sed to ignore a pattern as well as match a pattern in same line - sed

Input file
zoiduser perl
I need to only remove .HTML extension from below URL from above file:
So that the final output should look like:
zoiduser perl
This is what I am doing:
sed '/"http\|"www\|"mailto/ ! s|\(.html\)||g' file
But it ignores the line as soon as it matches the first pattern i.e. avoid URLs that start with "http|"www|"mailto.

You can use
sed -E 's/("(http|www|mailto)[^"]*")|\.html/\1/g' file
-E - enables POSIX ERE syntax
("(http|www|mailto)[^"]*") - Group 1 (\1): " and then either http, www, or mailto and then zero or more chars other than " and then a "
| - or
\.html - .html string.
The replacement is Group 1 values.
See the online demo:
zoiduser perl'
sed -E 's/("(http|www|mailto)[^"]*")|\.html/\1/g' <<< "$s"
zoiduser perl

It is not recommended to parse HTML using shell utilities like sed, awk, perl etc. But if you really have to use negation of certain keywords then I would suggest this perl:
perl -pe 's/"(?!www|http|mailto)([^"]+)\.html/"\1/g' f.html
zoiduser perl
(?!www|http|mailto) is negative lookahead to fail the match if these keywords appear just after "

With your shown samples only, please try following awk code. Simple explanation would be, checking if line contains <a href="(http|mailto|www): in line and if this condition is TRUE then using sub function to substitute first .html" occurrence with "> and then print that line, next will skip printing lines where conditions are not met. 1 will print lines where conditions are not met.
awk '/<a href="(http|mailto|www):/ && sub(/.html">/,"\">"){print;next} 1' Input_file


Deleting lines between two characters using sed

I have multiple datasets in txt format which have a predictable content. I am trying to remove the first set of lines. The first line starts with >*chromosome and I want to delete everything until >*plasmid. I can either tell it to delete everything from > until it encounters it again or delete everything between the first > and the second >. I have been trying something like this:
sed -i.bak '/>/,/^\>*$/{d}' file.txt
This did not work the original code I found was:
sed -i.bak '/>/,/^\s*$/{d}' file.txt
Use this Perl one-liner:
perl -0777 -pe 's{^>chromosome.*(?=^>plasmid)}{}sm' in.fasta
# Create example input file:
cat > in.fasta <<EOF
perl -0777 -pe 's{^>chromosome.*(?=^>plasmid)}{}sm' in.fasta > out.fasta
Output in out.fasta:
The Perl one-liner uses these command line flags:
-e : Tells Perl to look for code in-line, instead of in a file.
-p : Loop over the input one line at a time, assigning it to $_ by default. Add print $_ after each loop iteration.
-0777 : Slurp files whole.
The regex uses these modifiers:
/m : Allow multiline matches.
/s : Allow . to match a newline.
^>chromosome.*(?=^>plasmid) : Regex that matches >chromosome starts starts at the beginning of the line, followed by 0 or more characters, and ending right at (but not including) the match to >plasmid at the beginning of the line. The expression (?=PATTERN) is zero-length positive lookahead.
perldoc perlrun: how to execute the Perl interpreter: command line switches
perldoc perlre: Perl regular expressions (regexes)
perldoc perlre: Perl regular expressions (regexes): Quantifiers; Character Classes and other Special Escapes; Assertions; Capture groups
perldoc perlrequick: Perl regular expressions quick start

Insert linebreak in a file after a string

I have a unique (to me) situation:
I have a file - file.txt with the following data:
"Line1", "Line2", "Line3", "Line4"
I want to insert a linebreak each time the pattern ", is found.
The output of file.txt shall look like:
I am having a tough time trying to escape ", .
I tried sed -i -e "s/\",/\n/g" file.txt, but I am not getting the desired result.
I am looking for a one liner using either perl or sed.
You may use this gnu sed:
sed -E 's/(",)[[:blank:]]*/\1\n/g' file.txt
Note how you can use single quote in sed command to avoid unnecessary escaping.
If you don't have gnu sed then here is a POSIX compliant sed solution:
sed -E 's/(",)[[:blank:]]*/\1\
/g' file.txt
To save changes inline use:
sed -i.bak -E 's/(",)[[:blank:]]*/\1\
/g' file.txt
Could you please try following. using awk's substitution mechanism here, in case you are ok with awk.
awk -v s1="\"" -v s2="," '{gsub(/",[[:blank:]]+"/,s1 s2 ORS s1)} 1' Input_file
Here's a Perl solution:
perl -pe 's/",\K/\n/g' file.txt
The substitution pattern matches the ",, but the \K says to ignore anything to the left for the replacement (so, ",) will not be replaced. The replacement then effectively inserts the newline.
I used the single quote for the argument to -e, but that doesn't work on Windows where you have to use ". Instead of escaping the ", you can specify it in another way. That's code number 0x22, so you can write:
perl -pe "s/\x22,\K/\n/g" file.txt
Or in octal:
perl -pe "s/\042,\K/\n/g" file.txt
Use this Perl one-liner:
perl -F'/"\K,\s*/' -lane 'print join ",\n", #F;' in_file > out_file
Or this for in-line replacement:
perl -i.bak -F'/"\K,\s*/' -lane 'print join ",\n", #F;' in_file
The Perl one-liner uses these command line flags:
-e : Tells Perl to look for code in-line, instead of in a file.
-n : Loop over the input one line at a time, assigning it to $_ by default.
-l : Strip the input line separator ("\n" on *NIX by default) before executing the code in-line, and append it when printing.
-a : Split $_ into array #F on whitespace or on the regex specified in -F option.
-F'/"\K,\s*/' : Split into #F on a double quote, followed by comma, followed by 0 or more whitespace characters, rather than on whitespace. \K : Cause the regex engine to "keep" everything it had matched prior to the \K and not include it in the match. This causes to keep the double quote in #F elements, while comma and whitespace are removed during the split.
-i.bak : Edit input files in-place (overwrite the input file). Before overwriting, save a backup copy of the original file by appending to its name the extension .bak.
perldoc perlrun: how to execute the Perl interpreter: command line switches
perldoc perlrequick: Perl regular expressions quick start

sed or awk to change a specific number in a file on RHEL7

I need help figuring out the syntax or what command to use to find an replace a specific number in a file.
I need to replace the number 10 with 25 in a configuration file. I have tried the following:
sed 's/10/25/g' /etc/security/limits.conf
This changes other instances that contain 10 such as 1000 and 10000 to 2500 and 25000, I need to juct change the need to just change 10 to 25. Please help.
Thank you,
The trick here is to limit the sed substitution to the line you want to change. For limits.conf you are best off matching the domain, type and item. So if you wanted to just change a limit for domain #student, type hard, item nproc, you'd use something like
sed '/#student.*hard.*nproc/s/10/25/g' /etc/security/limits.conf
sed -ri '/^#/!s/(^.*)([[:space:]]10$)/\1 25/' /etc/security/limits.conf
With regular expression interpretation enabled (-r or -E), process all lines that don't start with a # by using ! We then split the lines into two sections, and replace the line for the first section followed by a space and 25. The $ ensure that the entry to replace is anchored at the end of the line.
Awk is another option:
awk -i 'NF==4 && $4==10 { gsub("10","25",$4) }1' /etc/security/limits.conf
Check if the line has 4 space delimited fields (NF==4) and the 4th field ($4) is 10. If this condition is met, replace 10 with 25 using gsub and print all lines with 1
The -i is an inplace amend flag on more recent versions of awk. If a compliant version is not available, use:
awk 'NF==4 && $4==10 { gsub("10","25",$4) }1' /etc/security/limits.conf > /etc/security/limits.tmp && mv -f /etc/security/limits.tmp /etc/security/limits.conf
Use this Perl one-liner, where \b stands for word break (so that 10 will not match 210 or 102):
perl -pe 's/\b10\b/25/g' in_file > out_file
Or to change the file in-place:
perl -i.bak -pe 's/\b10\b/25/g' in_file
The Perl one-liner uses these command line flags:
-e : Tells Perl to look for code in-line, instead of in a file.
-p : Loop over the input one line at a time, assigning it to $_ by default. Add print $_ after each loop iteration.
-i.bak : Edit input files in-place (overwrite the input file). Before overwriting, save a backup copy of the original file by appending to its name the extension .bak.
The regex uses modifier /g : Match the pattern repeatedly.
perldoc perlrun: how to execute the Perl interpreter: command line switches
perldoc perlrequick: Perl regular expressions quick start

Remove all the characters from string after last '/'

I have the followiing input file and I need to remove all the characters from the strings that appear after the last '/'. I'll also show my expected output below.
expected output:
I have tried to use sed but with no luck so far.
You could simply use good old grep:
grep -o '.*/' file.txt
This simple expression takes advantage of the fact that grep is matching greedy. Meaning it will consume as much characters as possible, including /, until the last / in path.
Original Answer:
You can use dirname:
while read line ; do
echo dirname "$line"
done < file.txt
or sed:
sed 's~\(.*/\).*~\1~' file.txt
perl -lne 'print $1 if(/(.*)\//)' your_file
Try this GNU sed command,
$ sed -r 's~^(.*\/).*$~\1~g' file
Through awk,
awk -F/ '{sub(/.*/,"",$NF); print}' OFS="/" file

Perl regex to act on a file from the command line

In a file, say xyz.txt i want to replace the pattern of any number followed by a dot example:1.,2.,10.,11. etc.. with a whitespace.
How to compose a perl command on the command line to act on the file to do the above, what should be the regex to be used ?
Please Help
Thank You.
This HAS to be a Perl oneliner?
perl -i -pe 's/\d+\./ /g' <fileName>
The Perl command line options: -i is used to specify what happens to the input file. If you don't give it a file extension, the original file is lost and is replaced by the Perl munged output. For example, if I had this:
perl -i.bak -pe 's/\d+\./ /g' <fileName>
The original file would be stored with a .bak suffix and <fileName> itself would contain your output.
The -p means to enclose your Perl program in a print loop that looks SOMEWHAT like this:
while ($_ = <>) {
<Your Perl one liner>
print "$_";
This is a somewhat simplified explanation what's going on. You can see the actual perl loop by doing a perldoc perlrun from the command line. The main idea is that it allows you to act on each line of a file just like sed or awk.
The -e simply contains your Perl command.
You can also do file redirection too:
perl -pe 's/\d+\./ /g' < xyz.txt > xyz.txt.out
Answer (not tested):
perl -ipe "s/\d+\./ /g" xyz.txt
perl -ipe "s/\d+\./ /g" xyz.txt
perl -pie
cannot execute on my system.
I use the following order:
perl -i -pe