldn't figure out what is going wrong. If anyone has an idea or approach to move from here
The other option I was considering is building an iOS only app for my prototype using Flutter and AudioKit (Swift-based), and then reusing the Flutter UI code with JUCE when I want to move to cross-platform. However, I'm totally clueless on how to go about bringing AudioKit into my Flutter project. The library is not on so including it in my pubspec.yaml file, I get the following: "Because audiokit_flutter depends on audiokit any which doesn't exist (could not find package audiokit at, version solving failed." when I try to run "flutter pub get".
I'm not even sure if the AudioKit approach is viable, but if anyone has any relevant knowledge, please share it with me! I've been trying to figure this out for weeks and it has been very frustrating! I would very very much appreciate the help.
Thank you so much!

How to use custom tensorflow lite models in flutter?

I am working on a flutter project that requires some machine learning. I have my model already trained and ready to be used.
How to integrate this Tensorflow lite model with flutter?
I have tried couple of packages that exists but unfortunately, I did not worked! Most of these packages are no longer maintained.

flutter plugin for running onnx model

My team are developing an app that will involve some on device ML model that are in onnx format. Currently we considering Flutter & React Native. I prefer Flutter but couldn't find any plugin that support running on device onnx model. in RN we could use onnx.js from Microsoft.
I think there is no Flutter Plugin to do this but you only need to create one in your project (link) and take implement Android version and iOS version. The plugin will make the wrapper and you can use it in your Flutter code. Depending of the phone OS, flutter will execute Android or iOS code.

flutter P2P communication over the network

I read this Android specific article and was wondering if some applications existed for Flutter aswell.
I know it is possible to run native code in Flutter, but I'd prefer a Dart native solution. I've noticed this package on but I cannot make it work.
I've followed the posted example but I get a MissingPluginException for every call the plugin executes.
Yes You can do it by using this package .

Is there any built in flutter library for 2D bar-code scanner?

I am developing a mobile application with Flutter framework and I want to scan bill bar-code and extract its code, so I need a bar-code scanner library for my app. Actually I've googled and found some libraries and SDKs, but they are not written in Dart and I have to import and implement them separately for Android and iOS directories, also it has lots of effort for me to import native codes to a Flutter project. Now I have following questions:
Is there any Dart written and Flutter compatible package, library, SDk, API or ... to use in Flutter project?
Hasn't Google made Flutter version of its ML-KIT or Google-Vision SDKs for its own multi platform framework?
Thanks in advance for helping me.
There are no direct flutter widgets available which supports Barcode reading as of now.
Anyway you can use firebase_ml_vision plugin which pretty straight forward and easy to integrate.
There is, but I haven't ever used it myself. Just searched it on here: or maybe this