Unity - move the starting position of raycast slightly forward along its direction - unity3d

I am still new to coding in unity, so please be gentle XD ... I want to make a raycast that is hitting a collider to start a new raycast with the same direction but not starting from the point where it has hit, but just slightly forward along its direction (like a few centimeters or so, or whatever that might be in unity units ^^) ... the code snippet shows the second raycast after the first hit:
Physics.Raycast(firsthit.point, direction, out var hit, distance, HitLayerMask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore)
So I figure I need to change the "firsthit.point" value(s) somehow using the "direction", but I just cant figure out how exactly. Any help would be highly appreciated.
Thanks, ANB_Seth

float distance = 1f;
Vector3 newPosition = firsthit.point + direction.normalized * distance;
Physics.Raycast(newPosition, direction, out var hit, distance, HitLayerMask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore);


Rotation flipping when moving around the sides of objects

I want to make a game in Unity where a person can pick a surface and walk along all of its sides. I've gotten the movement working, but when I rotate my character around certain angles of corner the character flips 180 degrees in some direction (it's different depending on the corner) and when I want them to move forward the game freaks out as they keep going across the corner over and over again, turning, and going forward across the border again. I'd strongly prefer to keep my character from doing these 180-degree spins and I think it's just due to a flaw in the formula I use to calculate the angle they stand at (which is based around making sure their transform.up is aligned with the point they are meant to stand on). Any ideas on how I fix this rotation formula in Update?
Current formula:
angle = Vector3.Angle(closestPoint, transform.position);
var t = transform;
var angles = t.eulerAngles;
t.RotateAround(transform.position, -transform.right, 90);
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, t.rotation, Time.deltaTime * 5.0f);
Got this solution from a different forum and it worked:
So this is actually not a trivial problem to solve. If you try doing it by calculating angles etc you almost always end up with a similar spinning/flipping issue in certain positions. You can solve it by doing the maths, but its a pain. I usually like to use Quaternion.LookRotation to solve this kind of problem. you can feed in the desired forward and upward directions. So you can calculate the desired upward direction like so:
Vector3 targetUpDirection = transform.position - GravityWellPoint.transform.position;
Then you would do the following:
transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(transform.forward,targetUpDirection);
but this doesnt quite work. LookRotation will ensure that your forward direction is exactly the one you specify, and then chooses the upward direction that's the closest possible to the one you specify. So you will find that we don't actually manage to point our object upwards in the way we intended. However, there is an unintuitive solution we can apply instead.
Calculate the upward direction in the same way, then use LookRotation to rotate our object to point its forward face in exactly our desired upwards direction, and its upward face towards the current forward direction:
Vector3 targetUpDirection = transform.position - GravityWellPoint.transform.position;
transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(targetUpDirection, transform.forward);
Now our object is aligned perfectly, but is the wrong way up. We can use LookRotation again, to swap the upwards and forwards directions:
transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(transform.up, transform.forward);
For clarity/TLDR here is the complete code for my solution:
//find the desired up direction:
Vector3 targetUpDirection = transform.position - other.position;
//face forward/upward via black magic
transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(targetUpDirection, transform.forward);
transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(transform.up, transform.forward);

Unity: Face object towards player in sideways maps

So, my map is sideways so I can use tilemaps. But, I have this enemy, works good, BUT it looks at me sideways as if I am not sideways, so the transform.lookAt will not work with sideways maps unless I modify the input by a certain number, but I tried and cannot get it to work. Any suggestions?
Here is the lookAt code:
Vector3 lookAt = PlayerController.instance.transform.position;
lookAt.y = transform.position.y;
I am not sure if I understand it correctly, but I propably had the same problem some time ago. You can make it work if you use transform.Forward or Quaternion rotation
You can simply assign a value to Transform.right or Transform.up according to your needs like e.g.
Vector2 direction = PlayerController.instance.transform.position - transform.position;
transform.right = direction;

How to define the direction perpendicular to a GameObject's motion (Unity)?

I'm trying to create a game where a ball is launched off from a circle, much like a cannon, but it can be launched into any direction, 360ยบ because the circle which the ball is attached to can rotate. So, I was thinking of using Rigidbody2D.AddForce() but I'm not sure how to define the direction I want the force to be applied. I want it to be the direction perpendicular to the ball/player's movement but I don't know how to define that. Thanks for any help! :)
If you get the direction that the ball is travelling (as say degrees) you can add a certain angle to that and use the angle to determine the force that needs to be applied.
I'm assuming that the ball/player has no ridged body, if it does then you can just grab the direction directly. Also since your using circle to describe the spawned shape i'm going to assume your working in 2D.
Vector3 lastPosition;
void Update()
//launch the ball before updating the last position
lastPosition = transform.position;
Vector3 launchDirection()
Vector3 ballDirection = transform.position - lastPosition;
float angle = Mathf.Atan2(ballDirection.x, ballDirection.y) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
//the direction should be perpendicular to direction of movement
float angle += 90;
return new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(angle), Mathf.Sin(angle));
I haven't ran the code in unity but it looks like it should work. Basically to get the direction you store the last position and compare it to the current direction to work out the delta (if your using a ridged body to move around then grab the direction from that instead) then use atan2 to get the angle. To make the launch direction perpendicular to the ball I added 90 degrees (you might want -90 depending on what side you need the circle to launch from). Now that we have the angle that you want the ball to shoot out from, use that with Sin and Cos to get the XY of the angle.
There you have it that will get you the direction perpendicular to movement, you your using 3 dimensions it's basically the same maths just with a few numbers thrown in to pad the return value.
Oh if your object always faces the direction of movement transform.right also works :P

Placing objects right in front of camera

I am trying to figure out how to modify HelloARController.cs from the example ARCore scene to place objects directly in front of the camera. My thinking is that we are raycasting from the camera to a Vector3 on an anchor or tracked plane, so can't we get the Vector3 of the start of that ray and place an object at or near that point?
I have tried lots, and although I am somewhat a beginner, I have come up with this
From my understanding, ScreenToWorldPoint should output a vector3 of the screen position corresponding to the world, but it is not working correctly. I have tried other options instead of ScreenToWorldPoint, but nothing has presented the desired effect. Does anyone have any tips?
To place the object right at the middle of the camera's view, you would have to change the target gameObject's transform.position (as AlmightyR has said).
The ready code would look something like this:
GameObject camera;
GameObject object;
float distance = 1;
object.transform.position = camera.transform.position + camera.transform.forward * distance;
Since camera's forward component (Z axis) is always poiting at the direction where Camera is looking to, you take that vector's direction and multiply it by a distance you want your object to be placed on. If you want your object to always stay at that position no matter how camera moves, you can make it a child of camera's transform.
object.transform.localPosition = Vector3.forward * distance;
Arman's suggestion works. Also giving credit to AlmightyR since they got me started in the right direction. Here's what I have now:
// Set a position in front of the camera
float distance = 1;
Vector3 cameraPoint = m_firstPersonCamera.transform.position + m_firstPersonCamera.transform.forward * distance;
// Intanstiate an Andy Android object as a child of the anchor; it's transform will now benefit
// from the anchor's tracking.
var andyObject = Instantiate(m_andyAndroidPrefab, cameraPoint, Quaternion.identity,anchor.transform);
The only problem with this is that because of the existing HelloAR example code, an object is only placed if you click on a point in the point cloud in my case (or a point on a plane by default). I would like it to behave so that you click anywhere on screen, and it places an object anchored to a nearby point in the point cloud, not necessarily one that you clicked. Any thoughts for how to do that?
Side tip for those who don't know: If you want to place something anchored to a point in the cloud, instead of on a plane, change
TrackableHitFlag raycastFilter = TrackableHitFlag.PlaneWithinBounds | TrackableHitFlag.PlaneWithinPolygon;
TrackableHitFlag raycastFilter = TrackableHitFlag.PointCloud;

unity3d: shoot where mouse clicks on sceen

Looking at various bulletin boards, this is a common problem, yet I could not find any good answers online.
My project has a first-person car that moves via the arrow keys. I want a gun mounted on the car to be able to shoot via crosshair that can aim anywhere on the current screen. Right now the bullets just shoot right through the middle all the time, except for the times when I click on the screen and nothing happens (which is about 50%). Here is the code which I got via various scripts on the web:
var speed = 20;
var bullet: GameObject;
function Update () {
var hit : RaycastHit;
var ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay (Input.mousePosition); //ray from
// through the mousePosition.
if(Physics.Raycast(ray, hit, 1000)) { //does the ray collide with
// anything.
//add stuff here for finding type of object and such.
Debug.Log("Hit Something at mouse position");
Debug.DrawRay (ray.origin, ray.direction * 10, Color.yellow);
//Display the ray.
var projectile:GameObject = Instantiate(bullet,transform.position,transform.rotation);
projectile.rigidbody.velocity = transform.forward * speed;
If anyone could help, it would be very much appreciated.
Your ray is correct (pointing to middle of screen), but it has nothing to do with the way your making the bullet travel. The bullet travels based on a transform.forward * speed. What you need to do is get the hit point of your ray, then get a direction from your bullets origin to that point.
Vector3 direction = hit.point - projectile.transform.position;
projectile.rigidbody.velocity = direction * speed;
1000 is pretty low for a screenPointToRay, so you might want to up that by a lot if you want to avoid future problems.
Also rigidbody has been deprecated, im not sure if you should be doing a (GameObject).rigidbody directly like that
Without actually posting you any code, I can tell you that what you should probably be looking into is why your projectile is setting its rotation from the transform's rotation instead of the rotation of your ray if I understand your attempt.
The projectile is clearly gaining all of it's properties (including those which are supposed to be detached from the origination) from the vehicle and just following along accordingly.
Try setting your projectile's rotation to that of your ray.
Also, your ray is more than likely only ever hitting half of the time because of your amount of distance to test. Try upping that number, or creating walls for it to collide with at shorter range.