Have separately configured grafana image renderer, installed plugin and now can render any graphs.
But telegram alerts still without images and no any checkbox "Include image"
Grafana v8.4.6
Grafana Image Renderer v3.4.2
What should be configured else?
Yes, since v9.0 is there a new way to take screenshots of panels.
1 - Create an alert from the panel, as always
2 - Setup alert
3 - Keep Dashboard UID and Panel ID annotations.
In v9.1 will be compatible with Telegram
More info in this discussion: https://github.com/grafana/grafana/discussions/38030
Official doc page: (with compatible notificators) https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/alerting/images-in-notifications/
Image rendering was removed in grafana 8 alerts: https://github.com/grafana/grafana/discussions/38030
if you want images you have to go back to legacy alerts
I use Grafana V9 with Image Renderer Plugin
Not so far i update Grafana from v8 to v9
I have setuped alert to Telegram, but when it firing, i receive picture without chart
Whats may be a problem?
I run Grafana 7.2.0 Open Source Edition and need to embed a website into the dashboard itself. That is, I need a row or two of the usual panels of graphs, and below them embed an external web site that needs to be periodically reloaded.
How can I achieve this? There do not seem to be any relevant plugins at https://grafana.com/grafana/plugins. Is it possible to write a custom panel just for my instance? If so, any pointers about how to start would be appreciated.
You can use Grafana's standard "Text" panel.
Set Display->Mode->HTML in panel settings and add
<iframe src="http://your.external.web.page.url"></iframe> in panel content editor.
I cannot seem to figure out how to get certain metrics from GCP into Stackdriver (google monitoring) in a usable way. They can be viewed using Stackdriver's "Metrics Explorer" tool, but not saved into a graph or alerting policy. As a specific example, only a handful of the metrics outlined in this table are available:
Again, I can use the "Metrics Explorer" tool to immediately visualize any one of them in an ad-hoc graph, but I cannot create an alerting policy or any sort of persistent monitoring for anything except for CPU Usage, Disk Usage, Page Faults, and Used Memory. Does anyone know how to get one of these metrics (such as container/cpu/usage_time) into an alerting policy?
Metrics Explorer includes access to more metrics than are currently available for alerting. We're working on addressing this both for UIs and APIs. Please stay tuned to release notes.
Thanks for using Stackdriver!
You can create a dashboard and add those metrics that you want to view. To do so please follow the instructions below. Further information on dashboards and on creating charts and alerts can be found in this documentation link.
At the Google Cloud Platform click on Products & Services which is the icon with the four bars at the top left hand corner.
On the menu go to the Stackdriver section and click on Monitoring.
A new ‘Stackdriver Monitoring’ window for your project will open up.
At the left-side navigation list click on Dashboards and select Create Dashboard. During this step you also have the option to add a chart to an existing dashboard by clicking on its name.
Give a name to the dashboard you’re creating.
At the right-hand side you can see different options to customize. Click on ‘Add Chart’ and fill in the requested information:
Give a name to the chart you’re creating.
Resource Type: Choose your resource type, e.g ‘GCE VM Instance’.
Metric: Choose the metrics that you want to add, e.g ‘compute.googleapis.com/instance/uptime ‘. Metric information for each product can be found in this documentation link.
Fill in all other information as needed: Filter, ‘Group By’, etc.
You can add more metrics by clicking the ‘Add Metric’ button.
Once you have finished click on the ‘Save’ button to save and create this new chart.
At the left-hand menu list click Dashboard and select the dashboard you have created to view it.
The tool I'm using to develop a dashboard is Domo Centerview builder. The graphs are not getting loaded when I open the dashboard but it appears only after selecting the controls.
controls like check-box, radio-buttons , radio-group and drop down lists should be placed independently. It should not come under any KPI's if u place it inside any KPI's it wont take the data until some event happens in the dashboard
I assume you are talking about Domo here - which is used to build business intelligence dashboards.
Any graph you create using the analyzer goes to your overview page. You can then move the graphs/cards to the page that you want.
How can I add the ability of uploading multiple images for a product from the admin side.
I have search for it and found that upload an image from the admin side and then for adding additional images you should upload it through ftp.
But I did not want this. I want that admin should be able to upload multiple images from the admin panel for a single product.
How will I do this?
Which version of Zen Cart are you using? If you're using 1.3.x then you should install Image Handler (found in the official Free Add Ons section). Unfortunately, IH is currently not compatible with 1.5.0 admin section (although the frontend functionality will work). From what I know, there's currently nothing you can do with 1.5.0 except code the funcionality yourself.
There is now an updated Image Handler available for v1.5.0. http://www.zen-cart.com/plugins
There are other addons such as "Image Manager" which allow for additional admin-side image management.