I am trying to create streaming from eventhub using delta live tables, but I am having trouble installing the library . Is it possible to install maven library using Delta Live tables using sh /pip?
I would like to install
Right now it's not possible to use external connectors/Java libraries for Delta Live Tables. But for EventHubs there is a workaround - you can connect to EventHubs using the built-in Kafka connector - you just need to specify correct options as it's described in the documentation:
def eventhubs():
eh_sasl = f'kafkashaded.org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required username="$ConnectionString" password="{readConnectionString}";'
kafka_options = {
"kafka.bootstrap.servers": "<eh-ns-name>.servicebus.windows.net:9093",
"kafka.sasl.mechanism": "PLAIN",
"kafka.security.protocol": "SASL_SSL",
"kafka.request.timeout.ms": "60000",
"kafka.session.timeout.ms": "30000",
"startingOffsets": "earliest",
"kafka.sasl.jaas.config": eh_sasl,
"subscribe": "<topic-name>",
return spark.readStream.format("kafka") \
I have MSK running on AWS and I'd like to consume information using AWS_MSK_IAM authentication.
My MSK is properly configured and I can consume the information using Kafka CLI with the following command:
../bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server b-1.kafka.*********.***********.amazonaws.com:9098 --consumer.config client_auth.properties --topic TopicTest --from-beginning
My client_auth.properties has the following information:
# Sets up TLS for encryption and SASL for authN.
security.protocol = SASL_SSL
# Identifies the SASL mechanism to use.
sasl.mechanism = AWS_MSK_IAM
# Binds SASL client implementation.
sasl.jaas.config = software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required;
# Encapsulates constructing a SigV4 signature based on extracted credentials.
# The SASL client bound by "sasl.jaas.config" invokes this class.
sasl.client.callback.handler.class = software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMClientCallbackHandler
When I try to consume from my Databricks cluster using spark, I receive the following error:
Caused by: kafkashaded.org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException: java.lang.ClassCastException: software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMClientCallbackHandler cannot be cast to kafkashaded.org.apache.kafka.common.security.auth.AuthenticateCallbackHandler
Here is my cluster config:
The libraries I'm using in the cluster:
And the code I'm running on Databricks:
raw = (
.option('kafka.bootstrap.servers', 'b-.kafka.*********.***********.amazonaws.com:9098')
.option('subscribe', 'TopicTest')
.option('startingOffsets', 'earliest')
.option('kafka.sasl.mechanism', 'AWS_MSK_IAM')
.option('kafka.security.protocol', 'SASL_SSL')
.option('kafka.sasl.jaas.config', 'software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required;')
.option('kafka.sasl.client.callback.handler.class', 'software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMClientCallbackHandler')
Though I haven't tested this, based on the comment from Andrew on being theoretically able to relocate the dependency, I dug a bit into the source of aws-msk-iam-auth. They have a compileOnly('org.apache.kafka:kafka-clients:2.4.1') in their build.gradle. Hence the uber jar doesn't contain this library and is picked up from whatever databricks has (and shaded).
They are also relocating all their dependent jars with a prefix. So changing the compileOnly to implementation and rebuilding the uber jar with gradle clean shadowJar should include and relocate the kafka jars without any conflicts when uploading to databricks.
I faced the same issue, I forked aws-msk-iam-auth in order to make it compatible with databricks. Just add the jar from the following release https://github.com/Iziwork/aws-msk-iam-auth-for-databricks/releases/tag/v1.1.2-databricks to your cluster.
I am trying to connect a Python notebook in an Azure Databricks cluster on a CosmosDB MongoDB API database.
I'm using the mongo connector
Python 3
My code is as follows:
ReadConfig = {
"Endpoint" : "https://<my_name>.mongo.cosmos.azure.com:443/",
"Masterkey" : "<my_key>",
"Database" : "database",
"preferredRegions" : "West US 2",
"Collection": "collection1",
"schema_samplesize" : "1000",
"query_pagesize" : "200000",
"query_custom" : "SELECT * FROM c"
df = spark.read.format("mongo").options(**ReadConfig).load()
The error I get is that Could not initialize class com.mongodb.spark.config.ReadConfig$.
How can I work this out?
Answer to my own question.
Using MAVEN as the source, I installed the right library to my cluster using the path
Spark 2.4
An example of code I used is as follows (for those who wanna try):
# Read Configuration
readConfig = {
"URI": "<URI>",
"Database": "<database>",
"Collection": "<collection>",
"ReadingBatchSize" : "<batchSize>"
pipelineAccounts = "{'$sort' : {'account_contact': 1}}"
# Connect via azure-cosmosdb-spark to create Spark DataFrame
accountsTest = (spark.read.
option("pipeline", pipelineAccounts).
Make sure you using latest Azure Cosmos DB Spark Connector.
Download the latest azure-cosmosdb-spark library for the version of Apache Spark you are running:
Spark 2.4: azure-cosmosdb-spark_2.4.0_2.11-2.1.2-uber.jar
Spark 2.3: azure-cosmosdb-spark_2.3.0_2.11-1.2.2-uber.jar
Spark 2.2: azure-cosmosdb-spark_2.2.0_2.11-1.1.1-uber.jar
Upload the downloaded JAR files to Databricks following the instructions in Upload a Jar, Python Egg, or Python Wheel.
Install the uploaded libraries into your Databricks cluster.
Reference: Azure Databricks - Azure Cosmos DB
I'm following the steps in this guide Snowflake Connector for Kafka
The error message I'm getting is
BadRequestException: Connector config {.....} contains no connector type
I am running the command as
sh kafka_2.12-2.3.0/bin/connect-standalone.sh connect-standalone.properties snowflake_kafka_config.json
my config files are
jar file snowflake-kafka-connector-0.5.1.jar is in plugin.path
"snowflake.topic2table.map": "",
Kafka is running on local, I have a producer and consumer up, can see the data flowing.
This is the same question I answered over on the Confluent community Slack, but I'll post it here for reference too :-)
The connect worker log shows that the connector JAR itself is being loaded, so the 'contains no connector type` is because your config formatting is fubar.
You're running in Standalone mode, but passing in a JSON file which won't. My personal opinion is always use distributed, even if just a single node of it. Check this out if you need a recap on standalone vs distributed : http://rmoff.dev/ksldn19-kafka-connect
If you must use standalone then you need your connector config (snowflake_kafka_config.json) to be a properties file like this:
You can see valid JSON examples (if you use distributed mode) here: https://github.com/confluentinc/demo-scene/blob/master/kafka-connect-zero-to-hero/demo_zero-to-hero-with-kafka-connect.adoc#stream-data-from-kafka-to-elasticsearch
I am using Apache Flink, and trying to connect to Azure eventhub by using Apache Kafka protocol to receive messages from it. I manage to connect to Azure eventhub and receive messages, but I can't use flink feature "setStartFromTimestamp(...)" as described here (https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-stable/dev/connectors/kafka.html#kafka-consumers-start-position-configuration).
When I am trying to get some messages from timestamp, Kafka said that the message format on the broker side is before 0.10.0.
Is anybody faced with this?
Apache Kafka client version is 2.0.1
Apache Flink version is 1.7.2
UPDATED: tried to use Azure-Event-Hub quickstart examples (https://github.com/Azure/azure-event-hubs-for-kafka/tree/master/quickstart/java) in consumer package added code to get offset with timestamp, it returns null as expected if message version under 0.10.0 kafka version.
List<PartitionInfo> partitionInfos = consumer.partitionsFor(TOPIC);
List<TopicPartition> topicPartitions = partitionInfos.stream().map(pi -> new TopicPartition(pi.topic(), pi.partition())).collect(Collectors.toList());
Map<TopicPartition, Long> topicPartitionToTimestampMap = topicPartitions.stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(tp -> tp, tp -> 0L));
Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndTimestamp> offsetAndTimestamp = consumer.offsetsForTimes(topicPartitionToTimestampMap);
Sorry we missed this. Kafka offsetsForTimes() is now supported in EH (previously unsupported).
Feel free to open an issue against our Github in the future. https://github.com/Azure/azure-event-hubs-for-kafka
I am using kafka connect distribution.
The command is : bin/connect-distributed etc/schema-registry/connect-avro-distributed.properties
The worker configuration is:
The kafka connect start over with no errors!
The topic connect-configs,connect-offsets,connect-statuses has been created.
The topic mysiteview has been created.
Then i create kafka connectors using RESTful API like this:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"name":"hdfs-sink-mysiteview","config":{"connector.class":"io.confluent.connect.hdfs.HdfsSinkConnector","tasks.max":"3","topics":"mysiteview","hdfs.url":"hdfs://master1:8020","topics.dir":"/kafka/topics","logs.dir":"/kafka/logs","format.class":"io.confluent.connect.hdfs.avro.AvroFormat","flush.size":"1000","rotate.interval.ms":"1000","partitioner.class":"io.confluent.connect.hdfs.partitioner.DailyPartitioner","path.format":"YYYY-MM-dd","schema.compatibility":"BACKWARD","locale":"zh_CN","timezone":"Asia/Shanghai"}}' http://kafka1:8083/connectors
And when i producer data to topic "mysiteview" something like this:
The java code is following:
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("batch.size", 16384);
props.put("value.serializer", "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer");
Producer<String, String> producer = new KafkaProducer<String,String>(props);
Random rnd = new Random();
for(long nEvents = 0; nEvents < events; nEvents++) {
long runtime = new Date().getTime();
String site = "www.example.com";
String ipString = "192.168.2." + rnd.nextInt(255);
String key = "" + rnd.nextInt(255);
User u = new User();
u.setF2(site+" "+rnd.nextInt(255));
producer.send(new ProducerRecord<String,String>("mysiteview",JSON.toJSONString(u)));
The weird things occured.
I get data from kafka-logs but no data in hdfs(no topic directory).
I try the connector command:
curl -X GET http://kafka1:8083/connectors/hdfs-sink-mysiteview/status
output is:
But when i inspect the task status using following command:
curl -X GET http://kafka1:8083/connectors/hdfs-sink-mysiteview/hdfs-sink-siteview-1
I get the result: "Error 404" . Three tasks is as the same error!
What' going wrong?
Without seeing the worker's log, I'm not sure with which exception exactly your HDFS Connector instances are failing when you use the settings you describe above. However I can spot a few issues with the configuration:
You mention that you start your Connect worker with: bin/connect-distributed etc/schema-registry/connect-avro-distributed.properties. These properties default to having key and value converters set to AvroConverter and require you to run the schema-registry service. If indeed you've edited the configuration in connect-avro-distributed.properties to use the JsonConverter instead, your HDFS connector will probably fail during the conversion of Kafka records to Connect's SinkRecord data type, just before it tries to export your data to HDFS.
Until recently, the HDFS connector was able to export only Avro records, to files of Avro or Parquet format. And that requires using the AvroConverter as mentioned above. The capability to export records to text files as JSON was added recently, and will appear in version 4.0.0 of the connector (you may try this capability by checking-out and building the connector from source).
At this point, my first suggestion would be to try and import your data with bin/kafka-avro-console-producer. Define their schema, confirm that the data are imported successfully with bin/kafka-avro-console-consumer and then set your HDFS Connector to use AvroFormat as above. The quickstart at the connector's page describes a very similar process, and maybe it would be a great starting point for your use case.
maybe you are just using the REST-Api wrong.
According to the documentation the call should be