How to get rid of horizontal scrollbar in Material-UI TreeView? - material-ui

When trying out the Material-UI basic example for Tree View (#mui/lab/TreeView), I do not know how to remove the horizontal scrollbar when using the overflowY: "auto" (The same effect even if I use overflow: "auto") option in the sx prop of the TreeView component. The horizontal scrollbar appears no matter how much space is available to the right. I want to keep the overflowY option in case of vertical overflow.
For example please see the basic tree view example from the official Material-UI page in StackBlitz or CodeSandbox.
How to remove the horizontal scrollbar when it's not needed?

This happens because the CSS classes .MuiTreeItem-content and its child .MuiTreeItem-label are set to 100% width by default, therefore, the .MuiTreeItem-content's 8px padding on x axis (also default) get in the way, adding 16px too many. You can easily override this by setting .MuiTreeItem-content's class padding to 0.
// ...
import MuiTreeItem from "#mui/lab/TreeItem";
import { styled } from "#mui/material/styles";
const TreeItem = styled(MuiTreeItem)(({ theme }) => ({
"& .MuiTreeItem-content": {
padding: 0,
// ...

To remove the horizontal scrollbar completely you can hide the overflow over the X axis.
in css
.TreeView {
overflow-x: hidden;
or in jsx
sx={{ overflowX: "hidden" }}


Blueprint.js MultiSelect: how to enable scrolling?

In Blueprint.js MultiSelect example at , after clicking on search box, exactly 10 items are shown. We can scroll down to view the rest.
How can I enable scrolling, and/or specify the maximum number of items displayed?
In the MultiSelect tag, add popoverProps props, then fill in popoverClassName with the custom css value:
.custom-class {
max-height: 150px;
overflow-y: auto;
popoverClassName: "custom-class",

Ag-grid master/detail: custom row style when detail expanded

for my work I use angular 7 and ag-grid enterprise latest version. I have an ag-grid table configured with master / detail feature and I need to customize the style of the row when the detail is expanded. For example, I would like to change the background color of the row only when its detail is expanded. I tried with the CSS rule:
.ag-theme-material .ag-row-focus {
background-color: $dark-grey-blue !important;
but I don't get the correct behavior, because the row changes color clicking on it even without the detail being expanded, while I want it to change color only if the detail is expanded.
I tried to look at the official documentation of ag-grid, but I didn't find indications for this specific case.
Can you help me please?
Thank you
You can accomplish this with the grid callback getRowStyle and detect if the node is expanded or not:
gridOptions.getRowStyle = (params) => {
if (params.node.expanded) {
return { background: 'red' };
} else {
return { background: 'green' };

How do I change the color and width of material drawer component in angular-dart in css?

My first question ever - so apologies if I am not specific enough.
How do I change the color and width of material drawer component in angular-dart in css? I have tried it several ways in the CSS, including as below:
::ng-deep material-drawer {
color: #9437FF;
width: 200px;
.material-drawer {
color: #9437FF;
width: 200px;
FYI, the following worked with the material-header, which is inside a header tag:
::ng-deep header.material-header.material-header {
background-color: white;
color: #9437FF;
My material-drawer is not in a div or anything, just directly an HTML element on its own.
Any pointers are appreciated!
Setting the width of the drawer is a bit complicated. It involves setting a good amount of values as such it is best to use the mixin. You can see an example here
As for the color that is a little bit harder. What color are you trying to change? The background color?
For the background color you can set the background-color on the drawer. The problem is going to be that the content itself is going to override that color. In this case the material-list has it's own white color associated with it. Removing that color you could have problems with the divider colors.

Material UI v1 table with scroll (overflow: scroll)

How to create table with scroll overflow in Material UI v1 (v1-beta currently)? In component demos in MUI documentation there is no such example.
In all of the Table examples, there is a class applied to the div containing the Table that configures horizontal scrolling. It isn't apparent unless you're viewing the documentation with a sufficiently small viewport. (see BasicTable.js):
const styles = theme => ({
paper: {
width: '100%',
marginTop: theme.spacing.unit * 3,
overflowX: 'auto',
The paper class is applied to the root element:
function BasicTable(props) {
const classes = props.classes;
return (
<Paper className={classes.paper}>
If you want a vertical scroll, you'll need to specify a height and include considerations for overflow-y. If you want both horizontal and vertical scrolling, you can set overflow and both axes will be configured:
const styles = theme => ({
paper: {
height: 300,
width: '100%',
marginTop: theme.spacing.unit * 3,
overflow: 'auto',
Note: This will not fix your column headings, because it is applied to the container. This adjustment will apply scrollbars to the entire table - heading, body, footer, etc.
In order to have the table header fixed and scroll just the table body I've come up with this solution.
First I added to each of the table components the component="div" property in order to get rid of the table skeleton completely.
Then I've added to Table, TableHead, TableBody and TableCell the display: block rule to override the material rules.
TableRows will get display: flex.
TableBody will get the desired fixed (max-)height, plus overflow: auto.
Of course by using divs instead of table tags the header and body cells lose the table alignment. In my case I solved this by setting to the first cells a fixed width, same for the first cells in the header and the first cells in body (or you can go for percentages as well) plus a flex-shrink: 0.
The second cells got flex-grow: 1
Note: Material UI v1 used
Use the "stickyHeader" property on table such as <Table stickyHeader>...</Table>

How to make dragger of SplitLayoutPanel blink?

So, I have a SplitLayoutPanel, and need a blinked dragger. Is there any possibility to achive it? With CSS, of hardcode, whatever?
Note - Purely css effects would be cpu intensive and hence I would go for a gif based solution.
The split layout panel uses two images to provide for horizontal and vertical splitter. These are png images and cannot be animated (blinking effect).
You can get blinking effect by using animated gif images.
You need to find a replacement "gif" image for both these which blinks. Then override the basic gwt styles and ensure you have !important suffixed to the styles that are overriden.
.gwt-SplitLayoutPanel-HDragger {
background: #e7e7e7 url(images/thumb_vertical_blinking.gif) center center no-repeat !important;
cursor: col-resize;
.gwt-SplitLayoutPanel-VDragger {
background: #e7e7e7 url(images/thumb_horz_blinking.gif) center center no-repeat !important;
cursor: row-resize;
Yes,There is a possibility to achieve that by overriding the default styles
.gwt-SplitLayoutPanel .gwt-SplitLayoutPanel-HDragger { horizontal dragger }
.gwt-SplitLayoutPanel .gwt-SplitLayoutPanel-VDragger { vertical dragger }
.gwt-SplitLayoutPanel-VDragger {
// your set of styles while dragging
.gwt-SplitLayoutPanel-HDragger {
// your set of styles while dragging