Using org.bson.Document as a domain class for persisting data, instead of the usual way like Person.class or Author.class - mongodb

I want a generic object which can take different fields since we provide the product to different companies and companies sometimes want their own custom fields stored. We can use a separate map to store those company specific fields but I want to know the limitations of extending Document and implementing Book interface for example. I know we can use Document class for creating repositories in spring data mongo.


Deciding which collection

I have an abstract class which is extended by large number of other POJOs, I need all these main POJOs to be stored in a dedicated collection.
My repository looks like this:
interface TimesliceRepository extends MongoRepository<AbstractTimeslice, String>
How can I make it so that objects are directed to the appropriate collection? Eg: AATimeslice, BBTimeslice, etc...
Or do I have to have a repository for every POJO?
Also, would read queries work? How would I be able to query for BBTimeslice only?
After some research, I came to the conclusion that for my uses cases its better to use MongoTemplate and not MongoRepository.

In a nosql database like MongoDB or Couchbase how to model many to many relationship?

Consider a scenario of an application where I have users and projects and the requirement is users shall be assigned to projects. One user can be assigned to multiple projects. This is a many to many relationship. So what is the best way to model such a requirement.
I will like to discuss few approaches to model such a requirement :
- Embeded data model
In this approach I will embedd the user documents inside projects document.
Advantages : you get all the required data in one API call OR by fetching one single document.
Disadvantages : Data duplicacy which is OK
Real problem is if you update user information for eg user mobile no or name from users screen then this updated information should also be reflected under all embedded user documents. For this some bulk update query should be fired.
But is this the right way ???
- Embedding object references instead of objects (which is normalised)
In this case if we embedd user id's instead of user objects then the problem mentioned above wont be there but then we will have to make multiple network calls to get required data or make a seperate relation kond of document as we do in SQL.
Is this the best way ??
We have a same scenario, so i embed objectId. and for fill data for clients, populate users data in find function.
There are few hard and fast rules, but usually with many-to-many relationships you would prefer references over embedding. This doesn't mean your data is totally flat/normalized.
For example, you could have a user document with an array of project ids. You could have the reverse for projects.
Think about your queries and how you will structure them. That can give you other hints about how to structure your documents.

Where do you create a custom model (DTO) in server code, such that Breeze can relate to EntityFramework entities?

I am developing a SPA using Angular-Breeze-WebAPI-EntityFramework.
Now Breeze uses the Entity Framework metadata information to create it's own Breeze models. We use this in our application for Breeze validation.
So far, it's all been nice and easy. Now we are having to create a search page (say for querying customers). The search can be by Customer.Name or by Product.Id (which would return a list of customers who have bought that product). The result is a ng-repeater, which displays Customer.Name, Order.LastPlaced etc.
if you are getting confused by the tables and columns, forget that. What I am only trying to get to is that, both the search object and the result object are not 1:1 with Entity tables (or objects). So obviously I feel the need to create a custom object (one for the search and one for the results). My question primarily is where and how do I create that object?
If I create it at the data layer, Breeze would have no idea of the metadata for each of the properties (since it uses EF for that).
I obviously can't create just a JavaScript object, since I will have to query the database (using EF) to search and populate the object.
So where does one create such a custom object (traversing multiple tables) such that Breeze still can figure out the metadata and perform validation and such when the need arises?
Thank you all.
You can create metadata on the client for types that the server either doesn't know about or doesn't have the schema for. See

How to group methods belong to one entity in one class file in Core Data like in Entity Framework?

How to group methods belong to one entity in one class file in Core Data like Entity Framework?
In Linq, we can put all methods in the domain object class and reuse them, in Core Data, is there any way to create different classes for different entities? Or we can only use predicate to retrieve?
It seems that I can't define the class for each entity I configured in the data model. And it is not like hibernate that I can control the physical database schema via ORM. Correct me if I am wrong, I don't believe Core Data can do this as far I know.
So what is the advantage to use Core Data? And is there any mechanism on Cocoa that I can define my domain object classes including primary key, foreign key, for instance, and then create the database schema then?
It seems like the Core Data can only support configuring the objects but there is even no way to configure the physical database via the Core Data.
In your Core Data model you can define which class to instantiate your entities as:
alt text
When Core Data fetches objects from the store, it will attempt to create them as instances of this class (although it's not quite that simple, Core Data does some tricks).
You can auto-generate class files for your entities by opening your core data model in a new window, and choosing File->New File:
alt text
You should see a new "Managed Object Class" item:
alt text
Choose this and select the entities to generate classes for:
alt text
A class will be generated with various properties for getting/setting the attributes on your entity:
alt text
If you want to add your own methods, I would recommend you add them to a separate Category. This is because you will often want to regenerate these core data classes when you add new properties or change the entities. If you make additions directly to these files you will lose your changes the next time you generate them.
So create a category called Person+Additions or whatever name you think is appropriate:
alt text
And add any new methods or properties to this class:
alt text
Note that you cannot add new instance variables, but NSManagedObject has facilities to get/set values in an internal dictionary. See the NSManagedObject documentation
So once you've done all this, all you do is cast the NSManagedObject you get from a fetch request (or wherever) to the appropriate type:
#import "Person+Additions.h"
Person *p = (Person *) [fetchResult objectAtIndex:0];
[p myCustomMethod];
As for your other questions about primary keys, and interacting with the physical database, this isn't really what Core Data is designed to provide you. You should not think too much about the underlying database, Core Data is meant to be more high level than that. You define your model, and fetch objects through the API. Primary keys and othe "database-y" details like this are not exposed.
If you want full control over the database you should use the sqlite APIs. But I would say for the large majority of applications Core Data is the better choice.
Look at the docs for KVC ("key-value-coding"). You use key paths to obtain the values you want. You can also sort the data in an array using a key path. For that, take a look at NSSortDescriptors. Otherwise, yes, just change your NSPredicate and re-fetch.

DTOs: best practices

I am considering to use DTOs instead of passing around my domain objects. I have read several posts here as well as elsewhere, and i understand there are several approaches to getting this done.
If i only have about 10 domain classes in all, and considering that i want to use DTOs rather than domain objects for consumption in my Views (WPF front ends), what is the recommended approach.
I think using tools like automapper etc maybe an overkill for my situation. So i am thinking of writing my custom mapper class that will have methods for converting a domain type to a DTO type.
What is the best way to do this, are there any sample to get me started to do this?
Second question: When writing those methods that will create DTOs, how do i deal with setting up all the data, especially when the domain type has references to other domain objects? Do i write equivalent properties in the DTO for mapping to those refernece types in the domain class?
Please ask if i have not put my second question in proper words. But i think you understand what i am trying to ask.
Thrid question: When writing DTOs, should i write multiple DTOs, each containing partial data for a given domain model, so that each of it can be used to cater to a specific View's requirement, or should the DTO have all the data that are there in the corresponding model class.
I've been reading a few posts here regarding DTO's and it seems to me that a lot of people equate them to what I would consider a ViewModel. A DTO is just that, Data Transfer Object - it's what gets passed down the wire. So I've got a website and services, only the services will have access to real domain/entity objects, and return DTO's. These may map 1:1, but consider that the DTO's may be populated from another service call, a database query, reading a config - whatever.
After that, the website then can take those DTO and either add them to a ViewModel, or convert into one. That ViewModel may contain many different types of DTO's. A simple example would be a task manager - the ViewModel contains both the task object you are editing, as well as a group of Dto.User objects that the task can be assigned to.
Keep in mind that the services returning DTO's maybe used by both a website, and maybe a tablet or phone application. These applications would have different views to take advantage of their displays and so the ViewModels would differ, but the DTO's would remain the same.
At any rate, I love these types of discussions, so anyone please let me know what you think.
I'm kind of using DTOs in a project. I tend to make the DTOs only to show the data I need for an specified view. I fetch all the data shown in the view in my data access class. For example, I may have an Order object which references a Client object:
public class Client{
public int Id{get;set;}
public string Name{get;set;}
public class Order{
public int OrderID{get;set;}
public Client client{get;set;}
public double Total{get;set;}
public IEnumerable<OrderLine> lines {get;set;}
Then in my OrderListDTO I may have something like:
public class OrderListDTO{
public int OrderId{get;set;}
public string ClientName{get;set;}
Which are the fields I want to show in my view. I fetch all these fields in my Database access code so I don't have to bother with entity asociations in my view or controller code.
Best Way to develop DTOs
The way to start developing DTOs is to understand that their sole purpose is to transfer subset of data of your business entities to different clients(could be UI, or an external service). Given this understanding you could create seperate packages for each client...and write your DTO classes. For mapping you could write your own mapper defining interfaces to be passed to a factory creating DTO objects based on which data from the entity for which the DTO is being created would be extracted. You could also define annotations to be placed on your entity fields but personally given the number of annotations used I would prefer the interface way. The main thing to note about DTOs is that they are also classes and data among the DTOs should be reused, in other words while it may seem tempting to create DTOs for each use case try to reuse existing DTOs to minimize this.
Getting started
Regarding getting started as stated above the sole purpose of the DTO is to give the client the data it you keeping in mind you could just set data into the dto using setters...or define a factory which creates a DTO from an Entity based on an interface.....
Regarding your third question, do as is required by your client :)
I come to project with spring-jdbc and there are used DAO layer. Some times existing entities doesn't cover all possible data from DB. So I start using DTO.
By applying '70 structure programming rule I put all DTOs into separate package:
package com.evil.dao; // DAO interfaces for IOC.
package com.evil.dao.impl; // DAO implementation classes.
package com.evil.dao.dto; // DTOs
Now I rethink and decide to put all DTO as inner classes on DAO interfaces for result-sets which have no reuse. So DAO interface look like:
interface StatisticDao {
class StatisticDto {
int count;
double amount;
String type;
public static void extract(ResultSet rs, StatisticDto dto) { ... }
List<StatisticDto> getStatistic(Criteria criteria);
class StatisticDaoImpl implements StatisticDao {
List<StatisticDto> getStatistic(Criteria criteria) {
RowCallbackHandler callback = new RowCallbackHandler() {
public void processRow(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
StatisticDao.StatisticDto.extract(rs, dto);
// make action on dto
namedTemplate.query(query, queryParams, callback);
I think that holding related data together (custom DTO with DAO interface) make code better for PageUp/PageDown.
Question 1: If the DTO's you need to transfer are just a simple subset of your domain object, you can use a modelmapper to avoid filling your codebase with logic-less mapping. But if you need to apply some logic/conversion to your mapping then do it yourself.
Question 2: You can and probably should create a DTO for each domain object you have on your main DTO. A DTO can have multiple DTO's inside of it, one for each domain object you need to map. And to map those you could do it yourself or even use some modelmapper.
Question 3: Don't expose all your domain if your view does not require it to. Also you don't need to create a DTO for each view, try to create DTO's that expose what need to be exposed and may be reused to avoid having multiples DTO's that share a lot of information. But it mainly depend's on your application needs.
If you need clarification, just ask.
I'm going to assume that your domain model objects have a primary key ID that may correspond to the ID's from the database or store they came from.
If the above is true, then your DTO will overcome type referecning to other DTO's like your domain objects do, in the form of a foreign key ID. So an OrderLine.OrderHeader relationship on the domain object, will be OrderLine.OrderHeaderId cin the DTO.
Hope that helps.
Can I ask why you have chosen to use DTO's instead of your rich domain objects in the view?
We all know what Dtos are (probably).
But the important thing is to overuse DTOs or not.
Transfering data using Dtos between "local" services is a good practice but have a huge overhead on your developer team.
There is some facts:
Clients should not see or interact with Entities (Daos). So you
always need Dtos for transferig data to/from remote (out of the process).
Using Dtos to pass data between services is optional. If you don't plan to split up your project to microservices there is no need to do that. It will be just an overhead for you.
And this is my comment: If you plan to distribute your project to
microservices in long future. or don't plan to do that, then
You need to read this article