Postgresql count from multiple columns in a row - postgresql

I have this table on a postgres db (proofs). proof_1, proof_2 and proof_3 are boolean columns indicating whether the user (user_id) has submitted the proofs:
I need to count how many proofs are submitted by each user. This is the query that I came up:
> select
case when proof_1 then '1' end,
case when proof_2 then '1' end,
case when proof_3 then '1' end)
)) as proof_counts
The query above would work. But I don't think that it is the best query to do. Please advice on what query should be done?

select user_id,
case when proof_1 then 1 else 0 end
+ case when proof_2 then 1 else 0 end
+ case when proof_3 then 1 else 0 end as proof_counts
from (
values (1,true,true,false), (2,false,true,false)
) as proof (user_id, proof_1, proof_2, proof_3)
If there is no null values then below query
select user_id,
+ proof_2::integer
+ proof_3::integer as proof_counts
from (
values (1,true,true,false), (2,false,true,false)
) as proof (user_id, proof_1, proof_2, proof_3)
And version which handle nulls
select user_id,
+ coalesce(proof_2::integer,0)
+ coalesce(proof_3::integer,0) as proof_counts
from (
values (1,null,true,false), (2,false,true,false)
) as proof (user_id, proof_1, proof_2, proof_3)

I think this is also a good alternative:
select user_id,
sum(case when proof_1 = true then 1 else 0 end) + sum(case when proof_2 = true then 1 else 0 end) + sum(case when proof_3 = true then 1 else 0 end) as proof_counts
from proofs
group by user_id

This is possible just by converting your boolean to integer and then summing the three columns
sum(case when proof_1=true then 1 end)+sum(case when proof_2=true then 1 end)+sum(case when proof_2=true then 1 end) as total_proofs_submitted
from proofs
group by user_id


UNION types integer and text cannot be postgreSQL

select product_name ,0 price1,0 price2,0 price3,
(CASE when sum(price)>100 then 1 else 0 end) as price4,0 price5
from sales_1
group by product_name,price
select product_name ,0 price1,0 price2,0 price3, 0 price4,
(CASE when sum(price)<100 then 'yes' else 'no' end) as price5
from sales_1
group by product_name,price
I want values which are less then 100 to turn into 'no' and others to 'yes' but it is throwing an error which is'UNION types integer and text cannot be matched' .i have tried different type of casting to solve it but it didn't. and i am doing it in postgresql
This is the code which got me to my required result:
SELECT product_name,
0 price1, 0 price2, 0 price3,
(CASE WHEN SUM(price)>100 THEN 'yes' ELSE 'no' END) AS price4,
'' price5
FROM sales_1
GROUP BY product_name,price
SELECT product_name,
0 price1, 0 price2, 0 price3, '' price4,
(CASE WHEN SUM(price)<100 THEN 'yes' ELSE 'no' END) AS price5
FROM sales_1
GROUP BY product_name, price
And this is the result I got from upper query:

how to select top 10 without duplicates

Using SQL Server 2012
I need to select TOP 10 Producer based on a ProducerCode. But the data is messed up, users were entering same Producers just spelled differently and with the same ProducerCode.
So I just need TOP 10, so if the ProducerCode is repeating, I just want to pick the first one in a list.
How can I achieve that?
Sample of my data
;WITH cte_TopWP --T
SELECT distinct ProducerCode, Producer,SUM(premium) as NetWrittenPremium,
SUM(CASE WHEN PolicyType = 'New Business' THEN Premium ELSE 0 END) as NewBusiness1,
SUM(CASE WHEN PolicyType = 'Renewal' THEN Premium ELSE 0 END) as Renewal1,
SUM(CASE WHEN PolicyType = 'Rewrite' THEN Premium ELSE 0 END) as Rewrite1
FROM ProductionReportMetrics
WHERE YEAR(EffectiveDate) = 2016 AND TransactionType = 'Policy' AND CompanyLine = 'Arch Insurance Company'--AND ProducerType = 'Wholesaler'
GROUP BY ProducerCode,Producer
cte_Counts --C
SELECT distinct ProducerCode, ProducerName, COUNT (distinct ControlNo) as Submissions2,
SUM(CASE WHEN QuotedPremium IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as Quoted2,
SUM(CASE WHEN Type = 'New Business' AND Status IN ('Bound','Cancelled','Notice of Cancellation') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) as NewBusiness2,
SUM(CASE WHEN Type = 'Renewal' AND Status IN ('Bound','Cancelled','Notice of Cancellation') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) as Renewal2,
SUM(CASE WHEN Type = 'Rewrite' AND Status IN ('Bound','Cancelled','Notice of Cancellation') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) as Rewrite2,
SUM(CASE WHEN Status = 'Declined' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) as Declined2
FROM ClearanceReportMetrics
WHERE YEAR(EffectiveDate)=2016 AND CompanyLine = 'Arch Insurance Company'
GROUP BY ProducerCode,ProducerName
SELECT top 10 RANK() OVER (ORDER BY NetWrittenPremium desc) as Rank,
c.ProducerName as 'Producer',
c.[NewBusiness2]+c.[Renewal2]+c.[Rewrite2] as PolicyCount,
FROM cte_TopWP t --LEFT OUTER JOIN tblProducers p on t.ProducerCode=p.ProducerCode
LEFT OUTER JOIN cte_Counts c ON t.ProducerCode=c.ProducerCode
You should use ROW_NUMBER to fix your issue.
A good example of this is the following answer:
Here's the code example from the answer.
SELECT acss_lookup.ID AS acss_lookupID,
(PARTITION BY your_distinct_column ORDER BY any_column_you_think_is_appropriate)
as num,
acss_lookup.product_lookupID AS acssproduct_lookupID,
acss_lookup.region_lookupID AS acssregion_lookupID,
acss_lookup.document_lookupID AS acssdocument_lookupID,
product.ID AS product_ID,
product.parent_productID AS productparent_product_ID,
product.label AS product_label,
product.displayheading AS product_displayheading,
product.displayorder AS product_displayorder,
product.display AS product_display,
product.ignorenewupdate AS product_ignorenewupdate,
product.directlink AS product_directlink,
product.directlinkURL AS product_directlinkURL,
product.shortdescription AS product_shortdescription,
product.logo AS product_logo,
product.thumbnail AS product_thumbnail,
product.content AS product_content,
product.pdf AS product_pdf,
product.language_lookupID AS product_language_lookupID,
document.ID AS document_ID,
document.shortdescription AS document_shortdescription,
document.language_lookupID AS document_language_lookupID,
document.document_note AS document_document_note,
document.displayheading AS document_displayheading
FROM acss_lookup
INNER JOIN product ON (acss_lookup.product_lookupID = product.ID)
INNER JOIN document ON (acss_lookup.document_lookupID = document.ID)
WHERE a.num = 1
ORDER BY product_displayheading ASC;
You could do this:
SELECT ProducerCode, MIN(Producer) AS Producer, ...
GROUP BY ProducerCode

Count distinct column case when/conditional

I'm trying to count the distinct number of ids in a column and this works fine.
COUNT(DISTINCT AS link_created
But when I try to count with a conditional, I get a syntax error, what's the proper syntax to add a case when or some other condition to only count the distinct message ids where the messages.link_label is present?
COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN messages.link_label IS NOT NULL 1 END) AS link_created
My full query looks like this.
#customers ="customers.*,
COUNT(DISTINCT messages_sent,
COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN messages.link_label IS NOT NULL 1 END) AS link_created,
COALESCE(SUM(video_activities.video_watched_count),0) AS watched_count,
COALESCE(SUM(video_activities.response_count),0) AS response_count,
COALESCE(SUM(video_activities.email_opened_count),0) AS email_opened_count,
COALESCE(SUM(CASE WHEN video_activities.video_watched_at IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END),0) AS unique_watches,
COALESCE(SUM(CASE WHEN video_activities.email_opened_at IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END),0) AS unique_opens,
COALESCE(SUM(CASE WHEN video_activities.response_count > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END),0) AS unique_responses,
customers.updated_at AS last_login,
SUBSTRING( email from POSITION( '#' in email) + 1 for length(email)) AS company")
.joins("LEFT JOIN messages ON = messages.customer_id
LEFT JOIN recipient_lists ON = recipient_lists.message_id AND messages.link_label is NULL
LEFT JOIN video_activities ON = video_activities.message_id")
Try this:
WHEN messages.link_label IS NOT NULL
AS link_created

Count based on Or is not differentiating the count

My results are showing both counts the same but there should be some that have different counts as CarCode is sometimes null.
SELECT distinct car.carKey,
COUNT(car.carKey)OVER(PARTITION BY car.carKey) AS TotalCarKeyCount,
COUNT(Case When (car.[Weight] IS not null) and (car.CarCode is null) as CarCountWithoutCode
then 0
else car.carKey End) OVER(PARTITION BY car.carKey) AS CarCount
from car
results show TotalCarKeyCount and CarCountWithoutCode always with the same counts like the case statement isn't working or something.
It sounds like you might want to use SUM() instead:
SELECT distinct car.carKey,
COUNT(car.carKey)OVER(PARTITION BY car.carKey) AS TotalCarKeyCount,
SUM(Case When (car.[Weight] IS not null) and (car.CarCode is null) as CarCountWithoutCode
then 0 else 1 End) OVER(PARTITION BY car.carKey) AS CarCount
from car
SQL Fiddle demo showing the difference between using COUNT() and SUM():
create table test
id int
insert into test values
(1), (null), (23), (4), (2);
count(case when id is null then 0 else id end) [count],
sum(case when id is null then 0 else 1 end) [sum]
from test;
Count returns 5 and Sum returns 4. Or you can change the COUNT() to use null and the null values will be excluded in the final count()
count(case when id is null then null else id end) [count],
sum(case when id is null then 0 else 1 end) [sum]
from test;
Your query would be:
SELECT distinct car.carKey,
COUNT(car.carKey)OVER(PARTITION BY car.carKey) AS TotalCarKeyCount,
COUNT(Case When (car.[Weight] IS not null) and (car.CarCode is null) as CarCountWithoutCode
then null else 1 End) OVER(PARTITION BY car.carKey) AS CarCount
from car
Change the then 0 to then null. Zero values are counted, nulls are not.

Speed up plpgsql that counts doc types in a loop?

Is there a way to speed up our plpgsql function that counts certain types of docs all in one query which is executed in a loop? ALL in one query?
validador := (select count(id_doc) from webdte.doc_tip_cifra
where id_doc = id_documento and id_tipo_cifra = 901);
validador2 := (select count(id_doc) from webdte.doc_tip_cifra
where id_doc = id_documento and id_tipo_cifra = 902);
validador3 := (select count(id_doc) from webdte.doc_tip_cifra
where id_doc = id_documento and id_tipo_cifra = 905);
validador4 := (select count(id_doc) from webdte.doc_tip_cifra
where id_doc = id_documento and id_tipo_cifra = 907);
It should be faster to assign all four variables in one query (only one table or index scan):
SELECT INTO validador, validador2, validador3, validador4
sum(CASE id_tipo_cifra WHEN 901 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
,sum(CASE id_tipo_cifra WHEN 902 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
,sum(CASE id_tipo_cifra WHEN 905 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
,sum(CASE id_tipo_cifra WHEN 907 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
FROM webdte.doc_tip_cifra
WHERE id_doc = id_documento;
Same result.
Normally you would have to check id_doc for NULL in addition, but since you have a WHERE condition with = on it, it cannot be NULL.