How to Check if Variable exists in Scala [closed] - scala

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Closed 8 months ago.
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I want to check if a variable is already defined/exists in scala or not. Lets say a function called checkVar do this operation:
var x = 10
checkVar(x) -> returns boolean True
checkVar(y) -> returns boolean False
I am asking this question because I want to create a mechanism to define a variable if it doesn't exist.

Variables only exist at compile time so you can't dynamically create or delete variables at runtime. So both x and y must be defined at compile time or else the compiler will reject the code.
What you can do is use Option to indicate whether a variable has a value or not:
def checkVar(v: Option[Int]) = v.nonEmpty
var x = Some(10)
checkVar(x) // True
val y = None
checkVar(y) // False
x = None
checkVar(x) // False


Swift (SwiftUI) programming syntax operator meaning? [closed]

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Closed 8 months ago.
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I don't know how to word the question to find help in a search engine. Basically I'm trying to figure out the meaning of this operation
self.isFromCurrentUser = fromId == Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid
The variables are NOT the question because I already know about Firebase and whatnot. Rather the question is why is there an assignment operator = and an == in this line of code?
variable1 = variable2 == variable3
What does this mean? What is variable1 getting assigned to?
The statement
variable1 = variable2 == variable
assigns variable1 the value of the boolean (true or false) of the result of variable2 == variable3 (if they are equal).
It's equivalent to
if variable2 == variable3 {
variable1 = true
} else {
variable1 = false

how do i approach "h" parameter to zero in derivative? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have a few problem with my derivative because it shows me an error when I approach Denominator to zero .
func derivativeOf(fn: (Double) -> Double, atX x: Double) -> Double {
let h -> 0
return (fn(x + h) - fn(x))/h
i know my syntax sucks but currently it is common in calculus and mathematical Differential.
You can't express "number approaching zero" as let h -> 0 - this is just an invalid syntax in Swift.
There's also no specific operator for "number approaching zero". But depending on what you need, you could for example express "smallest possible positive number", using Double.leastNonzeroMagnitude:
let h = Double.leastNonzeroMagnitude

Passing by reference and assigning into a variable [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I was studying about passing by reference. It made me wonder what would happen in the following example (Written in pseudo-C which supports "by reference"):
int foo(int a) {
a = 5;
return a * 2;
int main() {
int a = 1;
a = foo(a);
return 0;
What should be printed? if we only did foo(a); without assigning into a then we would get 5. but what would be printed when assigning? should it be 5 or 10?
Since you have a = foo(a); in your main() function, a will contain the result returned by foo(a). foo(a) will always return 10 no matter what a is.
C does not support pass by reference. Changing a = foo(a); to just foo(a); would mean a would retain the value it had before it was passed to foo(), so it would be 1.
One variation of C that supports pass by reference is C++. In C++, you could write foo() as:
int foo(int &a) {
a = 5;
return a * 2;
The int &a syntax is used to denote that the parameter will be passed by reference. Now, foo will assign 5 to the referenced variable, but still always return 10.
In this case a = foo(a); will result in a having the value 10, and foo(a); alone will result in a having the value 5.

Create key/value-­‐array pairs Scala/Spark [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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How can I create key/value-array pair in Scala. By this I mean in place of value I need an array.
val newRdd1 = rdd1.flatMap(x=>x.split(" "))
.map({case (key, Array(String)) => Array(String) })
You can achieve it using map(), it is similar in either plain scala program or Scala-in-SparkContext.
Example, you have a list of strings:
var sRec = List("key1,a1,a2,a3", "key2,b1,b2,b3", "key3,c1,c2,c3")
You can split it & convert to key/value(array of strings) assuming key is in 0th position, using: => (x.split(",")(0), Array(x.split(",")(1), x.split(",")(2), x.split(",")(3)))).
If you want to read a particular array element by key: => (x.split(",")(0),Array(x.split(",")(1), x.split(",")(2), x.split(",")(3)))).
map(x => (x._1, x._2(0))).foreach(println)

Scala: sort comparing with adjacent elements [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Assuming I have the following Scala classes:
Human(id: String, task: Task)
Task(id: String, time: Duration)
And having a List[(Human, Task)] with the following elements:
("H2", Task("T3", 5 minute))
("H3", Task("T1", 10 minute))
("H1", Task("T1", 10 minute))
("H1", Task("T2", 5 minute))
Now I want to functionally check if close elements have the same duration, and if so, order them by the human id.
In this case, the final list would have the elements sorted like so:
("H2", Task("T3", 5 minute))
("H1", Task("T1", 10 minute))
("H3", Task("T1", 10 minute))
("H1", Task("T2", 5 minute))
I tried to use sortBy to do so, but the way I'm doing, the final list will be fully ordered by the Human ID, not comparing the times.
Does anyone have any idea how can I do this?
Your question is a bit confused. You say you have a List of (Human,Task) tuples, but then you describe a collection of (String,Task) tuples.
Here's a way to sort a List[Human] according to the rules you've described.
def sortHumans(hs: List[Human]): List[Human] =
if (hs.isEmpty) Nil
else {
val target = hs.head.task.time
hs.takeWhile(_.task.time == target).sortBy( ++
sortHumans(hs.dropWhile(_.task.time == target))