How to substitute Boolean value from values.yaml - kubernetes-helm

In some of the examples I am following, I see, for a string value, I can do this:
{{- with .Values.cookieDomain }}
- --cookieDomain={{- toString . }}
{{- end }}
with this, if I have, e.g. cookieDomain: in the values.yaml, the template gets the correct value.
How to do the same/similar for boolean values?
For example, if I have this: proxyPass: true in values.yaml, how do I interpret that in template, as there is no toBool function.

The function toString, in your example, is actually moot, if the value contained in cookieDoman is already a string it will just do nothing.
What you have to understand in with .Values.cookieDoman is that the context has now changed from . being the root of the variables definition to being .Values.cookieDoman.
A little like doing a change of directory in a computer, if I cd /tmp, then ./some_file looks for a file in /tmp/some_file. Now if I cd /etc, the same command, ./some_file, will now look for a file /etc/some_file.
This controls variable scoping. Recall that . is a reference to the current scope. So .Values tells the template to find the Values object in the current scope.
So, in your example, it is fine enough already to do
{{- with .Values.cookieDomain }}
- --cookieDomain={{- . }}
{{- end }}
This will renders in
And, so, if you have a boolean, it is the exact same:
{{- with .Values.proxyPass }}
- --proxyPass={{- . }}
{{- end }}
Will give:
- --proxyPass=true


How does "template" and "include" differ in helm

How does "template" and "include" keywords differ in helm. Both seem to be used to render template parameters
template is part of the core Go text/template language. It always renders its results to the template output; it does not produce a value and its result cannot be captured in a variable or included in a pipeline.
include is a Helm extension. It captures the template output and returns it as a string. Its result can be used the same way as any other support function call. include is not a "keyword" or "action" or "special form", from the point of view of the templating language it is an ordinary extension function.
If you're unsure, in the context of a Helm chart, include is usually not wrong.
The most important place where this difference matters is where you have a block that produces a YAML fragment, and you need to indent it. Helm includes an indent function that can do this, but it needs a string to do this, so you need to use include and not template here.
{{- define "foo.labels" -}}
foo: bar
{{ end -}}
{{ include "foo.labels" . | indent 4 }}
{{ include "foo.labels" . | indent 8 }}
For a more direct example, consider a template that just quotes its parameter. If you call this with template, the template pipeline syntax applies to the template parameter. If you call it with include, it applies to the result of the template call. Combining this with indent, there's a visible difference whether you see the indentation inside or outside the quotes.
{{ define "quote" }}{{ quote . }}{{ end }}
{{/* "hello" is indented, then " hello" is quoted */}}
Template: {{ template "quote" "hello" | indent 2 }}
{{/* "hello" is quoted, then '"hello"' is indented */}}
Include: {{ include "quote" "hello" | indent 2 }}
Template: " hello"
Include: "hello"

What is the difference between helm syntax {{ something }} and {{- something }}?

I'm trying to understand helm templates and found syntax like this:
{{- if not .Values.autoscaling.enabled }}
replicas: {{ .Values.replicaCount }}
{{- end }}
So I thought every thing had to start with {{- but then I found other syntax that did not have that syntax:
- name: {{ .Chart.Name }}
So my question is what is the difference between those two syntaxs? What does the dash do? When is it needed?
The Helm template syntax is based on the Go programming language's text/template package.
The braces {{ and }} are the opening and closing brackets to enter and exit template logic.
The Helm documentation at
discusses why this syntax is needed in an example.
YAML ascribes meaning to whitespace, so managing the whitespace becomes pretty important. [...] the curly brace syntax {{ of template declarations can be modified with special characters to tell the template engine to chomp whitespace. {{- (with the dash and space added) indicates that whitespace should be chomped left, while -}} means whitespace to the right should be consumed. Be careful! Newlines are whitespace!
So the answer is this. The difference between the {{ syntax and the {{- syntax is that the {{- something }} will result in space on the left being removed. Without this any extra space would be included which could result in incorrectly formatted YAML.
Refer to the Helm documentation which goes into great length about how this syntax works and removes extra spaces.
You'll frequently see the dash showing up in control structures because without this extra space would be added to your YAML file which could result in invalid syntax being created. So, for example,
{{- if semverCompare ">=1.14-0" .Capabilities.KubeVersion.GitVersion -}}
{{- else -}}
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
{{- end }}
Causes the property apiVersion to be output (in the YAML file) without adding blank lines before and after the property.
Simple example
The Go templating documentation says
when executing the template whose source is
"{{23 -}} < {{- 45}}"
the generated output would be
This shows that the dash syntax causes white space to be removed.
Learning to experiment with Helm syntax
Below I'll explain how you can begin experimenting with helm syntax
using a simple throw away project.
The commands below I create a temp directory testhelm and go into it, and then run create helm mytest to create a helm application.
Next, I create a sample helm YAML file. This is the file you want to put what you want to test inside of. Below I used the file mytest/templates/my.yaml but any file can be created.
Helm apparently takes all of the files in the templates directory and parses/processes them to create the YAML output (which is used to create a Kubernetes YAML file to configure a K8S application).
In our case, we just leverage the helm command create a test bed for us to play around with.
If you are on a UNIX-based system you should be able to copy and paste the entire code sample below to create the testbed to begin experimenting.
mkdir testhelm
cd testhelm
helm create mytest
cat <<EOF > mytest/templates/my.yaml
expression1: "{{ 23 }} < {{ 45 }}"
expression2: "{{ 23 -}} < {{- 45 }}"
aTest0: ArgWithNoSpace
aTest1: Arg with spaces on left and right
aTest2: " spaces-on-left-and-right "
aTest3: {{ " spaces-on-left-and-right " }}
aTest4: {{ " spaces-on-left-and-right " | trim | quote }}
aTest5: Some
{{- "Thing Funky is" -}} goingOn
{{- " here"}}
drink2: {{ .Values.drink2 | default "coffee" | quote }}
aTest6: Some {{ "Thing Funky is" }}goingOn {{ " here"}}
aTest7: Some {{ "Thing Funky is" }}goingOn {{ " here"}}
Then run run the helm template command as shown below, and study the output that you get.
helm template myproj ./mychart | less
. . . output trimmed . . .
# Source: mychart/templates/my.yaml
expression1: "23 < 45"
expression2: "23<45"
aTest0: ArgWithNoSpace
aTest1: Arg with spaces on left and right
aTest2: " spaces-on-left-and-right "
aTest3: spaces-on-left-and-right
aTest4: "spaces-on-left-and-right"
aTest5: SomeThing Funky isgoingOn here
drink2: "coffee"
aTest6: Some Thing Funky isgoingOn here
aTest7: Some Thing Funky isgoingOn here
The first two name/value pairs expression1 and expression2 show the difference with and without dash syntax being used.
Notice also the syntax for aTest5 which resulted in several lines being merged into a single line of output.
Notice also aTest6 and aTest7 look different in the source but produce the same output; spaces within the {{ }} are not output unless they within quotes.
Using this approach digest the Helm syntax in bite sized chunks and so when you need to fix something you can understand what you are seeing.

can't access helm .Values from a named template with non global context passed in

I'm trying to use a Helm named template that I plan to include with several different contexts, and the template has many values that are the same for all contexts.
Whenever I pass a context to template or include to invoke the named template, the references to .Values do not work, which is understandable because I'm explicitly setting a lower context.
In the Helm documentation for with, it claims there is a "global" variable $ that will allow reference to the global .Values, e.g., {{ $.Values... }}. This does not work (the example below shows the error).
I've also tried defining variables (using :=) and "enclosing" the include inside that variable definition (via indentation - I don't know if it matters) to make that variable available within the named template, but this doesn't work either.
I've also tried putting these in "globals" as described here which is more of a subchart thing and this doesn't work either.
So, I'm out of Helm tricks to make this work and will sadly have to re-define these many same variable many times - which makes the entire named template solution a bit less elegant - or just go back to having largely duplicate partially-parameterized templates.
What am I missing?
$ helm version
Client: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.9+unreleased", GitCommit:"", GitTreeState:"clean"}
commonSetting1: "common1"
commonSetting2: "common2"
setting1: "c1s1"
setting2: "c1s2"
setting1: "c2s1"
setting2: "c2s2"
{{- define "myNamedTemplate" }}
- name: {{ .setting1 }}
image: {{ $.Values.commonSetting1 }}
{{- include "myNamedTemplate" .Values.context1 }}
{{- include "myNamedTemplate" .Values.context2 }}
$ helm template test-0.1.0.tgz
Error: render error in "test/templates/deployment.yaml": template: test/templates/deployment.yaml:7:4: executing "test/templates/deployment.yaml" at <include "myNamedTemp...>: error calling include: template: test/templates/deployment.yaml:4:19: executing "myNamedTemplate" at <$.Values.commonSetti...>: can't evaluate field commonSetting1 in type interface {}
When I do this, I tend to explicitly pass in the top-level context object as a parameter. This gets a little tricky because the Go text/template templates only take a single parameter, so you need to use the (Helm/Sprig) list function to package multiple parameters together, and then the (standard text/template) index function to unpack them.
The template definition would look like:
{{- define "myNamedTemplate" }}
{{- $top := index . 0 }}
{{- $context := index . 1 }}
- name: {{ $context.setting1 }}
image: {{ $top.Values.commonSetting1 }}
{{ end }}
When you invoke it, you would then need to explicitly pass the current context as a parameter:
{{ include "myNamedTemplate" (list . .Values.context1) }}

Use variable in HELM template define function

Is it possible to use a variable inside the template define function? I attempted to wrap the variable in brackets but it seems to fail. Example
{{- define {{ .Chart.Name }}.deployment -}}
The names of template functions are always fixed strings. (This is common with almost all programming languages.) Since these names don't appear anywhere in the rendered YAML, it doesn't really matter what they're called. The only place there's a potential conflict is if your chart includes other subcharts as dependencies, or is included as a subchart; in that case all template functions share the same function namespace.
A common convention is to name templates following the current chart name; that is, matching the fixed string in the Chart.yaml file
{{- define "mychart.deployment" -}}
Using the Helm include function you can call templates with a dynamic name, but this is a somewhat unusual use.
key: {}
deployment: appdeployv1
If you were to expand the name of the chart, you would do it like this
{{- define "" -}}
{{- default .Chart.Name .Values.deployment | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}}
{{- end -}}
That's all I can understand from your question. I hope this helps. You can try exploring docs and check Declaring and using templates with define and template heading for detailed info.

helm template: how do i assign the result of a template to a variable

I'm trying to do something like:
{{- $cassandrafullname := template "cassandra.fullname" . -}}
but I'm getting this error on a dry run:
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: parse error in "cassandra/templates/service.yaml": template: cassandra/templates/service.yaml:1: unexpected <template> in command
The reason why I have this issue is because I am unable to use the template cassandra.fullname within a range, so I'm trying to put the value into a variable and use it in the range instead. So if there's a solution for that, it would also be accepted!
Helm defines an include function which is identical to the standard template, except that it returns the rendered output instead of outputting it. You should be able to write
{{- $cassandrafullname := include "cassandra.fullname" . -}}
Unfortunately this does not work with fromYaml, so you can't read yaml structs into pipeline operations as usual. A rather big shortcoming. Lots of times I need to filter a list into another list, but this seems impossible with helm:
{{- define "sometpl" -}}
- bla: dibla
- oki: doki
{{- end -}}
{{- $v := include "sometpl" . | fromYaml }}
some: {{- $v | toYaml | nindent 2 }}
Will give
Error: 'error unmarshaling JSON: while decoding JSON: json: cannot unmarshal array
into Go value of type map[string]interface {}'