Eventually didn't tolerate unsuccessful attempts before giving up - scala

I have a simple test case which is using TestActorRef and eventually to verify a timeout call of a method. Here is details of 3 file sources:
import play.api.http.HttpVerbs
import play.api.libs.ws.WSClient
import javax.inject.Inject
import scala.concurrent.Future
class TestRestUtility #Inject()(ws: WSClient) extends HttpVerbs {
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
def getHealthStatus(): Future[Int] = {
ws.url("https://www.google.com").get().map { response =>
import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorLogging, Props}
import play.api.http.Status
import javax.inject.Inject
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.duration.{DurationInt, FiniteDuration}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
object TestHealthCheckActor {
def props(testRestUtility: TestRestUtility): Props = {
Props(new TestHealthCheckActor(testRestUtility: TestRestUtility))
class TestHealthCheckActor #Inject()(testRestUtility: TestRestUtility)
extends Actor with ActorLogging with Status {
import context.dispatcher
val checkPeriod: FiniteDuration = 1.seconds
var apiStatus: Int = _
override def preStart(): Unit = {
override def receive: Receive = {
case RefreshHealthStatus =>
val health: Future[Int] = testRestUtility.getHealthStatus()
case Success(result) =>
result match {
case OK => apiStatus = Status.OK
case _ => apiStatus = Status.REQUEST_TIMEOUT
case Failure(e) =>
import akka.actor.{ActorSystem, PoisonPill}
import akka.testkit.{ImplicitSender, TestActorRef, TestKit}
import org.mockito.Mockito
import org.mockito.Mockito.{times, verify, when}
import org.scalatest
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, BeforeAndAfterEach}
import org.scalatest.concurrent.Eventually
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
import org.scalatest.time.Span
import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpecLike
import org.scalatestplus.mockito.MockitoSugar
import play.api.http.Status
import scala.concurrent.Future
class TestSpec extends TestKit(ActorSystem("HealthCheckActorSpec")) with AnyWordSpecLike with Matchers
with BeforeAndAfterEach with MockitoSugar with ImplicitSender with Eventually with BeforeAndAfterAll with Status with TestHarnessConstants {
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
var mockTestRestUtility: TestRestUtility = _
"HealthCheckActor" should {
"time out and call subscription api" in {
mockTestRestUtility = mock[TestRestUtility]
val healthCheckActorShortPeriod: TestActorRef[TestHealthCheckActor] = TestActorRef(TestHealthCheckActor.props(mockTestRestUtility))
eventually(timeout(Span(9, scalatest.time.Seconds)), interval(Span(1, scalatest.time.Seconds))) {
verify(mockTestRestUtility, Mockito.atLeast(3)).getHealthStatus()
healthCheckActorShortPeriod ! PoisonPill
As description about eventually in "scalatest-core_2.12-3.2.3-sources.jar", it tolerates unsuccessful attempts before giving up, so the test case is expected to have 3 calls the method getHealthStatus() to be successful as the returned value from mock. But I got a failed test case with below error message. I don't know why the method was called only one time:
Wanted *at least* 3 times:
-> at com.deere.isg.ingest.supporttool.testharness.TestSpec.$anonfun$new$8(TestSpec.scala:44)
But was 1 time:
-> at com.deere.isg.ingest.supporttool.testharness.TestHealthCheckActor$$anonfun$receive$1.applyOrElse(TestHealthCheckActor.scala:36)
Wanted *at least* 3 times:
-> at com.deere.isg.ingest.supporttool.testharness.TestSpec.$anonfun$new$8(TestSpec.scala:44)
But was 1 time:
-> at com.deere.isg.ingest.supporttool.testharness.TestHealthCheckActor$$anonfun$receive$1.applyOrElse(TestHealthCheckActor.scala:36)

Future(OK) will be considered successful by eventually because it doesn't throw an exception (technically neither would a failed Future, unless you unwrapped it in the eventually). Since the first call succeeded, eventually won't make any attempts after the first.


Stuck in infinite loop with simple akka-http route test with actors

I have a simple example where I have a route that invokes an actor, however it seems to get stuck in an infinite loop and the http response never comes. I am using akka-actor version 2.6.15 and akka-http version 10.2.4. Here is the sample code, any help is appreciated.
package test
import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorRef, Props}
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{Route, _}
import akka.http.scaladsl.testkit.{RouteTestTimeout, ScalatestRouteTest}
import akka.pattern.ask
import akka.util.Timeout
import org.scalatest.Matchers
import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec
import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt
case class TestMessage()
class TestActor extends Actor {
def receive: Receive = {
case _ => "response"
class AkkaHttpTest extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers with ScalatestRouteTest {
val testActor: ActorRef = system.actorOf(Props(new TestActor()), name = "TestActor")
implicit val timeout: Timeout = 15.seconds
implicit val defaultTimeout = RouteTestTimeout(15.seconds)
val route: Route = {
get {
pathSingleSlash {
complete((testActor ? TestMessage()).mapTo[String])
"Test" should {
"Return text" in {
Get() ~> route ~> check {
To reply to a message in Akka, you have to explicitly send the reply.
In your example:
def receive: Receive = {
case _ =>
sender ! "response"

Cannot cast scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$Transformation to scala.collection.immutable.Seq erro in akka http using mongodb?

Basically I trying to get data from database using akka http. if i pass (EmployeeRepo.findAll()) directly in api then it show all data but while using actor it shows cast error....
here problem for data fetching only please solve it
this is my EmployeeRepo-----------------------------------
package org.repo
import org.data.Employee
import org.db.DbConfig
import org.mongodb.scala.MongoCollection
import org.utils.JsonUtils
import org.mongodb.scala.bson.conversions.Bson
import org.mongodb.scala.model.Filters.equal
import org.mongodb.scala.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
import org.mongodb.scala.model.Updates.{combine, set}
import scala.concurrent.Future
object EmployeeRepo extends JsonUtils{
private val employeeDoc:MongoCollection[Employee]=DbConfig.employees
def createCollection()={
def insertData(emp:Employee)={
def findAll()= employeeDoc.find().toFuture()
def update(emp:Employee,id:String)=
.findOneAndUpdate(equal("_id", id),
def delete(id:String)=
private def setBsonValue(emp:Employee)={
package org.service
import java.time.LocalDate
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import java.util.UUID
import akka.NotUsed
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer
import akka.stream.scaladsl.Source
import org.data.Employee
import org.domain.EmployeeRequest
import org.repo.EmployeeRepo
import scala.concurrent.Future
class EmployeeService {
implicit val system=ActorSystem("Employeee")
implicit val materializer=ActorMaterializer
import system.dispatcher
def saveEmployeeData= (employeeRequest:EmployeeRequest) => {
val employeeDoc:Employee=employeeMapperWithNewId(employeeRequest)
def findAll={
def update(employeeRequest: EmployeeRequest,id:String)={
val employeeDoc=employeeMapperWithNewId(employeeRequest)
EmployeeRepo.update(emp = employeeDoc,id)
def delete(id:String)=EmployeeRepo.delete(id)
private def employeeMapperWithNewId(employee:EmployeeRequest)={
Employee(name=employee.name,dateOfBirth = LocalDate.parse(employee.dateOfBirth, DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE),
package org.actor
import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorLogging}
import org.actor.EmployeeActor.{Delete, Save, SearchAll, Update}
import org.data.Employee
import org.domain.EmployeeRequest
import org.service.EmployeeService
object EmployeeActor {
case class Save(emp: EmployeeRequest)
case object SearchAll
case class Update(emp: EmployeeRequest, id: String)
case class Delete(id: String)
EmployeeActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
private val employeeService: EmployeeService = new EmployeeService()
override def receive: Receive = {
case Save(emp) =>
log.info(s"recevied msg saved with employee :$emp")
sender() ! employeeService.saveEmployeeData(emp)
case SearchAll =>
log.info("received msg find ALL")
sender() ! employeeService.findAll
case Update(emp, id) =>
log.info(s"received update msg for id $id and employee $emp")
sender() ! employeeService.update(emp, id)
case Delete(id) =>
log.info(s"received msg for deleting employee of id $id")
sender() ! employeeService.delete(id)
case _ =>
log.debug("Unhandled msg")
package org
import akka.actor.{ActorSystem, Props}
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{ContentTypes, HttpEntity, StatusCodes}
import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer
import org.actor.EmployeeActor
import org.utils.{JsonUtils, TimeUtils}
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._
import akka.{NotUsed, util}
import akka.util.{ByteString, Timeout}
import org.data.Employee
import org.domain.EmployeeRequest
import akka.pattern.{Patterns, ask}
import akka.stream.scaladsl.Source
import org.actor.EmployeeActor.{Delete, Save, SearchAll, Update}
import org.service.EmployeeService
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import spray.json._
import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}
class EmployeeRoute extends JsonUtils{
implicit val system=ActorSystem("Employee")
implicit val materializer=ActorMaterializer
import system.dispatcher
val actor=system.actorOf(Props[EmployeeActor],"employeeActor")
val employeeService=new EmployeeService()
implicit val timeOut=Timeout(5.seconds)
val getRoute={
(pathEndOrSingleSlash & get){
complete((actor ? SearchAll).mapTo[Seq[EmployeeRequest]])
( path("update") & put & parameter("id".as[String])){id=>
complete((actor ? Update(employee,id)).map(_=>StatusCodes.OK))
entity(as[EmployeeRequest]) { employee =>
complete((actor ? Save(employee)).map(_ => StatusCodes.OK))
(path(Segment) |parameter("id".as[String])){id=>
complete((actor ? Delete(id)).map(_=>StatusCodes.OK))
[ERROR] [09/09/2020 19:46:48.551] [web-app-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-4] [akka.actor.ActorSystemImpl(web-app)] Error during processing of request: 'Cannot cast scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$Transformation to scala.collection.immutable.Seq'. Completing with 500 Internal Server Error response. To change default exception handling behavior, provide a custom ExceptionHandler.
java.lang.ClassCastException: Cannot cast scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$Transformation to scala.collection.immutable.Seq
at java.base/java.lang.Class.cast(Class.java:3734)
at scala.concurrent.Future.$anonfun$mapTo$1(Future.scala:464)
at scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$Transformation.run(Promise.scala:430)
at scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext$parasitic$.execute(ExecutionContext.scala:164)
at scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$Transformation.submitWithValue(Promise.scala:392)
at scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$DefaultPromise.submitWithValue(Promise.scala:299)
at scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$DefaultPromise.tryComplete0(Promise.scala:249)
at scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$DefaultPromise.tryComplete(Promise.scala:242)
at akka.pattern.PromiseActorRef.$bang(AskSupport.scala:615)
at org.actor.EmployeeActor$$anonfun$receive$1.applyOrElse(EmployeeActor.scala:32)
at akka.actor.Actor.aroundReceive(Actor.scala:537)
at akka.actor.Actor.aroundReceive$(Actor.scala:535)
at org.actor.EmployeeActor.aroundReceive(EmployeeActor.scala:22)
at akka.actor.ActorCell.receiveMessage(ActorCell.scala:577)
at akka.actor.ActorCell.invoke(ActorCell.scala:547)
at akka.dispatch.Mailbox.processMailbox(Mailbox.scala:270)
at akka.dispatch.Mailbox.run(Mailbox.scala:231)
at akka.dispatch.Mailbox.exec(Mailbox.scala:243)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask.doExec(ForkJoinTask.java:290)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue.topLevelExec(ForkJoinPool.java:1016)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.scan(ForkJoinPool.java:1665)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.runWorker(ForkJoinPool.java:1598)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinWorkerThread.run(ForkJoinWorkerThread.java:183)
please help me out..
You analyzed almost everything. EmployeeRepo.findAll is your problem. You should not use Futures in akka actors. pipeTo should be used instead.
Please try to update EmployeeActor
case SearchAll =>
log.info("received msg find ALL")

creating a scheduled task in scala with play 2.5

I want to create a scheduled task in Play 2.5. I found some resources related to this topic but none of them were for Play 2.5. I found out this resource related to what I am looking for and it looks good. Also on the same link there is a migration guide from 2.4 to 2.5.
The examples from older versions used GlobalSettings as base but this was deprecated in 2.5. The migration guide is important because it says that we should use dependency injection instead of extending this trait. I am not sure how to do that.
Can you give me some guidance?
You need to run sheduled task inside Akka Actor:
package scheduler
import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton}
import akka.actor.Actor
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import play.api.Logger
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
class SchedulerActor #Inject()()(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends Actor {
override def receive: Receive = {
case _ =>
// your job here
package scheduler
import javax.inject.{Inject, Named}
import akka.actor.{ActorRef, ActorSystem}
import play.api.{Configuration, Logger}
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.duration._
class Scheduler #Inject() (val system: ActorSystem, #Named("scheduler-actor") val schedulerActor: ActorRef, configuration: Configuration)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) {
val frequency = configuration.getInt("frequency").get
var actor = system.scheduler.schedule(
0.microseconds, frequency.seconds, schedulerActor, "update")
package modules
import com.google.inject.AbstractModule
import play.api.libs.concurrent.AkkaGuiceSupport
import scheduler.{Scheduler, SchedulerActor}
class JobModule extends AbstractModule with AkkaGuiceSupport {
def configure() = {
play.modules.enabled += "modules.JobModule"
If you don't want to use akka, you can use java:
import java.util.concurrent.{Executors, ScheduledFuture, TimeUnit}
import javax.inject._
import play.Configuration
import scala.util.Try
class DemoDaemon #Inject() (conf: Configuration) {
val isEnabled = conf.getBoolean("daemon.enabled")
val delay = conf.getLong("daemon.delay")
private var scheduledTaskOption : Option[ScheduledFuture[_]] = None
def task(): Unit = {
Try {
} recover {
case e: Throwable => println(e.getMessage)
def start(): Unit = {
if (isEnabled) {
val executor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1)
scheduledTaskOption = Some(
new Runnable {
override def run() = task()
delay, delay, TimeUnit.SECONDS
} else {
println("not enabled")
def stop(): Unit = {
scheduledTaskOption match {
case Some(scheduledTask) =>
println("Canceling task")
val mayInterruptIfRunning = false
case None => println("Stopped but was never started")
import javax.inject.Inject
import play.api.inject.ApplicationLifecycle
import scala.concurrent.Future
class DaemonService #Inject() (appLifecycle: ApplicationLifecycle, daemon: DemoDaemon) {
appLifecycle.addStopHook{ () =>
import com.google.inject.AbstractModule
class JobModule extends AbstractModule {
def configure(): Unit = {
daemon.enabled = true
daemon.delay = 10
play.modules.enabled += "com.demo.daemon.JobModule"

Implementing Akka in Play Framework 2.4 for Scala

I am trying to replicate the basic example proposed in the Integrating with Akka, Play 2.4 for Scala doc. But I have difficulties in placing the final pieces together...
I have defined the actor (see paragraph Writing actors) at app/actors/HelloActor.scala with the following code:
package actors
import akka.actor._
object HelloActor {
def props = Props[HelloActor]
case class SayHello(name: String)
class HelloActor extends Actor {
import HelloActor._
def receive = {
case SayHello(name: String) =>
sender() ! "Hello, " + name
Then (see Creating and using actors) I suppose I should create a controller at app/controllers/Hello.scala with something like:
package controllers
import play.api.mvc._
import akka.actor._
import javax.inject._
import actors.HelloActor
class Hello #Inject() (system: ActorSystem) extends Controller {
val helloActor = system.actorOf(HelloActor.props, "hello-actor")
The question: where and how I utilize the code in the following paragraph Asking things of actors to have a working solution? I have tried to add it to the above Hello.scala controller but without success.
import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits.defaultContext
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import akka.pattern.ask
implicit val timeout = 5.seconds
def sayHello(name: String) = Action.async {
(helloActor ? SayHello(name)).mapTo[String].map { message =>
Found the solution, I had some problems with defining the implicit timeout, this is the working controller:
package controllers
import play.api.mvc._
import akka.actor._
import javax.inject._
import actors.HelloActor
import actors.HelloActor.SayHello
import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits.defaultContext
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import akka.pattern.ask
import akka.util.Timeout
class Hello #Inject() (system: ActorSystem) extends Controller {
val helloActor = system.actorOf(HelloActor.props, "hello-actor")
implicit val timeout: Timeout = 5.seconds
def sayHello(name: String) = Action.async {
(helloActor ? SayHello(name)).mapTo[String].map { message ⇒
Plus I added the following route in app/conf/routes:
# Actor test
GET /hello/:name controllers.Hello.sayHello(name)

How do I wait for an actor to stop during Play Framework shutdown?

The below code throws a java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException exception when I shutdown the play server; it is caused by the a.wait(1000) call in the onStop method. Could anyone tell me why this is the case and how to gracefully wait for an actor to complete within Play framework shutdown?
import play.api.GlobalSettings
import play.api.libs.concurrent.Akka
import akka.actor.{ Actor, Props }
import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits.defaultContext
import play.api.Play.current
import models.{ TestActor, StartMessage, StopMessage }
object Global extends GlobalSettings {
override def onStart(application : play.api.Application) {
val a = Akka.system.actorOf(Props[TestActor], name = "test-actor")
a ! StartMessage("Start instruction")
override def onStop(application : play.api.Application) {
val a = Akka.system.actorSelection("akka://application/user/test-actor")
a ! StopMessage("Stop instruction")
Here is the complete solution, taking the below answer:
import play.api.GlobalSettings
import play.api.libs.concurrent.Akka
import akka.actor.{ Actor, Props }
import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits.defaultContext
import play.api.Play.current
import models.{ TestActor, StartMessage, StopMessage }
import akka.pattern.gracefulStop
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import scala.concurrent.Await
import com.typesafe.config.impl.ResolveContext
import com.typesafe.config.impl.ResolveContext
import akka.actor.ActorIdentity
object Global extends GlobalSettings {
override def onStart(application : play.api.Application) {
val a = Akka.system.actorOf(Props[TestActor], name = "test-actor")
a ! StartMessage("Start Instruction")
override def onStop(application : play.api.Application) {
val a = Akka.system.actorFor("akka://application/user/test-actor")
a ! StopMessage("Stop Instruction")
try {
val stopped : Future[Boolean] = gracefulStop(a, scala.concurrent.duration.Duration(5, "seconds"))
Await.result(stopped, scala.concurrent.duration.Duration(6, "seconds"))
// the actor has been stopped
catch {
case e : akka.pattern.AskTimeoutException => // the actor wasn't stopped within 5 seconds
"Graceful Stop
gracefulStop is useful if you need to wait for termination or compose ordered termination of several actors:
import akka.pattern.gracefulStop
import akka.dispatch.Await
import akka.actor.ActorTimeoutException
try {
val stopped: Future[Boolean] = gracefulStop(actorRef, 5 seconds)(system)
Await.result(stopped, 6 seconds)
// the actor has been stopped
} catch {
case e: ActorTimeoutException ⇒ // the actor wasn't stopped within 5 seconds
PS. Googling for "graceful actor akka" gives the answer as the top result.