How to use find to list files in order and execute a command on the list - find

How should one use the find command to list files in reverse time order and then execute a command like eog on them? For instance, to view all jpg files in a folder in order, most recent first?


How can I pass output from a filter activity directly to a copy activity in ADF?

I have 4000 files each averaging 30Kb in size landing in a folder on our on premise file system each day. I want to apply conditional logic (several and/or conditions) against details in their file names to only move files matching the conditions into another folder. I have tried linking a meta data activity which gets all files in the source folder with a filter activity which applies the conditional logic with a for each activity with an embedded copy activity. This works but it is taking hours to process the files. When running the pipeline in debug the output window appears to list each file copied as a line item. I’ve increased the batch count setting in the for each to 50 but it hasn’t improved things. Is there a way to link the filter activity directly to the copy activity without using for each activity? Ie pass the collection from the filter straight into copy’s source. Alternatively, some of our other pipelines just use the copy activity pointing to a source folder and we configure its filefilter setting with a simple regex using a combination of * and ?, which is extremely fast. However, in this particular scenario, my conditional logic is more complex and I need to compare attributes in each file’s name with values to decide if the file should be moved. The filefilter setting allows dynamic content so I could remove the filter activity completely, point the copy to the source folder and put the conditional logic in the filefilter’s dynamic content area but how would I get a reference to the file name to do the conditional checks?
Here is one solution:
Write array output as text to a .json in Blob Storage (or wherever). Here are the steps to make that work:
Copy Data Source:
Copy Data Sink:
Write the json (array output) to a text file that has the name of the files you want to copy.
Copy Activity Source (to get it from JSON to .txt):
Sink will be .txt file in your Blob.
Use that text file in your main copy activity and use the following setting:
This should copy over all the files that you identified in your Filter Activity.
I realize this is a work around, but really is the only solution for what you are asking. Otherwise there is no way to link a filter activity straight to a copy activity.

Power Shell Advice (delete all folders/subfolders not matching a certain name)

How would I use powershell to delete all folders/subfolders not matching a certain name.
We have a bunch of files on our production server that never made it into our CMS and uploading everything with a matching file tree would be amazing but we just need the /pdf/ folders.

Google Data Fusion reading files from multiple sub folders in a bucket and need to place in another folder in side sub folder

sameer/student/land/compressed files
sameer/student/pro/uncompressed files
sameer/employee/land/compressed files
sameer/employee/pro/uncompressed files
In the above example I need to read files from all LAND folders present in different sub directories and need to process them and place them in PRO folders with in same sub folders.
For this I have taken two GCS nodes one from source and another from sink.
in the GCS source i have provided path gs://sameer/ , it is reading files from all sub folders and merging them into one file placing it in sink path.
Excepted output all files should be placed in sub directories where i have fetched from.
It can achieve the excepted output by running pipeline separately for each folder
I am expecting is this can be possible by a single pipeline run
It seems like your use case is simply moving files. In that case, I would suggest using the Action plugin GCS Move or GCS Copy.
It seems like the task you are trying to carry out is not possible to do in one single Data Fusion pipeline, at least at the time of writing this.
In a pipeline, all the sources and sinks have to be connected. Otherwise you will get the following error:
'Invalid DAG. There is an island made up of stages ...'
This means it is not possible to parallelise several uncompression tasks, one for each folder of files, inside the same pipeline.
At the same time, if you were to use something like the following schema, the outputs would be aggregated and replicated over all of the sinks:
Finally, I would say that the only case in which you can parallelise a task between several sources and several links is when using multiple database tables. By means of the following plug-ins (2) and (3) you can process data from multiple table inputs and export the output to multiple tables. If you would like to see all available plugins for Data fusion, please check the following link (4).

Talend: How to copy the file with modified as of today

I have a job in Talend which will connect to a ftp folder and look for the files eg:ABCD. This file is created everyday and its placed in the ftp path and i need to move this files to some other folder. I'm new to talend and Java. Could you please help me how to move this file when and only the file last modified date as of the job run date.
You can use tFTPFileProperties to obtain the properties of the remote file, then in a javarow access those properties. You can then compare to current date either in the tJavaRow and stick the results in a global variable or put the date in a global variable. You then use an IF trigger to join to the tFTPGet component.
The IF trigger will either check the results of your compare, or do the compare. It will only execute the FTP Get if true.
This shows overall job structure, including the fields made available from the file properties:
This shows how to obtain the datetime of the remote file. This is where you will need to stick it in a global variable (code for that is not shown) so you can use it in your IF trigger code.
This shows the datetime of the remote file when the job is run.
This points you in the right direction but you will need to still do some work. You will need to do the compare in your IF trigger and know how to compare dates.

Executing list of .sql files in certain order

I have a directory having a number of .sql files.I am able to execute them.But, I want to execute them in certain order.So, for example if I have 4 files xy.sql,dy.sql,trim.sql and see.sql.I want to execute them in see.sql,dy.sql,trim.sql and xy.sql.What happens now is I get a list of files using DirectoryInfo object.Now, I need to sort them using my order.I am using C# 3.5
It might be better to rename your files so that they sort into the correct order natively. This prevents having to maintain a separate "execution order" list somewhere.
Using a common prefix for the sql file names is a bit self-documenting as well, e.g.
exec3_trim.sql and
It's unclear what the ordering algorithm is for your filenames. It doesn't appear to be entirely dictated by the filename (such as alphabetical ordering).
If you have arbitrary order in which you must execute these scripts, I would recommend that you create an additional file which defines that order, and use that to drive the ordering.
If the list of filenames is known at compile time, you could just hard-code that order in your code. I'm assuming, from your question, however, that the set of files is likely to change, and new ones may be added. If that's the case, I refer you to my previous paragraph.
You can obtain a List<string> that consists of all your .sql files, and call the List<T>.sort function to sort it and then operate on the files based on the newly sorted sequence.
number them and use a tool like my SimpleScriptRunner or the Tarantino DB change tool