Keycloak Admin Console Page is Empty - keycloak

I am getting empty page after updating a Frontend URL for the default Master Realm. Below is the screenshot of the realm settings. I am using Keycloak 18.0.0 version.
Can anyone please help me out


How to connect Drupal with Keycloak 18 for user creation

I am trying to connect drupal with keycloak for login. I have added client id, client secret and Keycloak realm , getting from keycloak server.
Using modules -
Link - http://localhost/drupal/user/login
After clicked on the 'Login Keycloak button' , getting error
The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.
Log Message - Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\MissingMandatoryParametersException: Some mandatory parameters are missing ("openid_connect_client") to generate a URL for route "openid_connect.redirect_controller_redirect". in Drupal\Core\Routing\UrlGenerator->doGenerate() (line 181 of C:\xampp\htdocs\drupal\core\lib\Drupal\Core\Routing\UrlGenerator.php).
Please suggest. Thank you.
Looks like you might have not added the valid redirect uri in your local keycloak server page under Clients > Settings which I believe should be "http://localhost/drupal/openid-connect/keycloak" for your project.
And also you need to provide Keycloak base URL in your drupal "Configuration > Web Service> Open ID Connect" web page which most of the times if you are using local keycloak server is http://localhost:8080

Keycloak login page says "Page not found"?

I downloaded the latest Keycloak (17.0.0), start it with kc.bat start-dev and when I open localhost:8080 it redirects to localhost:8080/auth and this page is shown:
I can't make it work and get the page I get when I start the Keycloak standalone version 12...
Thanks in advance
the admin authentification in keycloak 17 is localhost:8080 without /auth
you should run kc.bat start-dev on your cmd after check this url it worked for me.
if it doesn't work try to re-run your cmd
In my case, I've tried to use keycloak 16 that has a login page at http://localhost:8080/auth. Then I've migrated to keycloak 20 that has a login page at http://localhost:8080/.
The browser has cached http://localhost:8080/auth and redirected me to this address every time I've tried to open http://localhost:8080/, so I've received "Page not found" error. I've tried to open login page in anonymous tab and it worked as expected.
To sum up, make sure to clear browser cache after migrating to keycloak 17+.
Try clearing your browser's cache and cookies and then try accessing the Keycloak URL again

Keycloak redirect page shows We are sorry.. page not found

I have deployed keycloak on my EKS cluster and able to access dashboard successfully and created a new realm already.
So I thought of testing my keycloak, and went to for testing.
I have created a client with the root URL "" and created one User also.
I have tested successfully my user using account login of my realm.
then I went to entered my keycloak URL as , the realm as Test(same name of my realm), and then client name as a portal(same name client created on keycloak).
When I hit Sign in, it redirects to my keycloak URL but shown We are Sorry... Page not found
Anyone knows why I am receiving this error and how can I avoid that.
Issue fixed. So there is a catch My realm name was Test. So I was entering the same and it was not working and then I tried writing in lowercase as a test. Boom It worked.
TIP: No matter what case your realm name is there, if facing this issue try in Lowercase it solved for me and hope for others also it should work.
Thanks, guys...
I too had this error. I followed instructions somewhere for configuring the keycloak client application's url, realm, and clientId properties. In the instructions it said to configure the url to http://localhost:8080/auth. I think this must have changed somewhere along the way.
Changing the url property to http://localhost:8080 fixed the error :)

Keycloak Client settings, what URLs do I need?

I have problems setting up Keycloak for a project I do.
Keycloak is running on http://localhost:8180.
Thorntail server is running on http://localhost:8080/users which serves data for an
Angular frontend on http://localhost:4200/*. What I want to do is that a User can only see http://localhost:4200/sign-in without logging in. Once logged in they can access for example http://localhost:4200/list-user.
I was using this guide to set up Keycloak, but I'm not sure what I my Client settings should be. This is what I thought:
Root URL: http://localhost:4200/sign-in
*Valid Redirect URIs: http://localhost:4200/list-user
Base URL: http://localhost:4200/sign-in
Admin URL: http://localhost:8080
Somebody please explain the purpose of these settings as I struggle to understand.
Root url is just a value that will be used for relative paths resolving.
Root: http://localhost:4200/sign-in
Valid Redirects: /* (After login user could be redirected to any URI that matches pattern http://localhost:4200/sign-in/*)
Base URL: / (Is not mandatory. Used when keycloak need to calculate application url by client_id only)
Admin URL: / (Used when Keycloak need to notify applications about revocation or when user logs out. For example when user logs out in application A if he has session in application B, Keycloak will send backchannel request to Admin URL of application B, so Application B will also flush user session in it)
Check out docs and info badges in Admin Console

Default custom realm in keycloak

Our team is working on a project that integrates into Keycloak. We created a custom realm, say ProjectX and enable our custom theme on it to be applied in the login page of Keycloak.
Since our theme is applied on the realm ProjectX and not in master, then how can we default the custom realm to be displayed(with the theme) when we first access the keycloak login page?
Not sure which project you are building and how you are configure keycloak in your ProjectX project. Ok lets ignore all these thing and see how we generally browse keycloak .We Simply hit https://<IP ADDRESS>:<PORT>/auth then it will show some link and we click to Administration Console and it will redirect to MASTER realm url.
Which look like this https://<IP ADDRESS>:<PORT>/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/auth?client_id=security-admin-console&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2F135.250.138.93%3A8666%2Fauth%2Fadmin%2Fmaster%2Fconsole%2F%3Fredirect_fragment%3D%252Frealms%252Fbasic-auth%252Ftheme-settings&state=47381ff9-eb03-4419-bac3-8824d57f9c0d&nonce=be95ef5a-0737-49a3-be0b-4577f7a050ae&response_mode=fragment&response_type=code&scope=openid
Now in your case you want to access the url for particular realm and not default(Master) realm,So here is the Solution hit below url.
https://<IP ADDRESS>:<PORT>/auth/realms/<REALM-NAME>/account
But make sure you created user for your realm and give proper rights to particular user.