Could not establish connection to "hostname": The VS Code Server failed to start - visual-studio-code

I looked at the similar questions to mine, and none of them seemed to fix my problem.
It returns a prompt that says Could not establish connection to "hostname": The VS Code Server failed to start. When I use the command ssh pi#raspberrypi and type in my password everything seems to work.
My Computer: Windows 11
Remote Computer: Raspbian OS
The file seems to be broken, but I don't know what the file should look like:
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
case "$1" in
--inspect*) INSPECT="$1"; shift;;
ROOT="$(dirname "$0")"
"$ROOT/node" ${INSPECT:-} "$ROOT/out/server-main.js" --compatibility=1.63 "$#"
and this is the log file on the remote computer:
/home/pi/.vscode-server/bin/c3511e6c69bb39013c4a4b7b9566ec1ca73fc4d5/bin/code-server: 12: /home/pi/.vscode-server/bin/c3511e6c69bb39013c4a4b7b9566ec1ca73fc4d5/bin/code-server: /home/pi/.vscode-server/bin/c3511e6c69bb39013c4a4b7b9566ec1ca73fc4d5/node: not found

solution :Kill VS code Server on host and reconnect maybe work
show Command Palette : ctrl + shift +p
input keyword : Remote-SSH
select target : Remote-SSH: Kill VS Code Server on Host...
reconnect target serer will work

Another solution: Remote-SSH: Uninstall VS Code Server from Host work
You can find Remote-SSH: Uninstall VS Code Server from Host... via the command palette (ctrl/cmd + shift + p).
And if you select or enter the host IP, the vscode installed on that server will be uninstalled.
Then, if you connect to the server again through vscode-ssh, vscode will work well.
After several attempts, I also succeeded in connecting this way.


VS Code Remote-SSH won't reconnect to one specific working directory on remote Ubuntu host

I'm using VSCode 1.72.2 with Remote-SSH v0.90.1 on Windows to develop against an AWS EC2 VM running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. A couple days ago, I was working in my project source folder in /opt/t4/ on the target host. When I was finished, I stopped the VM from the AWS console, forgetting that VS Code was still SSHed in.
When I brought the VM back up, I can reconnect VS Code/Remote-SSH to the host as before, except that I can no longer connect using /opt/t4/ as my working directory. I can use any directory except the one I was using when I disconnected.
I can navigate down to it and work in it if I use /opt/ as my working directory. I can navigate to it by manually SSHing to the remote host. I can create a subfolder in a remote shell at /opt/t4/test/, and then connect VS Code using that subfolder as my working directory. I can see and select /opt/t4/ in the Open Folder dialog in VS Code. But when I try to connect using that working directory, the connection times out with a not-particularly-useful error message:
[00:05:49.867] SSH Resolver called for "", attempt 2, (Reconnection)
[00:05:49.868] SSH Resolver called for host:
[00:05:49.868] Setting up SSH remote ""
[00:05:49.870] Using commit id "d045a5eda657f4d7b676dedbfa7aab8207f8a075" and quality "stable" for server
[00:05:49.872] Install and start server if needed
[00:05:49.874] Using SSH config file "C:\Users\me\.ssh\config"
[00:05:49.874] Running script with connection command: ssh -T -D 1518 -F "C:\Users\me\.ssh\config" "" bash
[00:05:49.875] Terminal shell path: C:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd.exe
[00:06:06.876] Resolver error: Error: Connecting with SSH timed out
at g.Timeout (c:\Users\me\.vscode\extensions\ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.90.1\out\extension.js:1:585348)
at Timeout._onTimeout (c:\Users\me\.vscode\extensions\ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.90.1\out\extension.js:1:679743)
at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:559:17)
at process.processTimers (node:internal/timers:502:7)
[00:06:06.877] ------
I tried Remote-SSH: Uninstall VS Code Server from Host from VS Code.
I tried deleting ~/.vscode-server on the Linux host from an SSH session.
I tried Remote-SSH: Kill VS Code Server on Host from VS Code.
I tried Remote-SSH: Kill Local Connection Server for Host from VS Code.
I tried deleting and recreating the host connection details in the local config file from SSH-Remote.
I tried rebooting both local and target hosts.
I tried setting /opt/ as my working dir, then deleting and recreating /opt/t4. I was able to do this, but as soon as I try reconnecting using /opt/t4 as the working dir, VS Code still fails to connect.
I'm... stumped. My suspicion is that there is something corrupt cached Windows-side, but I don't know where to look for that.
Microsoft is aware and working on a fix. There are a variety of workarounds in this thread:
Thanks to the link from #Mike Barry, I managed to find the local workspace for that target folder and delete it to force it to reinitialize, which cleared the issue.
Deleted C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\Code\User\workspaceStorage\[guid]\ and reconnected with no problem.

Visual Studio Code Remote - SSH with key via KeePass / KeeAgent fails

I am having trouble using the remote-ssh plugin in Visual Studio between machine A and machine B where the key is provided by KeeAgent from a KeePass database on machine A.
Machine A runs on Windows 10 and I have set up the Host (machine B) in Visual Studio Code correctly according to the guide. However, when trying to use the remote feature, I get the following error:
[09:48:32.111] Log Level: 2
[09:48:32.121] remote-ssh#0.51.0
[09:48:32.121] win32 x64
[09:48:32.124] SSH Resolver called for "ssh-remote+XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX", attempt 1
[09:48:32.125] SSH Resolver called for host: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
[09:48:32.125] Setting up SSH remote "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX"
[09:48:32.314] Using commit id "91899dcef7b8110878ea59626991a18c8a6a1b3e" and quality "stable" for server
[09:48:32.317] Install and start server if needed
[09:48:38.141] getPlatformForHost was canceled
[09:48:38.142] Resolver error: Connecting was canceled
[09:48:38.147] ------
where XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX obviously is the correct IP of machine B in my output.
As I mentioned, the SSH key for this machine is provided via KeeAgent and works fine with PuTTy. I am not allowed to store a SSH key in plaintext on machine A, hence the Keepass/KeeAgent solution. I guess this is the Problem, that somehow Visual Studio Code does not work with KeeAgent.
Can I work around this, i.e. by telling VS Code to use plink.exe as SSH client, which works with KeeAgent? Or does VS Code allow the encrypted storage of SSH keys itself, thereby making KeeAgent obsolete? I am new to both VS Code and the remote-ssh plugin, so I'm sorry if my questions have obvious solutions.
Maybe the problem lies elsewhere though. In that case I am thankful for every hint.
Go to Options > KeeAgent, then scroll down to Agent Mode Options and activate Enable agent for Windows OpenSSH (experimental): (default: disabled) Enable an SSH agent socket compatible with the built-in Windows 10 SSH client.

Remote editing over ssh to windows server

Remote SSH plugin states VS Code Insiders has experimental support for Windows 10/Server 1803+ using the official OpenSSH server.
I have the official OpenSSH server installed and configured on Windows Server 2019 1809. I can connect via pubkey authentication and have PowerShell Core over ssh working as well. I tried both Remote SSH and Remote SSH nightly plugin. At first it was complaining that it couldn't find bash. So I installed git bash and added it to the system path. I get the following error when attempting to connect to my windows server:
[16:02:41.398] Log Level: 3
[16:02:41.399] remote-ssh-nightly#2019.12.24000
[16:02:41.399] darwin x64
[16:02:41.401] SSH Resolver called for "ssh-remote+myserver", attempt 1
[16:02:41.401] SSH Resolver called for host: myserver
[16:02:41.401] Setting up SSH remote "myserver"
[16:02:41.413] Using commit id "e74405d11443c5361c31e2bc341866d146eee206" and quality "insider" for server
[16:02:41.414] Testing ssh with ssh -V
[16:02:41.425] ssh exited with code: 0
[16:02:41.425] Got stderr from ssh: OpenSSH_7.9p1, LibreSSL 2.7.3
[16:02:41.430] Running script with connection command: ssh -T -D 51951 -o ConnectTimeout=15 myserver bash
[16:02:41.430] Install and start server if needed
[16:02:43.451] > 5122b1a5b835: running
> Unsupported architecture: MINGW64_NT-10.0-17763 x86_64
> 5122b1a5b835##27##
[16:02:43.452] Got some output, clearing connection timeout
[16:02:43.710] "install" terminal command done
[16:02:43.710] Install terminal quit with output: 5122b1a5b835##27##
[16:02:43.710] Received install output: 5122b1a5b835##27##
[16:02:43.710] Unsupported architecture
[16:02:43.711] Resolver error: The remote host's architecture is not supported
[16:02:43.714] ------
Anybody know the magic sauce to get Remote SSH working w/ Windows 10/Server?
Looks like VSCode is attempting to run bash on the server which I'm guessing would resolve to git's bash which is mingw based as I recall. VSCode should be running Powershell on the server.
Did you include your server in the list of windows remotes in the extension's settings?
Requires "remote.SSH.windowsRemotes" setting. Here is the documentation.
"remote.SSH.windowsRemotes": ["myserver"]

VSCode: Remote - SSH extension - nothing happens when trying to conncet to remote server

I have recently discovered vscode and the remote development extension, and wanting to try it out, but I can't get the damn thing to connect to my development server.
I've installed the both the vscode and vscode insiders packages by downloading the .deb packages manually on my local machine and installed the extension it self by executing this line:
ext install ms-vscode-remote.vscode-remote-extensionpack
Afterwards my pre-configured ssh hosts gets discovered fine and i have key-based auth running and it works fine when connecting to the server from a terminal.
But when I try to connect to the server, by right clicking and selecting one of the two options, only a notification saying "Confirming hostname is reachable" pops up for a second or two and then nothing else happens.
There are no information in the "output" view, other than this line:
I've checked and confirmed the remote server has the needed prerequisites.
Also i see nothing in the /var/log/audit/audit.log on the remote server when trying to connect, so I dont even think it tries to establish a connection.
What am I missing ?
Local OS: Linux Mint 19 Tara
Remote OS: CentOS 7
I found the issue - "+" signs makes the extension fail:
I have this line in my local .ssh/config
Host *+*
ProxyCommand ssh $(echo %h | sed 's/+[^+]*$//;s/\([^+%%]*\)%%\([^+]*\)$/\2 -l \1/;s/:/ -p /') nc -q0 $(echo %h | sed 's/^.*+//;/:/!s/$/ %p/;s/:/ /')
Which allows me to connect to host b through host a like so:
ssh hosta+hostb
Removing that fixed the issue, and I connect succesfully to a remote host - it simple seems that that vscode dislikes that line.

How to set ControlMaster with Remote-SSH in Visual Studio Code?

I use Visual-Studio-Code with Remote-SSH extension and I don't want to authentiaction multiple times after I login. So I search the ControlMater option with ssh_config to setup.
After I connected and I got below error message.
Can't connect to Leo-OA: unreachable or not Linux x86_64 (packet_write_poll: Connection to UNKNOWN port -1: Permission denied)
My environment:
Visual Studio Code 1.35 Stable
Windows 10 1803
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Below is my setting file
# Read more about SSH config files:
User rock
Host Leo-OA
User root
Port 60001
Host *
ControlMaster auto
ControlPath ~/.ssh/sockets/%r#%h-%p
ControlPersist 600
I want to know what is the main problem and how to fix. Thanks everybody.
This feature is not supported on Windows.
Simply running ssh on Windows with ControlMater in PowerShell without VS code has problem too. However you can use ControlMater in WSL without problem.
If you are on macOS and Linux and want to reduce how often you have to enter a password or token, you can enable the ControlMaster feature on your local machine so that OpenSSH runs multiple SSH sessions over a single connection.