How would I make a UiPanGestureRecognizer check if the finger is in the buttons frame? - swift

I am trying to make an app where the user could drag a finger on top of multiple buttons and get some actions for each button.
There was a similar question from a while back but when I tried to use CGRectContainsPoint(button.frame, point) it said it was replaced with button.frame.contains(point) but this didn’t seem to work for me. Here is a link to the Photo
What I have done so far:
var buttonArray:NSMutableArray!
override func viewDidLoad()
let panGesture = UIPanGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(panGestureMethod(_:)))
#objc func panGestureMethod(_ gesture: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
if gesture.state == UIGestureRecognizer.State.began {
buttonArray = NSMutableArray()
let pointInView = gesture.location(in: gesture.view)
if !buttonArray.contains(a1!) && a1.frame.contains(pointInView) {
else if !buttonArray.contains(a2!) && a2.frame.contains(pointInView) {
The code did run fine but when I tried to activate the drag nothing happened. Any tips?

You want behavior similar to the system keyboard I assume? CGRectContainsPoint is not deprecated: See the docs. In Swift it's written like frame.contains().
When dealing with rects and points you have to make sure both are translated to the same coordinate system first. To do so you can use the convert to/from methods on UIView: See (the docs).
In your case smth. like the following should work (first translate button frames, then check if the point is inside):
func touchedButtonForGestureRecognizer(_ gesture: UIPanGestureRecognizer) -> UIView? {
let pointInView = gesture.location(in: gesture.view)
for (button in buttonArray) {
let rect = gesture.view.convert(button.frame from:button.superview)
if (rect.contains(pointInView)) {
return button
return nil


swift SpriteNode and SceneKit multiple touch gestures

I am making a word game. For this I am using SceneKit and adding a SpriteNodes to represent letter tiles.
The idea is that when a user clicks on a letter tile, some extra tiles appear around it with different letter options. My issue is regarding the touch gestures for various interactions.
When a user taps on a letter tile, additional tiles are shown. I have achieved this using the following method in my tile SpriteNode class:
override func touchesBegan(_ touches:Set<UITouch> , with event: UIEvent?) {
guard let touch = touches.first else {
delegate?.updateLetter(row: row, column: column, x:xcoord, y:ycoord, useCase: 1)
This triggers the delegate correctly which shows another sprite node.
What I would like to achieve is for a long press to remove the sprite node from parent. I have found the .removeFromParent() method, however I cannot get this to detect a long press gesture.
My understanding is that this type of gesture must be added using UIGestureRecognizer. I can add the following method to my Scene class:
override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
let longPress = UILongPressGestureRecognizer(target: self,
action: #selector(GameScene.longPress(sender:)))
#objc func longPress(sender: UILongPressGestureRecognizer) {
print("Long Press")
This will detect a long press anywhere on the scene. However I need to be able to handle the pressed nodes properties before removing it. I have tried adding the below to the longPress function:
let location = sender.location(in: self)
let touchedNodes = nodes(at: location)
let firstTouchedNode = atPoint(location).name
but I get the following error: Cannot convert value of type 'GameScene' to expected argument type 'UIView?'
This seems a little bit of a messy way of doing things, as I have touch methods in different places.
So my question is, how can I keep the current touchesBegan method that is in the tile class, and add a long press gesture to be able to reference and delete the spriteNode?
Long press gestures are continuous gestures that may be called multiple times as you are seeing. Have you tried Recognizer.State.began, .changed, .ended? I solved a similar problem doing things this way.
EDIT - I think one way to get there is to get your object on handleTap and hang on to the object. Then when LongPress happens, you already have your node. If something changes before longPress, obviously you need to reset. Sorry, this is some extra code on here, but look at hitTest.
#objc func handleTap(recognizer: UITapGestureRecognizer)
let location: CGPoint = recognizer.location(in: gameScene)
if(data.isAirStrikeModeOn == true)
let projectedPoint = gameScene.projectPoint(SCNVector3(0, 0, 0))
let scenePoint = gameScene.unprojectPoint(SCNVector3(location.x, location.y, CGFloat(projectedPoint.z)))
gameControl.airStrike(position: scenePoint)
let hitResults = gameScene.hitTest(location, options: hitTestOptions)
for vHit in hitResults
if( == "Panel")
// May have selected an invalid panel or auto upgrade was on
if(gameControl.selectPanel(vPanel:!) == false) { return }
So I am not completely satisfied with this answer, however it is a work around for what I need.
What I have done is added two variables ‘touchesStart’ and ‘touchesEnd’ to my tiles class.
Then in touchesBegan() I add a call to update touchesStart with CACurrentMediaTime() and update touchesEnd via the touchesEnded() function.
Then in the touchesEnded() I subtract touchesStart from touchesEnd. If the difference is more than 1.0 I call the function for long press. If less than 1.0 I call the function for tap.

HitTest prints AR Entity name even when I am not tapping on it

My Experience.rcproject has animations that can be triggered by tap action.
Two cylinders are named “Button 1” and “Button 2” and have Collide turned on.
I am using Async method to load Experience.Map scene and addAnchor method to add mapAnchor to ARView in a ViewController.
I tried to run HitTest on the scene to see if the app reacts properly.
Nonetheless, the HitTest result prints the entity name of a button even when I am not tapping on it but area near it.
class augmentedReality: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var arView: ARView!
#IBAction func onTap(_ sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
let tapLocation = sender.location(in: arView)
// Get the entity at the location we've tapped, if one exists
if let button = arView.entity(at: tapLocation) {
// For testing purposes, print the name of the tapped entity
Below is my attempt to add the AR scene and tap gesture recogniser to arView.
class augmentedReality: UIViewController {
self.arView.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
let tapGesture = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(onTap))
Question 1
How can I achieve the goal of only having the entity name of a button printed when I am really tapping on it instead of close to it?
Question 2
Do I actually need to turn Collide on to have both buttons able to be detected in the HitTest?
Question 3
There’s an installGestures method. There’s no online tutorials or discussions about this at the moment. I tried but I am confused by (Entity & HasCollision). How can this method be implemented?
To implement a robust Hit-Testing in RealityKit, all you need is the following code:
import RealityKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet var arView: ARView!
let scene = try! Experience.loadScene()
#IBAction func onTap(_ sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
let tapLocation: CGPoint = sender.location(in: arView)
let result: [CollisionCastHit] = arView.hitTest(tapLocation)
guard let hitTest: CollisionCastHit = result.first
else { return }
let entity: Entity = hitTest.entity
override func viewDidLoad() {
scene.steelBox!.scale = [2,2,2]
scene.steelCylinder!.scale = [2,2,2]
scene.steelBox!.name = "BOX"
scene.steelCylinder!.name = "CYLINDER"
When you tap on entities in ARView a Debug Area prints "BOX" or "CYLINDER". And if you tap anything but entities, a Debug Area prints just "Ground Plane".
If you need to implement a Ray-Casting read this post, please.
In case you run this app on macOS Simulator, it prints just Ground Plane instead of BOX and CYLINDER. So you need to run this app on iPhone.

No-show menuController and can't figure out how to make the View return True to calling .becomeFirstResponder

I am having a no-show menuController and I have checked all of the suggestions in previous questions. It turns out the imageView I have implemented a UILongPressGestureRecognizer on, to show the menu, is returning False on calling .becomeFirstResponder just before setting up the menu controller.
I am coding in swift 4 and can't figure out how to make the imageView return True to calling .becomeFirstResponder. Help!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// long tap to show menu that enables deletion of the image.
imageView_1.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
let longPressRecogniser = UILongPressGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(longPressOnImage(_:)))
//longPressRecogniser.numberOfTapsRequired = 1
//longPressRecogniser.numberOfTouchesRequired = 1
longPressRecogniser.minimumPressDuration = 0.5
imageView_1.image = placeHolderImage_1
imageView_2.image = placeHolderImage_2
#IBAction func longPressOnImage(_ gestureRecognizer: UILongPressGestureRecognizer) {
if gestureRecognizer.state == .began {
//print("gestureRecognizer.state == .began")
self.tappedView = gestureRecognizer.view!
if tappedView.canResignFirstResponder {
print("can resign first responder")
if tappedView.becomeFirstResponder() {
print("returned TRUE to becomeFirstResponder")
} else {
print("returned FALSE to becomeFirstResponder")
// Configure the shared menu controller
let menuController = UIMenuController.shared
// Configure the menu item to display
// Create a "delete" menu item
let deleteImage = UIMenuItem(title: "Delete", action: #selector(deleteImage_1))
menuController.menuItems = [deleteImage]
// Set the location of the menu in the view.
let location = gestureRecognizer.location(in: tappedView)
print("location = ", location)
let menuLocation = CGRect(x: location.x, y: location.y, width: 2, height: 2)
menuController.setTargetRect(menuLocation, in: tappedView)
//update the menu settings to force it to display my custom items
// Show the menu.
menuController.setMenuVisible(true, animated: true)
print("menu should be visible now")
#objc func deleteImage_1() {
My caveman debugging print statements output:
can resign first responder
returned FALSE to becomeFirstResponder
location = (207.0, 82.0)
menu should be visible now
Create a custom imageView class and override "canBecomeFirstResponder" property like this:
class ResponsiveImage : UIImageView{
override var canBecomeFirstResponder: Bool{
return true
Use this ResponsiveImage type and your code will work :)
Thank you to adri. Your answer is the solution to my problem.
I had read in other posts to similar questions about overriding var canBecomeFirstResponder but either overlooked it or it wasn't made explicit that a custom UIImageView class needs to be created.
Just to make it clear to newbies like me, the class of the imageView in storyBoard and its #IBOutlet in its viewController must typed as ResponsiveImage. If only one of these is changed a type casting error is reported.
Many thanks for ending my hours of frustration! :-)

Detect if user is moving finger left or right (Swift)

This is not Sprite Kit.
If I have a variable like the one below
var value = 0
How am I able to increase the value if the user drags right and decrease if they drag left?
Like Caleb commented, Ray's tutorial is great, but if you want the actual swift example, please check the next example:
class ViewController: UIViewController, UIGestureRecognizerDelegate {
private var value: Int = 0
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.blackColor()
let recognizer = UIPanGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: Selector("handleDragging:"))
let inputView = UIView(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 100))
inputView.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
inputView.userInteractionEnabled = true
func handleDragging(recognizer: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
if (recognizer.state == .Changed) {
let point = recognizer.velocityInView(recognizer.view?.superview)
if (point.x > 0) {
} else {
You can use the velocityInView method of UIPanGestureRecognizer to determine which direction you're going. It returns a CGPoint, so you can pull out the x and y values as you wish. Positive is right/down, negative is left/up.

Accessibility (Voice Over) with Sprite Kit

I'm attempting to add support for Voice Over accessibility in a puzzle game which has a fixed board. However, I'm having trouble getting UIAccessibilityElements to show up.
Right now I'm overriding accessibilityElementAtIndex, accessibilityElementCount and indexOfAccessibilityElement in my SKScene.
They are returning an array of accessible elements as such:
func loadAccessibleElements()
self.isAccessibilityElement = false
let pieces = getAllPieces()
accessibleElements.removeAll(keepCapacity: false)
for piece in pieces
let element = UIAccessibilityElement(accessibilityContainer: self.usableView!)
element.accessibilityFrame = piece.getAccessibilityFrame()
element.accessibilityLabel = piece.getText()
element.accessibilityTraits = UIAccessibilityTraitButton
Where piece is a subclass of SKSpriteNode and getAccessibilityFrame is defined:
func getAccessibilityFrame() -> CGRect
return parentView!.convertRect(frame, toView: nil)
Right now one (wrongly sized) accessibility element seems to appear on the screen in the wrong place.
Could someone point me in the right direction?
Many thanks
I've tried a hack-ish work around by placing a UIView over the SKView with UIButton elements in the same location as the SKSpriteNodes. However, accessibility still doesn't want to work. The view is loaded as such:
func loadAccessibilityView()
view.isAccessibilityElement = false
view.accessibilityElementsHidden = false
skView.accessibilityElementsHidden = false
let accessibleSubview = UIView(frame: view.frame)
accessibleSubview.userInteractionEnabled = true
accessibleSubview.isAccessibilityElement = false
let pieces = (skView.scene! as! GameScene).getAllPieces()
for piece in pieces
let pieceButton = UIButton(frame: piece.getAccessibilityFrame())
pieceButton.isAccessibilityElement = true
pieceButton.accessibilityElementsHidden = false
pieceButton.accessibilityTraits = UIAccessibilityTraitButton
pieceButton.setTitle(piece.getText(), forState: UIControlState.Normal)
pieceButton.setBackgroundImage(UIImage(named: "blue-button"), forState: UIControlState.Normal)
pieceButton.alpha = 0.2
pieceButton.accessibilityLabel = piece.getText()
pieceButton.accessibilityFrame = pieceButton.frame
pieceButton.addTarget(self, action: Selector("didTap:"), forControlEvents: UIControlEvents.TouchUpInside)
UIAccessibilityPostNotification(UIAccessibilityScreenChangedNotification, nil)
The buttons are placed correctly, however accessibility just isn't working at all. Something seems to be preventing it from working.
I've searched in vain for a description of how to implement VoiceOver in Swift using SpriteKit, so I finally figured out how to do it. Here's some working code that converts a SKNode to an accessible pushbutton when added to a SKScene class:
// Add the following code to a scene where you want to make the SKNode variable named “leave” an accessible button
// leave must already be initialized and added as a child of the scene, or a child of other SKNodes in the scene
// screenHeight must already be defined as the height of the device screen, in points
// Accessibility
private var accessibleElements: [UIAccessibilityElement] = []
private func nodeToDevicePointsFrame(node: SKNode) -> CGRect {
// first convert from frame in SKNode to frame in SKScene's coordinates
var sceneFrame = node.frame
sceneFrame.origin = node.scene!.convertPoint(node.frame.origin, fromNode: node.parent!)
// convert frame from SKScene coordinates to device points
// sprite kit scene origin is in lower left, accessibility device screen origin is at upper left
// assumes scene is initialized using SKSceneScaleMode.Fill using dimensions same as device points
var deviceFrame = sceneFrame
deviceFrame.origin.y = CGFloat(screenHeight-1) - (sceneFrame.origin.y + sceneFrame.size.height)
return deviceFrame
private func initAccessibility() {
if accessibleElements.count == 0 {
let accessibleLeave = UIAccessibilityElement(accessibilityContainer: self.view!)
accessibleLeave.accessibilityFrame = nodeToDevicePointsFrame(leave)
accessibleLeave.accessibilityTraits = UIAccessibilityTraitButton
accessibleLeave.accessibilityLabel = “leave” // the accessible name of the button
override func didMoveToView(view: SKView) {
self.isAccessibilityElement = false
leave.isAccessibilityElement = true
override func willMoveFromView(view: SKView) {
accessibleElements = []
override func accessibilityElementCount() -> Int {
return accessibleElements.count
override func accessibilityElementAtIndex(index: Int) -> AnyObject? {
if (index < accessibleElements.count) {
return accessibleElements[index] as AnyObject
} else {
return nil
override func indexOfAccessibilityElement(element: AnyObject) -> Int {
return accessibleElements.indexOf(element as! UIAccessibilityElement)!
Accessibility frames are defined in the fixed physical screen coordinates, not UIView coordinates, and transforming between them is kind of tricky.
The device origin is the lower left of the screen, with X up, when the device is in landscape right mode.
It's a pain converting, I've no idea why Apple did it that way.