Unity wants a Y-flipped projection matrix when rendering under Direct3D - unity3d

First of all, hello,
I have several questions tied together to this title, because I can't summarize all into one good question.
To put the settings, I am using Unity 2020.1.2f1 URP and I am trying to rebuild myself the Unity's projection matrix used with Direct3D 11 in order to fully understand the working of it.
I know that Unity uses the left-handed system for the object and world spaces, but not for the view space, which still use the OpenGL's old convention of the right-handed one. I could say that the clip space is LH too as the Z axis points towards the screen, but Unity makes me doubt a lot.
Let me explain : we all know that the handedness is given by the matrix, which is why the projection matrix (column-major here) used by Unity for OpenGL-like APIs looks like that :
[ x 0 0 0 ] x = cot(fovH/2) c = (f+n)/(n-f)
[ 0 y 0 0 ] y = cot(fovV/2) e = (2*f*n)/(n-f)
[ 0 0 c e ] d = -1
[ 0 0 d 0 ]
where 'c' and 'e' clip and flip 'z' into the depth buffer from the RH view space to the LH clip space (or NDC once the perspective division is applied), 'w' holds the flipped view depth, and the depth buffer is not reversed.
With the near plane = 0.3 and the far plane = 100, the Unity's frame debugger confirms that our matrix sent to the shader is equal to 'glstate_matrix_projection' (it's the matrix behind UNITY_MATRIX_P macro in the shader), as well as the projection matrix from the camera itself 'camera.projectionMatrix' since it's the matrix built internally by Unity, following the OpenGL convention. It is even confirmed with 'GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix()' which tweaks the projection matrix of our camera to match the Graphic API requirements before sending it to the GPU, but changes nothing in this case.
// _CamProjMat
float n = viewCam.nearClipPlane;
float f = viewCam.farClipPlane;
float fovV = Mathf.Deg2Rad * viewCam.fieldOfView;
float fovH = 2f * Mathf.Atan(Mathf.Tan(fovH / 2f) * viewCam.aspect);
Matrix4x4 projMat = new Matrix4x4();
projMat.m00 = 1f / Mathf.Tan(fovH / 2f);
projMat.m11 = 1f / Mathf.Tan(fovV / 2f);
projMat.m22 = (f + n) / (n - f);
projMat.m23 = 2 * f * n / (n - f);
projMat.m32 = -1f;
// _GPUProjMat
Matrix4x4 GPUMat = GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix(viewCam.projectionMatrix, false);
Shader.SetGlobalMatrix("_GPUProjMat", projMat);
// _UnityProjMat
Shader.SetGlobalMatrix("_UnityProjMat", viewCam.projectionMatrix);
gives us :
HOWEVER, when I switch to Direct3D11 the 'glstate_matrix_projection' is flipped vertically. I mean that the m11 component of the matrix is negative, which flips the Y axis when applied to the vertex. The projection matrix for Direct3D used in Unity applies the Reversed Z buffer technique, giving us a matrix like :
[ x 0 0 0 ] x = cot(fovH/2) c = n/(f-n)
[ 0 y 0 0 ] y = -cot(fovV/2) e = (f*n)/(f-n)
[ 0 0 c e ] d = -1
[ 0 0 d 0 ]
(you'll notice that 'c' and 'e' are respectively the same as f/(n-f) and (fn)/(n-f)* given by Direct3D documentation of D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovRH() function, with 'f' and 'n' swapped to apply the Reversed Z buffer )
From there, there are several concerns :
if we try to give a projection matrix to the shader, instead of 'glstate_matrix_projection', using 'GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix()' specifying false as the second parameter, the matrix won't be correct, the rendered screen will be flipped vertically, which is not wrong given the parameter.
Indeed, this boolean parameter is to modify the matrix whether the image is rendered into a renderTexture or not, and it is justified since OpenGL vs Direct3D render texture coordinates are like this :
In a way that makes sense because the screen space of Direct3D is in pixel coordinates, where the handedness is the same as for render texture coordinates, accessed in the pixel shader through the 'SV_Position' semantic. The clip space is only flipped vertically then, into a right-handed system with the positive Y going down the screen, and the positive Z going towards the screen.
Nontheless, I render my vertices directly to the screen, and not into any render texture ... is this parameter from 'GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix()' a trick to set to true when used with Direct3D like APIs ?
another concern is that we can guess that, given the clip space, NDC, and screen space are left-handed in OpenGL-like APIs, these spaces are right-handed in Direct3D-like APIs... right ? where am I wrong ? Although nobody never qualified or stated on any topic, documentation, dev blog, etc.. I ever read, the handedness of those doesn't seem to bother anyone. Even the projection matrices provided by the official Direct3D documentation don't flip the Y-axis, why then ? I admit I only tried to render graphics with D3D or OGL only inside Unity, perhaps Unity does black magic again under the coat, as usual heh.
I hope I explained clearly enough all this mess, thanks to everyone who reach this point ;)
I really need to find out what's going on here, because Unity's documentation becomes more and more legacy, with poor explanation on precise engine parts.
Any help is really appreciated !!


Make ring of vectors "flat" relative to world space

I am trying to simulate liquid conformity in a container. The container is a Unity cylinder and so is the liquid. I track current volume and max volume and use them to determine the coordinates of the center of where the surface should be. When the container is tilted, each vertex in the upper ring of the cylinder should maintain it's current local x and z values but have a new local y value that is the same height in the global space as the surface center.
In my closest attempt, the surface is flat relative to the world space but the liquid does not touch the walls of the container.
Vector3 v = verts[i];
Vector3 newV = new Vector3(v.x, globalSurfaceCenter.y, v.z);
verts[i] = transform.InverseTransformPoint(newV);
(I understand that inversing the point after using v.x and v.z changes them, but if I change them after the fact the surface is no longer flat...)
I have tried many different approaches and I always end up at this same point or a stranger one.
Also, I'm not looking for any fundamentally different approach to the problem. It's important that I alter the vertices of a cylinder.
Thank you, everyone, for your feedback. It helped me make progress with this problem but I've reached another roadblock. I made my code more presentable and took some screenshots of some results as well as a graph model to help you visualize what's happening and give variable names to refer to.
In the following images, colored cubes are instantiated and given the coordinates of some of the different vectors I am using to get my results.
F(red) A(green) B(blue)
H(green) E(blue)
Graphed Model
NOTE: when I refer to capital A and B, I'm referring to the Vector3's in my code.
The cylinders in the images have the following rotations (left to right):
(0,0,45) (45,45,0) (45,0,20)
As you can see from image 1, F is correct when only one dimension of rotation is applied. When two or more are applied, the surface is flat, but not oriented correctly.
If I adjust the rotation of the cylinder after generating these results, I can get the orientation of the surface to make sense, but the number are not what you might expect.
For example: cylinder 3 (on the right side), adjusted to have a surface flat to the world space, would need a rotation of about (42.2, 0, 27.8).
Not sure if that's helpful but it is something that increases my confusion.
My code: (refer to graph model for variable names)
Vector3 v = verts[iter];
Vector3 D = globalSurfaceCenter;
Vector3 E = transform.TransformPoint(new Vector3(v.x, surfaceHeight, v.z));
Vector3 H = new Vector3(gsc.x, E.y, gsc.z);
float a = Vector3.Distance(H, D);
float b = Vector3.Distance(H, E);
float i = (a / b) * a;
Vector3 A = H - D;
Vector3 B = H - E;
Vector3 F = ((A + B)) + ((A + B) * i);
Instantiate(greenPrefab, transform).transform.position = H;
Instantiate(bluePrefab, transform).transform.position = E;
//Instantiate(redPrefab, transform).transform.position = transform.TransformPoint(F);
//Instantiate(greenPrefab, transform).transform.position = transform.TransformPoint(A);
//Instantiate(bluePrefab, transform).transform.position = transform.TransformPoint(B);
Some of the variables in my code and in the graphed model may not be necessary in the end, but my hope is it gives you more to work with.
Bear in mind that I am less than proficient in geometry and math in general. Please use Laymans's terms. Thank you!
And thanks again for taking the time to help me.
As a first step, we can calculate the normal of the upper cylinder surface in the cylinder's local coordinate system. Given the world transform of your cylinder transform, this is simply:
localNormal = inverse(transform) * (0, 1, 0, 0)
Using this normal and the cylinder height h, we can define the plane of the upper cylinder in normal form as
dot(localNormal, (x, y, z) - (0, h / 2, 0)) = 0
I am assuming that your cylinder is centered around the origin.
Using this, we can calculate the y-coordinate for any x/z pair as
y = h / 2 - (localNormal.x * x + localNormal.z * z) / localNormal.y

Capture the floor texture with ARCore

I'm trying to capture the "floor texture" based on a ARCore detected plane and the environment (camera) texture. Then reapply this floor texture in a plane mesh, creating a digital floor based on reality.
I've uploaded an image to illustrate this:
This is not a ARCore specific question, I think it can be resolved with math and graphics programming, maybe something like unprojecting the plane based on the camera matrix, but I do not know exactly how to do that.
Can someone help me?
Essentially, we have three important coordinate systems in this problem:
We have the usual 3D world coordinate system that can be defined arbitrarily. We have a 2D coordinate system for the plane. The origin of that coordinate system is in the plane's center (note that I use the term plane synonymous for rectangle for this purpose) and the coordinates range from -1 to +1. And finally, we have a 2D coordinate for the image. Actually, we have two for the image: An unsigned coordinate system (as shown in the figure) with the origin in the bottom left and coordinates ranging from 0 to 1, and a signed one with coordinates ranging from -1 to 1.
We know the four corners of our plane in world space and the 3x4 view/projection matrix P that allows us to project any point in world space to image space using homogeneous coordinates:
p_image,signed = P * p_world
If your projection matrix is 4x4, simply drop the third row (last-but 1) as we are not interested in image-space depth.
We do not really care about world space as this is somewhat arbitrary. Given a 2D point in plane space, we can transform it to world space using:
p_world = 1/4 (p0 + p1 + p2 + p3) + u * 1/2 * (p1 - p0) + v * 1/2 * (p3 - p0)
The first part is the plane's origin and the point differences in the second and third terms are the coordinate axes. We can represent this in matrix form as
/ x \ / p1_x - p0_x p2_x - p0_x 1/4 (p0_x + p1_x + p2_x + p3_x) \ / u \
| y | = | p1_y - p0_y p2_x - p0_x 1/4 (p0_y + p1_y + p2_y + p3_y) | * | v |
| z | | p1_z - p0_z p2_x - p0_x 1/4 (p0_z + p1_z + p2_z + p3_z) | \ 1 /
\ 1 / \ 0 0 1 /
Let us call this matrix M.
Now, we can go directly from plane space to image space with:
p_image,signed = P * M * p_plane
The matrix P * M is now a 3x3 matrix. It is the homography between your ground plane and the image plane.
So, what can we do with it? We can use it to draw the image in plane space. So, here is what we are going to do:
We will generate a render target that we will fill with a single draw call. This render target will then contain the texture of our plane. To draw this, we:
Upload the camera image to the GPU as a texture
Bind the render target
Draw a full-screen quad with corners (-1, -1), (1, -1), (1, 1), (-1, 1)
In the vertex shader, calculate texture coordinates in image space from plane space
In the pixel shader, sample the camera image at the interpolated texture coordinates
The interesting part is number 4. We almost know what we need to do. We already know how to go to signed image space. Now, we just need to go to unsigned image space. And this is a simple shift and scale:
/ 1/2 0 1/2 \
p_image,unsigned = | 0 1/2 1/2 | * p_image,signed
\ 0 0 1 /
If we call this matrix S, we can then calculate S * P * M to get a single 3x3 matrix T. This matrix can be used in the vertex shader to calculate the texture coordinates from the plane-space points that you pass in:
texCoords = p_image,unsigned = T * p_plane
It is important that you pass the entire 3D vector to the fragment shader and do the perspective divide only in the pixel shader to produce a correct perspective.

How to apply transformation using 3x3 rotation matrix and a translation vector?

I am working on an Augmented Reality project using ARCore. Coordinate system of ARCore changes every time you launch the application making the initial position as origin. I have 5 points in another coordinate system and i can find 4 of these positions in Unity world space using ARCore Augmented Image. These points have different values in my other coordinate system of course. I have to find position of a 5th point in Unity world space using its position in other coordinate system.
I have followed this tutorial to achieve this. But since Unity does not support 3x3 matrices i used Accord.NET framework. Using the tutorial and Accord matrices i can calculate a 3x3 Rotation matrix and a Translation vector.
However, when i tried to apply this to my 5th point using TestObject.transform.Translate(AccordtoUnity(Translation),Space.World)i am having trouble. When the initial 4 objects and reference objects are at same orientation my translation works perfect. However, when my reference objects are rotated this translation does not work. This makes sense of course since i have only done a translation. My question is how can i apply rotation and translation to my 5th point. Or is there a way to convert my 3x3 rotation matrix and translation to Unity 4x4Matrix since then i can use Matrix4x4.MultiplyPoint3x4. Or is it possible to convert my 3x3 rotation matrix to a Quaternion which let me use4x4Matrix.SetTRS. I am a bit confused about this conversion because 4x4Matrix includes scaling as well but i am not doing any scaling.
I would be happy if someone can give me some hint or offer a better approach to find a way to find 5th point. Thanks!
I actually solved the problem based on Daveloper's answer. I constructed a Unity 4x4 matrix like this:
[ R00 R01 R02 T.x ]
[ R10 R11 R12 T.y ]
[ R20 R21 R22 T.z ]
[ 0 0 0 1 ]
I tested this creating primitive objects in Unity and apply translation and rotation using the matrix above like this:
TestObject.transform.position = TransformationMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(TestObject.transform.position);
TestObject.transform.rotation *= Quaternion.LookRotation(TransformationMatrix.GetColumn(2), TransformationMatrix.GetColumn(1));
to use a 3x3 rotation matrix and a translation vector to set a transform, use
// rotationMatrixCV = your 3x3 rotation matrix; translation = your translation vector
var rotationMatrix = new Matrix4x4();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
rotationMatrix[i, j] = rotationMatrixCV[i, j];
rotationMatrix[3, 3] = 1f;
var localToWorldMatrix = Matrix4x4.Translate(translation) * rotationMatrix);
Vector3 scale;
scale.x = new Vector4(localToWorldMatrix.m00, localToWorldMatrix.m10, matrix.m20, localToWorldMatrix.m30).magnitude;
scale.y = new Vector4(localToWorldMatrix.m01, localToWorldMatrix.m11, matrix.m21, localToWorldMatrix.m31).magnitude;
scale.z = new Vector4(localToWorldMatrix.m02, localToWorldMatrix.m12, matrix.m22, localToWorldMatrix.m32).magnitude;
transform.localScale = scale;
Vector3 position;
position.x = localToWorldMatrix.m03;
position.y = localToWorldMatrix.m13;
position.z = localToWorldMatrix.m23;
transform.position = position;
Vector3 forward;
forward.x = localToWorldMatrix.m02;
forward.y = localToWorldMatrix.m12;
forward.z = localToWorldMatrix.m22;
Vector3 upwards;
upwards.x = localToWorldMatrix.m01;
upwards.y = localToWorldMatrix.m11;
upwards.z = localToWorldMatrix.m21;
transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(forward, upwards);
This is only useful if this rotation and translation define your 5th point's location in the world in the coordinate system that is actively being used...
If your rotation and translation mean anything else, you'll have to do more. Glad to help further if you can define what this rotation and translation mean exactly.
If I understand your question correctly, you want to be able to create a rotation quaternion from a 3x3 matrix.
You can think of a 3x3 rotation matrix as three vectors of length 1 all at 90 degrees to each other. e.g.:
| forward.x forward.y forward.z |
| up.x up.y up.z |
| right.x right.y right.z |
A pretty reliable way to do the conversion is to take the forward and up vectors out of your matrix and applying them to the Unity method https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Quaternion.LookRotation.html
This will create a quaternion that corresponds to your matrix. Depending on your actual situation, you might need to use the inverse of the quaternion, but essentially this is what you need.
Note you only need the forward and up, because the right is always the cross product of those two and adds no information. Also take care that you matrix is a pure rotation matrix (i.e. no scaling or skewing), otherwise you might get unexpected results.

How to perform an orthographic projection on a z-Buffer image in Matlab?

I am facing the same problem as mentioned in this post, however, I am not facing it with OpenGL, but simply with MATLAB. Depth as distance to camera plane in GLSL
I have a depth image rendered from the Z-Buffer from 3ds max. I was not able to get an orthographic representation of the z-buffer. For a better understanding, I will use the same sketch as made by the previous post:
* |--*
/ |
/ |
C-----* C-----*
\ |
\ |
* |--*
The 3 asterisks are pixels and the C is the camera. The lines from the
asterisks are the "depth". In the first case, I get the distance from the pixel to the camera. In the second, I wish to get the distance from each pixel to the plane.
The settins of my camera are the following:
WIDTH = 512;
HEIGHT = 424;
FOV = 89.971;
aspect_ratio = WIDTH/HEIGHT;
%clipping planes
near = 500;
far = 5000;
I calulate the frustum settings like the following:
%calculate frustums settings
top = tan((FOV/2)*5000)
bottom = -top
right = top*aspect_ratio
left = -top*aspect_ratio
And set the projection matrix like this:
%Generate matrix
O_p = [2/(right-left) 0 0 -((right+left)/(right-left)); ...
0 2/(top-bottom) 0 -((top+bottom)/(top-bottom));...
0 0 -2/(far-near) -(far+near)/(far-near);...
0 0 0 1];
After this I read in the depth image, which was saved as a 48 bit RGB- image, where each channel is the same, thus only one channel has to be used.
%Read in image
img = imread('KinectImage.png');
%Throw away, except one channel (all hold the same information)
c1 = img(:,:,1);
The pixel values have to be inverted, since the closer the values are to the camera, the brigher they were. If a pixel is 0 (no object to render available) it is set to 2^16, so , that after the bit complementation, the value is still 0.
%Inverse bits that are not zero, so that the z-image has the correct values
c1(c1 == 0) = 2^16
c1_cmp = bitcmp(c1);
To apply the matrix, to each z-Buffer value, I lay out the vector one dimensional and build up a vector like this [0 0 z 1] , over every element.
c1_cmp1d = squeeze(reshape(c1_cmp,[512*424,1]));
converted = double([zeros(WIDTH*HEIGHT,1) zeros(WIDTH*HEIGHT,1) c1_cmp1d zeros(WIDTH*HEIGHT,1)]) * double(O_p);
After that, I pick out the 4th element of the result vector and reshape it to a image
img_con = converted(:,4);
img_con = reshape(img_con,[424,512]);
However, the effect, that the Z-Buffer is not orthographic is still there, so did I get sth wrong? Is my calculation flawed ? Or did I make mistake here?
Depth Image coming from 3ds max
After the computation (the white is still "0" , but the color axis has changed)
It would be great to achieve this with 3ds max, which would resolve this issue, however I was not able to find this setting for the z-buffer. Thus, I want to solve this using Matlab.

create opencv camera matrix for iPhone 5 solvepnp

I am developing an application for the iPhone using opencv. I have to use the method solvePnPRansac:
For this method I need to provide a camera matrix:
__ __
| fx 0 cx |
| 0 fy cy |
|_0 0 1 _|
where cx and cy represent the center pixel positions of the image and fx and fy represent focal lengths, but that is all the documentation says. I am unsure what to provide for these focal lengths. The iPhone 5 has a focal length of 4.1 mm, but I do not think that this value is usable as is.
I checked another website:
which shows how opencv creates camera matrices. Here it states that focal lengths are measured in pixel units.
I checked another website:
(about half way down)
it says that focal length can be converted from units of millimeters to pixels using the equation: fx = fy = focalMM * pixelDensity / 25.4;
Another Link I found states that fx = focalMM * width / (sensorSizeMM);
fy = focalMM * length / (sensorSizeMM);
I am unsure about these equations and how to properly create this matrix.
Any help, advice, or links on how to create an accurate camera matrix (especially for the iPhone 5) would be greatly appreciated,
p.s. I think that (fx/fy) or (fy/fx) might be equal to the aspect ratio of the camera, but that might be completely wrong.
Pixel coordinates to 3D line (opencv)
using this link, I can figure out how they want fx and fy to be formatted because they use it to scale angles relative to their distance from the center. therefore, fx and fy are likely in pixels/(unit length) but im still not sure what this unit length needs to be, can it be arbitrary as long as x and y are scaled to each other?
You can get an initial (rough) estimate of the focal length in pixel dividing the focal length in mm by the width of a pixel of the camera' sensor (CCD, CMOS, whatever).
You get the former from the camera manual, or read it from the EXIF header of an image taken at full resolution. Finding out the latter is a little more complicated: you may look up on the interwebs the sensor's spec sheet, if you know its manufacturer and model number, or you may just divide the overall width of its sensitive area by the number of pixels on the side.
Absent other information, it's usually safe to assume that the pixels are square (i.e. fx == fy), and that the sensor is orthogonal to the lens's focal axis (i.e. that the term in the first row and second column of the camera matrix is zero). Also, the pixel coordinates of the principal point (cx, cy) are usually hard to estimate accurately without a carefully designed calibration rig, and an as-carefully executed calibration procedure (that's because they are intrinsically confused with the camera translation parallel to the image plane). So it's best to just set them equal to the geometrical geometrical center of the image, unless you know that the image has been cropped asymmetrically.
Therefore, your simplest camera model has only one unknown parameter, the focal length f = fx = fy.
Word of advice: in your application is usually more convenient to carry around the horizontal (or vertical) field-of-view angle, rather than the focal length in pixels. This is because the FOV is invariant to image scaling.
The "focal length" you are dealing with here is simply a scaling factor from objects in the world to camera pixels, used in the pinhole camera model (Wikipedia link). That's why its units are pixels/unit length. For a given f, an object of size L at a distance (perpendicular to the camera) z, would be f*L/z pixels.
So, you could estimate the focal length by placing an object of known size at a known distance of your camera and measuring its size in the image. You could aso assume the central point is the center of the image. You should definitely not ignore the lens distortion (dist_coef parameter in solvePnPRansac).
In practice, the best way to obtain the camera matrix and distortion coefficients is to use a camera calibration tool. You can download and use the MRPT camera_calib software from this link, there's also a video tutorial here. If you use matlab, go for the Camera Calibration Toolbox.
Here you have a table with the spec of the cameras for iPhone 4 and 5.
The calculation is:
double f = 4.1;
double resX = (double)(sourceImage.cols);
double resY = (double)(sourceImage.rows);
double sensorSizeX = 4.89;
double sensorSizeY = 3.67;
double fx = f * resX / sensorSizeX;
double fy = f * resY / sensorSizeY;
double cx = resX/2.;
double cy = resY/2.;
Try this:
func getCamMatrix()->(Float, Float, Float, Float)
let format:AVCaptureDeviceFormat? = deviceInput?.device.activeFormat
let fDesc:CMFormatDescriptionRef = format!.formatDescription
let dim:CGSize = CMVideoFormatDescriptionGetPresentationDimensions(fDesc, true, true)
// dim = dimensioni immagine finale
let cx:Float = Float(dim.width) / 2.0;
let cy:Float = Float(dim.height) / 2.0;
let HFOV : Float = format!.videoFieldOfView
let VFOV : Float = ((HFOV)/cx)*cy
let fx:Float = abs(Float(dim.width) / (2 * tan(HFOV / 180 * Float(M_PI) / 2)));
let fy:Float = abs(Float(dim.height) / (2 * tan(VFOV / 180 * Float(M_PI) / 2)));
return (fx, fy, cx, cy)
Old thread, present problem.
As Milo and Isaac mentioned after Milo's answer, there seems to be no "common" params available for, say, the iPhone 5.
For what it is worth, here is the result of a run with the MRPT calibration tool, with a good old iPhone 5:
resolution=[3264 2448]
dist=[-7.416752e-02 1.562157e+00 1.236471e-03 1.237955e-03 -5.378571e+00]
Average err. of reprojection: 1.06726 pixels (OpenCV error=1.06726)
Note that dist means distortion here.
I am conducting experiments on a toy project, with these parameters---kind of ok. If you do use them on your own project, please keep in mind that they may be hardly good enough to get started. The best will be to follow Milo's recommendation with your own data. The MRPT tool is quite easy to use, with the checkerboard they provide. Hope this does help getting started !