Perl get all values from hahes inside of array - perl

I`m really struggling with Perl and I need to solve this topic. I Have a rest api response that I converted to json, Dumper shows something like this:
VAR1= [
"description":"Adam description"}
"description":"Jean description"}
"description":"Jack description"}
What I need is to iterate over each "name" and check if value is Jean. I wanted to iterate over hashes inside of array, but each time it will only store first hash, not all of them.
What I`m trying and failing:
# my json gather, Dumper is shown above.
my $result_json = JSON::from_json($rest->GET( $host, $headers )->{_res}->decoded_content);
# I`ve tried many things to get all hashes, but either error, or single hash, or single value:
my $list = $result_json->[0];
my $list2 = $result_json->[0]->{'profile'};
my $list3 = #result_json->[0];
my $list4 = #result_json->[0]->{'profile'};
my $list5 = #result_json;
my $list5 = #result_json->{'profile'}; # this throws error
my $list6 = #result_json->[0]->{'profile'}->{'name'};
my $list7 = $result_json->[0]->{'profile'}->{'name'};
# and maybe more combinations... its just an example.
foreach my $i (<lists above>){
print $i;
Any idea how to set it up properly and iterate over each "name"?

Assuming that the call to JSON::from_json shown in the code smaple is indeed given the JSON string shown as a Dumper output,† that $result_json is an array reference so iterate over its elements (hash references)
foreach my $hr (#{ $result_json }) {
say "profile name: ", $hr->{profile}{name};
† That last comma in the supposed Dumper's output can't actually be there, so I removed it to use the rest as a sample JSON for testing


MongoDB/Perl: find_one doesn't return data after unrelated code

mongodb is v4.0.5
Perl is 5.26.3
MongoDB Perl driver is 2.0.3
This Data::Dumper output shows what's driving me crazy
INFO - $VAR1 = [
'275369249826930689 1',
'conf' => {
'param' => 'argument'
'id' => '275369249826930689',
'lastmsg' => '604195211232139552',
'_id' => bless( {
'oid' => ']:\',&�h�GeR'
}, 'BSON::OID' )
352832438449209345 275369249826930689
INFO - $VAR1 = [
'275369249826930689 2'
The second INFO - $VAR1 should show the same content as the first one. This is the original code, which I have (see below) broken down to find the culprit.
ddump(["$userid 1",
channel => 'chan1',
id => $userid,
my #filtered = reverse
grep { $_->{author}->{id} == $userid } #{$answers};
ddump(["$userid 2",
channel => 'chan1',
id => $userid,
ddump is just a wrapper for Data::Dumper. If I remove the "my #filtered" line, the second find one again returns the expected result (a MongoDB document). $answers is just a listref of hashes - no objects - from some API, completely unrelated to MongoDB.
So I broke the "reverse grep" code down to see where the culprit is. The say are the two numbers you see between the dumpers above. This is what I can do, to get answer from the second find_one:
for my $answer (#{$answers}) {
say $answer->{author}->{id}, ' ', $userid;
push #filtered, $answer;
As long as I do just this, the second find_one delivers a result. If, however, I do this:
for my $answer (#{$answers}) {
say $answer->{author}->{id}, ' ', $userid;
if ($answer->{author}->{id} == $userid) {
push #filtered, $answer;
I get the output from above (where the second dumper yields no return from the find_one. It's insane - the if-clause containing the numeric eq causes the second find_one to fail! This is also the grep body in the intended code.
What's going on here? How can this have possibly any effect on the MongoDB methods?
Using the numeric comparison operator == numifies the value, but it's probably too large to fit into an integer and becomes a float. It can also just become an integer and lose double quotes when serialized to JSON or similar format. Using eq instead of == keeps the value unchanged.

Sort and delete duplicates in multidimensional array

I have an multidimensional Array and want to sort it by the date and delete the duplicate entries (by date).
$arrayPlaces = [System.Collections.ArrayList]#()
and that is how the Array looks like:
$arrayPlaces.Add(($mailBarcodeInformation[2], $mailScannedStart.Substring(22), "", "", "", "", "", ""))
The empty fields are filled later. The second field $mailScannedStart.Substring(22) is the time and the Array should be sorted by that and the duplicates should also be removed.
I searched a lot but couldn't find any help.
A common approach is to add a custom object into an array and use the buit-in cmdlet sort -unique. It's much more readable:
$arrayPlaces = [System.Collections.ArrayList]#()
barcode = $mailBarcodeInformation[2]
time = $mailScannedStart.Substring(22)
foo1 = ''
foo2 = ''
foo3 = ''
}) >$null
$sorted = $arrayPlaces | sort time -Unique
However, since you already use a .NET class you can switch to a fast .NET SortedDictionary, which automatically sorts and deduplicates the collection when items are added:
$arrayPlaces = [Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary[string,array]]#{}
Adding and overwriting the old value:
$key = $mailScannedStart.Substring(22)
$arrayPlaces[$key] = $mailBarcodeInformation[2], $key, "", "", "", "", "", ""
Checking for presence of an item using its key:
if ($arrayPlaces.ContainsKey($key)) { ....... }
$items = $arrayPlaces['foo']
$item = $arrayPlaces['foo'][0]
Enumerating (faster):
foreach ($items in $arrayPlaces.Values) {
# .........
Enumerating/pipelining (slower):
$arrayPlaces.Values | foreach { $_[0] = $_[1] + $[2] }

how to increment hash of hash in perl

failing to properly populate a HoH using this code:
when i run the loop using below:
while (my $form = $form_rs->next ()){
my $menu=$form->get_column("fmenu");
my $script=$form->get_column("fscript");
my $name=$form->get_column("ftitle");
$itemList->{$menu} = {
$script => $name
print Dumper $itemList;
it runs correctly but since $menu is repeating it only keeps last value in the HoH. So i get erroneous output in Data Dumper. I get only 1 record for each 'menu', whereas there should be many.
...(and so on)
whereas EXPECTED:
...(and so on)
...(and so on)
pl help.
thank you.
Then you want to update $itemList->{$menu}{$script} rather than assign a reference to a one-element hash to $itemList->{$menu}.
$itemList->{$menu}{$script} = $name;

How can I get a specific tag from array returned from Net::Amazon::EC2 decribe_tags?

I'm using Net::Amazon::EC2 to get some information about my instances.
I get all of the tags associated with an instance with:
my $tags = $ec2->describe_tags("Filter.Name" => "resource-id", "Filter.Value" => $instance_id);
According to the docs, this returns an array ref of DescribeTag objects.
I can iterate through the results:
foreach my $tag (#$tags) {
print $tag->key . " = " . $tag->value . "\n";
Is there a way I can get a tag with a specific key?
You could probably grep through them. Not very elegant, but I don't know the module you are using.
my #filtered_tags = grep { $_->key eq 'specific' } #$tags;

How to post array form using LWP

I am having problems creating an array that I can pass as a form using LWP. Basic code is
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my %form = { };
$form->{'Submit'} = '1';
$form->{'Action'} = 'check';
for (my $i=0; $i<1; $i++) {
$form->{'file_'.($i+1)} = [ './test.txt' ];
$form->{'desc_'.($i+1)} = '';
$resp = $ua->post('http://someurl/test.php', 'Content_Type' => 'multipart/form-data'
, 'Content => [ \%form ]');
if ($resp->is_success()) {
print "OK: ", $resp->content;
} else {
print $claimid->as_string;
I guess I am not creating the form array correctly or using the wrong type as when I check the _POST variables in test.php nothing has been set :(
The problem is that for some reason you've enclosed your form values in single quotes. You want to send the data structure. E.g.:
$resp = $ua->post('http://someurl/test.php',
'Content_Type' => 'multipart/form-data',
'Content' => \%form);
You want to either send the hash reference of %form, not the has reference contained within an array reference as you had ([ \%form ]). If you had wanted to send the data as an array reference, then you'd just use[ %form ]` which populates the array with the key/value pairs from the hash.
I'd suggest that you read the documentation for HTTP::Request::Common, the POST section in particular for a cleaner way of doing this.