Azure app service deployment fails at core-js postinstall - deployment

I am deploying a teams app using custom deployment template and a git repo url. The deployment was successfull previously and from last week deployment is failing at core-js postinstall. Below is the log for the same.
log file
Please let me know what I am missing and why only at core-js it fails?
log: > core-js#3.22.7 postinstall C:\home\site\repository\Source\Microsoft.Teams.Apps.SubmitIdea\ClientApp\node_modules\core-js
node -e "try{require('./postinstall')}catch(e){}"
Command 'starter.cmd "C:\home\site\d ...' was aborted due to no output nor CPU activity for 60 seconds. You can increase the SCM_COMMAND_IDLE_TIMEOUT app setting (or WEBJOBS_IDLE_TIMEOUT if this is a WebJob) if needed.\r\nstarter.cmd "C:\home\site\deployments\tools\deploy.cmd"
node -e "try{require('./postinstall')}catch(e){}"
Input string was not in a correct format.

My deployment issue got fixed when I changed Default node version to ~16 instead of 16.15.0 in deployment template. Azure supports 16.13.0 as of now.


CreateContainerError with microk8s, image

The error message is CreateContainerError
Error: failed to create containerd container: error unpacking image: failed to extract layer sha256:b9b5285004b8a3: failed to get stream processor for application/ no processor for media-type: unknown
Image pull was successful with the token I supplied (jmtoken)
I am testing on AWS EC2 t2.medium, the docker image is tested on local machine.
Anybody experience this issue ? How did you solve it ?
deployment yaml file
I found a bug in my yaml file.
I supply command and CMD in K8S and Dockerfile each. So the CMD in Dockerfile which is actual command doesn't run, and cause side effects including this issue.
Another tip. Adding sleep 3000 command in K8S sometimes solve other issues like crash.

Spiffe error while deploying client-agent pods

I am using this guide for deploying Spiffe on K8s Cluster ""
One of the steps in this process is running the command "kubectl apply -f client-deployment.yaml" which deploys spiffe client agent.
But the pods keeps on getting in the error state
Error: failed to create containerd task: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: exec: "sleep": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown
Image used :
It seems connected to this PR from 3 days ago (there is no longer a "sleep" executable in the image).
SPIRE is moving away from the alpine Docker release images in favor of scratch images that contain only the release binary to minimize the size of the images and include only the software that is necessary to run in the container.
You should report the issue and use
(the last image they used) meanwhile.

gcloud run deploy stuck at Routing traffic

So today I started deploying some stuff to gclod and i got the usually process:
⠶ Building and deploying... Recreating retired Revision.
✓ Uploading sources...
✓ Building Container... Logs are available at [].
✓ Creating Revision...
⠶ Routing traffic...
But the unusual thing is that the Routing traffic took forever and after some time i got:
Deployment failed
ERROR: gcloud crashed (WaitException): last_result=< object at 0x7f179f99c2b0>, last_retrial=1326, time_passed_ms=1799923,time_to_wait=1000
SOLUTION: Just wait a few hours, and it will be back up
delete all your code and git reset --hard origin/master worked for me.
originally i npm i and still same problem. maybe theres a hidden gcloud data that needed to be deleted.

I'm having issues with DevOps production deployment - Unable to edit or replace deployment

Up until yesterday morning I was able to deploy data factory v2 changes in my release pipeline. Then last night during deployment I received an error that the connection was forced closed. Now when I try to deploy to the production environment, I get this error: "Unable to edit or replace deployment 'ArmTemplate_18': previous deployment from '12/10/2019 10:19:27 PM' is still active (expiration time is '12/17/2019 10:19:23 PM')". Am I supposed to wait a week for this error to clear itself?
This message indicates that there’s another deployment going on, with the same name, in the same ARM Resource Group. In order to perform your new deployment, you’ll need to either:
Wait for the existing deployment to complete
Stop the in-progress / active deployment
You can stop an active deployment by using the Stop-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment PowerShell command or the azure group deployment stop command in the xPlat CLI tool. Please refer to this case.
Or you can open target Resource Group on the azure portal, go to Deployment tab, find not completed deployments, cancel it, start new deploy. You can refer to this issue for details.
In addition, there is a recently event of availability degradation of Azure DevOps .This could also have an impact. Now the engineers have mitigated this event.

Active Deploy `begin` step fails after upgrade to devops toolchain

We recently upgrade our IBM Bluemix devops project to a toolchain as recommended by IBM and it doesn't deploy anymore. The pipeline configuration seems to have migrated over correctly, and the first step of the process deploy process even works, creating a new instance of the app. However when it gets to the active-deploy-begin step it fails with the error:
--- ERROR: Unknown status:
--- ERROR: label: my-app_220-to-my-app_2 space: my-space routes:
phase: rampup start group: my-app_220 app (1) successor group: my-app_2 app (1) algorithm: rb
deployment id: 84630da7-8663-466a-bb99-e02d2eb17a90 transition type: manual
rampup duration: 4% of 2m test duration: 1s
rampdown duration: 2m status: in_progress status messages: <none>
It appears to have started the build number from 1 instead of continuing from the previous number of 220. I've tried deleting the service at the app level from the Bluemix web interface to no avail. Any help or pointers will be much appreciated.
Things I've tried:
Deleting the app and running the build process to create a new
instance. This worked the first time as it detected it was just the
initial build. But then the second time it ran it failed with the
same Unknown Status error.
Deleting all the previous deployment records in the to eliminate the possibility that it was caused due to a deployment label name
conflict. i.e. my-app_1-to-my-app_2
Also interestingly the active deploy command works from the cf command line using the active-deploy-create my-app_1 my-app_2 command. So it seems that the issue might be with the script that runs the active deploy commands for the pipeline.
This issue was reported also at There you will find instructions how to get the issue fixed.