I'm using vertx-4.x. I've sample url patterns like this:
api/v1/xyz_development/sse/reference/123456/ -> Handler1
api/v1/xyz_development/members/reference/789045/ -> Handler2
Please note xyz_development is not fixed. It might change based on environment, so i don't want to hardcode it in URL patterns.
Requests with url pattern with /sse should be handled by Handler1 and any other requests shoud be handled by Handler2.
I'm registering routes like this:
router.route("/sse/*).handler(new Handler1());
router.route("/api/v1/*).handler(new Handler2());
But when requests come with /sse , those are going to Handler2 instead of Handler1 as prefix is same (/api/v1/...)
I tried subRouters and pathRegex() API as well but couldn't make it work. Please suggest a way to acheive this.
Change the order of your route declarations:
router.route("/api/v1/xyz_development/sse/*").handler(new Handler2());
router.route("/api/v1/xyz_development/*").handler(new Handler1());
And then requests for SSE will be handled by Handler2.
After couple of trial and errors, finally found the solution. Defining routes like below worked:
router.route().pathRegex("/api/v1/.*/sse/.*").handler(new Handler1());
router.route().path("/api/v1/*").handler(new Handler2());
Now requests with /sse are being handled by Handler1 and other requests are being handled by Handler2.
I welcome if there are other ways to achieve this.
I'm looking for a solution that will have the backend publish an event to the frontend as soon as a modification is done on the server side. To be more concise I want to emit a new List of objects as soon as one item is modified.
I've tried implementing on a SpringBoot project, that uses Reactive Web, MongoDB which has a #Tailable cursor that publish an event as soon as the capped collection is modified. The problem is that the capped collection has some limitation and is not really compatible with what I want to do. The thing is I cannot update an existing element if the new one has a different size(as I understood this is illegal because you cannot make a rollback).
I honestly don't even know if it's doable, but maybe I'm lucky and I'll run into a rocket scientist right here that will prove otherwise.
Thanks in advance!!
*** EDIT:
Sorry for the vague question. Yes I'm more focused on the HOW, using the Spring Reactive framework.
When I had a similar need - to inform frontend that something is done on the backend side - I have used a message queue.
I have published a message to the queue from the backend and the frontend consumed the message.
But I am not sure if that is what you're looking for.
if you are using webflux with spring reactor, I think you can simply have a client request with content-type as 'text/event-stream' or 'application/stream+json' and You shall have API that can produce those content-type. This gives you SSE model without too much effort.
#GetMapping(value = "/stream", produces = {MediaType.TEXT_EVENT_STREAM_VALUE, MediaType.APPLICATION_STREAM_JSON_VALUE, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE})
public Flux<Message> get(HttpServletRequest request) {
Just as an idea - maybe you need to use a web socket technology here:
The frontend side (I assume its a client side application that runs in a browser, written in react, angular or something like that) can establish a web-socket communication with the backend server.
When the process on backend finishes, the message from backend to frontend can be sent.
You can do emitting changes by hand. For example:
public final Sinks.Many<SimpleInfoEvent> infoEventSink = Sinks.many().multicast().onBackpressureBuffer();
#RequestMapping(path = "/sseApproach", produces = MediaType.TEXT_EVENT_STREAM_VALUE)
public Flux<ServerSentEvent<SimpleInfoEvent>> sse() {
return infoEventSink.asFlux()
.map(e -> ServerSentEvent.builder(e)
.id(counter.incrementAndGet() + "")
Code anywhere for emitting data:
infoEventSink.tryEmitNext(new SimpleInfoEvent("any custom event"));
Watch out of threads and things like "subscribeOn", "publishOn", but basically (when not using any third party code), this should work good enough.
Hi I'm building REST api for an app, I have a requirement in URL
such that url should be something like this e.g
www.abc.com/api/param1/value1/param2/value2/param3/value3.... and so on
There are cases
case: The number of params are not limited it can change frequent
if today it is something like this
tomorrow it can be like this
Is there a configuration where once you configure the url pattern
and every thing go smooth
and in conrtoller params should contain this kind of key-value pair
{ "param1" => "value1","param2" => "value2","param3" => "value3"...and so on }
any suggestion !! how to achieve this ??
If your params are not fixed you can use wildcard in routing
for e.g
get 'items/list/*specs', controller: 'items', action: 'list'
def list
specs = params[:specs] # e.g, "base/books/fiction/dickens" #split it and place in a hash
Rails routing provides a way to specify fully custom routes with static and dynamic segments as explained in the Rails Routing Guide.
Your requirement should be achievable with
get '/api/param1/:param1/param2/:param2/...', to: 'controller#action'
You can use route scoping for this particular kind of problem . In other way it is nested routes
More details : http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html#nested-resources
This is a example,
GET /magazines/:magazine_id/ads/:id/edit ads#edit
return an HTML form for editing an ad belonging to a specific magazine
I think this would be helpful for you.
Lets say I have a couple URI template endpoint for a REST API as such:
"/events" - gives me all events
"/events/2234" - gives me the event specified by the eventId
What if I wanted all events by a specific broker. I was thinking maybe this:
"events/2345" - gives me all the events for the specific BrokerId
problem is how would the service know if the incoming url is sending in a broker vs. eventId? the /2234 and /2345 are indistinguishable.
I'm wondering how this is handled in REST. Do most people typically do something like:
or do they somehow specify what type of Id it is some other way?
I'm not sure about others, but I would probably do something like:
For example:
Of course, you could always do something less rest-ful, such as:
I'm struggling to figure out how I can do role-based authorization depending on what HTTP method a request is using. I use HTTP basic auth and depending on the users role and the HTTP method used a request should succeed or fail.
a GET request to http://localhost/rest/ should always be allowed, even to non-authenticated users (anon access)
a PUT request to http://localhost/rest/ (same resource!) should only be allowed if user is authenticated
a DELETE request to http://localhost/rest/ (same resource!) should only be allowed if user is authenticated and has the role ADMINISTRATOR
My current (non-working) attempt of configuring shiro.ini looks like this:
/rest = authcBasic[PUT], roles[SERVICE_PROVIDER]
/rest = authcBasic[POST], roles[EXPERIMENTER]
/rest = authcBasic[DELETE], roles[ADMINISTRATOR]
/rest = authcBasic
I've just found https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SHIRO-107 and updated my shiro.ini to be
/rest/**:put = authcBasic, roles[SERVICE_PROVIDER]
/rest/**:post = authcBasic, roles[EXPERIMENTER]
/rest/**:delete = authcBasic, roles[ADMINISTRATOR]
/rest/** = authcBasic
but it still doesn't work. It seems that only the last rule matches. Also, the commit comment also seems to indicate that this only works with permission-based authorization. Is there no equivalent implementation for role-based authz?
I think HttpMethodPermissionFilter is the one you need to configure: http://shiro.apache.org/static/1.2.2/apidocs/org/apache/shiro/web/filter/authz/HttpMethodPermissionFilter.html This should enable you to map the HTTP method to Shiro's "create,read,update,delete" permissions as outlined in the javadoc for the class.
I had a similar situation with Shiro and my REST application. While there may be a better way (I hadn't seen SHIRO-107), my solution was to create a custom filter extending the Authc filter (org.apache.shiro.web.filter.authc.FormAuthenticationFilter). You could do something similar extending the authcBasic filter or the Roles filter (although I think authcBasic would be better as it is probably more complicated).
The method you want to override is "protected boolean isAccessAllowed(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, Object mappedValue)". Your argument (e.g. "ADMINISTRATOR") will come in on the mappedValue as String[] where the arguments were split by commas.
Since I needed the possibility of both a method and a role, I ended up have my arguements looks like "-". For example:
/rest/** = customFilter[DELETE-ADMINISTRATOR]
That let me split out the role required to perform a delete from the role required for a POST by doing something like:
I think if you play with this, you'll be able to get the functionality you need.
BTW, I hadn't seen SHIRO-107, so I've not tried that technique and probably won't since I've already invented my own custom filter. However that may provide a cleaner solution than what I did.
Hope that helps!
Hi I would like to perform sticky load balncing in apache camel based on the SOAP session, whcih is embedded in ServiceGroupID node of the first response.
I wrote a small route as follow:
Where URI is the string to which the requests are passed and BE1 and BE2 are the two backend servers.
And my query is
String query = "/soapenv:Envelope/soapenv:Header/wsa:ReplyTo/wsa:ReferenceParameters/axis2:ServiceGroupId/text()";
If i am not wrong this query would extract the servicegroupID from my SOAP header.
But when I try to perform the balancing, due to some reason whatsoever, the requets are not being passed to the same backend server.
and my env, wsa and ax are the namespaces, which are :
Namespaces env = new Namespaces("soapenv", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/");
Namespaces wsa = new Namespaces("wsa", "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing");
Namespaces ax = new Namespaces("axis2", "http://ws.apache.org/namespaces/axis2");
Am I doing something wrong here?
If so what? I would appreciate any help.
Also being discussed at the mailing list
Please dont start the same topic in multiple places at the same time. And if you do, then at least tell us, so we would know this.
People get upset when they spend time to help you, when its already been answered in another place!