When open live server tab keeps refresing - visual-studio-code

when in Visual studio code when open with live server tab keeps refresing, I am makeing passenger count app from scrimba and there is increment and save button, when I open html file from visual studio code with live server I can't use increment and save button because it keeps refresing i tried stop refresing extension, and Meta refresing disable,even used other browser but it still refresing in other browsers, it is up to live server from VSC, can anyone help, thank you,
Found on stack overflow someone had same problem and there was an answer that some script is running in background of Visual Studio Code and google says that ctrl+alt+M should stop it but when I try ctrl+alt+M it just type this simbol ยง, does anyone know other way to stop that script


Visual Studio Code losing connection to Live Server

I worked on media queries on my website today and all of a sudden my browser won't refresh the site but rather says "No internet. ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED.
I am using Visual Studio Code with Live Server by Ritwick Dey.
Console warning says "DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for chrome-extension://cfhdojbkjhnklbpkdaibdccddilifddb/browser-polyfill.js.map: System error: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND"
"VM10:6745 crbug/1173575, non-JS module files deprecated."
1 Issue: "Audit usage of navigator.userAgent, navigator.appVersion, and navigator.platform"
The site is on my laptop and I'm just working on it offline. What the heck is going on here?
I tried removing the queries.css file to see if that would make a difference. It did not.
Any link on the site will take me to this NO INTERNET page if I am in the responsive dimensions part of DevTools. Also when there is any edit to the html or css in VSC it immediately results in this NO INTERNET page appearing and I have to shut down the port and Go Live again.
I also opened the practice website that we are building for the class and the same thing is happening with that one as well. I have checked my html and css files on validator.w3.org and they have all checked out.
I tried changing the settings in VSC to set the browser to Chrome and also tried in Edge with the same results.
I removed the extension from VSC and reinstalled. No results. Please help!
I had to go into the settings in Devtools and reset.
open Devtools
click the gear icon at right side
scroll to bottom of settings
click "restore defaults and reload"
This made a whole variety of strange problems go away in Devtools and now it works as it should.

vs code problim

iam having aproblem with vs code
when iam editing some files (html,css,js) and using live server.
suddinly it stop updating changes i make in browser .
when i try to restart vs code it shows amessage
Closing the window is taking a bit longer...
The following operations are still running:
Saving text files
any one know how to fix it??

In VS code need to perform open with live server every time to see changes done in code on web browser

I have installed extension called live server in vs code, So that Till yesterday I could open my HTML file on browser directly from VS code through open with live server option , and if I performed any changes to code browser get automatically reloaded with new changes.
But now I need to always select open with live server option to see effects of updated code in my browser. Browser not automatically reloaded, manually reloading also doesn't have any effect.
Any buddy know solution please help me.
Watch this video it explains clearly https://youtu.be/wMmu_369n7c, Other wise install extension called SaveTyping by Michel Betancourt.

Live Preview and Debug in Visual Studio Code

I am using Visual Studio Code in Mac to do web programming.
I see we could use shift+cmd+v to launch a preview and cmd+k v to launch a preview in a separate window.
But once we modify code and save it, does anyone know how to reload and update the preview (by shortcut by preference)? Additionally, is it possible to automate the updates?
Moreover, I have opened the Debug panel, once I click on the green button, it lets me Select Environment:
Does anyone know which one I should choose to debug client side HTML+JavaScript programs?
1.) The "Preview" you mention is for Markdown files. Its not supposed to render a proper HTML preview, that's why it doesn't work or refresh. As soon as you use it with Markdown files, it updates / refreshes as you type.
But there are a couple of HTML preview extensions in the marketplace, just search for "HTML Preview" and you should be able to find some.
2.) None of those options in your screenshot, VSCode does not ship with a client side debugger by default.
But you can install Debugger for Chrome which uses Chromes debugging protocol. Detailed instructions on how to use it are in the extensions README.

VS Code - Tabs reload when switching

Every time I switch tabs on VS Code the content of the tab is being reloaded. It might not be a problem when developing on local machine, but I'm connected to a remote a machine using WinSShFS.
Can I cache the file locally and only access the remote server on save and first load?
Unfortunately, not at this time. When you switch to a tab that has a file from a network drive open, Visual Studio Code reloads said file. That's an issue with the way Visual Studio Code's tabbing system was originally designed
The Visual Studio Code team has an item in their backlog that includes this specific "problem". It would appear that this isn't a priority for them yet, so a time-frame for when you could expect a fix for this, cannot yet be provided.