Trigger a task on file Creates/Edits/Deletes in specific folder (AWS FSx) - event-log

I have a network path from AWS FSx (Already allowed Auditing from Folder's Advance Security Settings).
I need to log file Create/Delete/Edit on that network path from my server(Windows).
I tried to create a Custom view on Windows Event Viewer with event ID 4663.
But the problem is, that it shows logs from other folders as well.
I want to filter only the events from my network path and trigger a windows task, based on that Custom event view.

As it was a bit complicated to catch the detailed event from AWS, I changed the approach to accomplish my task.
I created a background worker to track all file changes in the given folder
using .Net Directory, File and FileSystemWatcher classes.


Watching for files on remote shared folder using tWaitForFile

I am trying tWaitForFile component in Talend to watch for new created files. It seems to be working for local directory (I am using Windows 7).
However, when I point it to a shared folder like // it doesn't work. It doesn't give me file creation signals like it gives for local directory.
Am I missing something?
In my testing so far, below are the observations for monitoring files on network path:
Talend tWaitForFile - Inconsistent results. Only gives notification sometimes. Majority of time, doesn't.
Java Nio WatchService - Tried this out of Talend solution. It does give notification for created files on network path. However, when the number of folders to be monitored on network path are too many, it starts missing events of some of the folders. In my case, it was around 100 folders to be monitored.
Hence, aborted both of above approaches and sticking on scheduler based running of Talend jobs.
If you use the value from a context then you don't need to double "\"
And in the tWaitForFile

Accessing streamsets web UI on another node in a cluster than where installed, which file system does it 'look in'?

I have a cluster of machines hosting hadoop (MapR) and have install streamsets on one of the nodes (say node002) following the RPM documentation. However, I am accessing the web UI for the data collector from another node, node001.
My question is, when I specify files paths (eg. an origin directory), which file system is the web UI going to be referring to? Eg. if I put an origin directory as /home/myuser/mydata, will the pipeline created in the web UI be looking for that directory in node001 or node002? New to using streamsets, so a more detailed answer would be appreciated. Thanks.
** Ultimately I am asking this because I am currently getting "FileNotFound" and "permission denied" errors while trying to follow the documentation's tutorial and am trying to debug the situation.
From the streamsets community forums: It will be the path to the local file on the machine running that particular SDC instance.
The FileNotFound and permission errors have to do with the fact that the default user for the sdc service is a user called sdc. Still working on how to fix this part, but can produce a workable prototype by setting the read and write access for the directories in question to allow public access (still need to work on this part, but this answers the posted question).

Talend: Using tfilelist to access files from a shared network path

I have a Talend job that searches a directory and then uploads it to our database.
It's something like this: dbconnection>twaitforfile>tfilelist>fileschema>tmap>db
I have a subjobok that then commits the data into the table iterates through the directory and movies files to another folder.
Recently I was instructed to change the directory to a shared network path using the same components as before (I originally thought of changing components to tftpfilelist, etc.)
My question being how to direct it to the shared network path. I was able to get it to go through using double \ but it won't read any of the new files arriving.
I suppose if you use tWaitForFile on the local filesystem Talend/Java will hook somehow into the folder and get a message if a new file is being put into it.
Now, since you are on a network drive first of all this is out of reach of the component. Second, the OS behind the network drive could be different.
I understand your job is running all the time, listening. You could change the behaviour to putting a tLoop first which would check the file system for new files and then proceed. There must be some delta check in how the new files get recognized.

File Listener in Ensemble/CachObjectscript

I am new to ensemble. I would like to know, whether there is any thing like filesystemwatcher in Cache/Ensemble. (Note : filesystemwatcher is in .Net)
My requirement is as follows, My Ensemble production (Business Process) will drop a file in a folder, in that folder a windows service will process the file and replace this file with a new file.
My Business process should wait till the new file is available in the folder and start resuming the process.
Please let me know if this is possible in Ensemble.
Yes - the File Inbound Adapter is most likely what you are looking for. See for details.

How to push an enterprise-wide PowerShell profile customization?

As I've explained in my other question, I'm busy setting up a PowerShell module repository in my enterprise.
My plan is to have a master repository (r/w access to a limited group of people) and slave repositories (read only access to everyone). I need multiple repositories because clients are located in different security zones and I can't have a central location reachable by all clients.
For this reason, I need to configure the PowerShell profile of the clients so that they can point to the correct repository to find the modules. I would like to define a $PowerShellRepositoryPath environment variable for this purpose.
Also, the profile needs to be customized in order for it to execute a script located in the repository (thus where $PowerShellRepositoryPath points to) when PowerShell starts (my goal here is to automatically add the latest module versions to the PSModulePath of the clients on startup).
We have a mixed environment with domain members and stand-alone servers in different network zones.
How would you proceed? Is it possible to push that variable and the profile via a GPO for domain members? Would customizing the $Profile variable via GPO be an option?
What about the standalone servers?
I think that for creating the environment variable, I'll just use a GPO to create it and use it in PowerShell via $env:variableName. For non-domain situations, I'll probably have to use a script though..
I am not sure about pushing $profile via GPO. But, I'd simply put a logon script that copies the profile script from a network location based on the user's group/security membership.
Well if you're going to change the path to the modules, I'd have a file in the repository (say current.txt) that has the name for the current module (or current file path, whichever you are changing) in it. Then have the $profile script read the content of that file, and set the variable based on the contents. This way you don't have to screw around with updating the profile scripts, just update the central repository current.txt file with the path (or partial path, the part that changes, or filename or whatever), and when it replicates to the client repositories, all powershell profiles get updated with the latest modules when the profile script is executed.
Out of curiosity, why not just overwrite the module files in the client repositories with the latest version? If you did it that way, all clients would always have the latest versions, and you wouldn't have to update the $profile scripts.
Alternately you could always write another script to replace the $profile script on all machines. I think the first route I suggested would be the cleanest way of doing what you are after.
As far as the GPO thing goes, I don't believe you can do this. There is no GPO defined to control what is in the profile script. I would say you could maybe do it with a custom ADM file, but the profile script path is not controlled by the registry, so no go there.