Someone told me i should have a look at What is this? Is this something different than grafana?
I already checked google and asked other guys, no one has a clue what "" could be (different than grafana) ...
That's a "reference" for Grafana portal (old domain was, current one is, where Grafana Labs (vendor of Grafana) has space for their users/customers. For example users can publish their dashboards, developers their plugins, etc.
While mindful of this answer from 2017...
For Kibana 7, is there an updated way to jump from a Dashboard to the Discover tab?
So that I can see the raw documents that support a visualization?
To some extent, yes, there is a possibility to make dashboards interactive and open panel data to Dashboard, something what you are looking for. However, this will only work if your panel uses just one data view.
For more information on configuring this, please refer to: explore-underlying-documents.
If you want to drill down into the documents from, lets say, data tables, you have that option as well, please read: create-drilldowns
I have installed a dashboard in the Grafana and I want to add some personal details such as name, fixed date, which project under status Viewer according to different people and projects.
For example, using Grafana we monitor each computer.
Alice select Alice template and can write down "Alice's computer, 2019-12-17,CPU temperature is high" then take a screenshot to save.
Tomorrow, Bob select Bob and write down "Bob's computer, 2019-12-18, Everything is OK except GPU is broken" then take a screenshot to save.
We just want to save pictures with respective comments, but Grafana just supply panels. Are there some plugins to do this function?
Thanks in advance.
Please see picture,
I didn't add Grafana, Grafana metrics, Graphite Carbon metrics... I don't know where these dashboards are defined but I need to remove them
You can go to the Manage Dashboards page, select the ones you don't want and delete them.
I am using Tableau public desktop - the free version. I am trying to place multiple worksheets, and dashboards on one page and link it to my blog site.
Is there a way to customize views in this application? Something like this:
Or does it require a subscription to accomplish this feat? Is there a workaround for if not?
Thanks for any input.
All the cool stuff WRT layout/navigation in the sample link you posted are possible in Tableau Public.
You don't need subscription for creating dashboards and adding actions for navigation etc.
You can see Tableau Tutorials for details.
I have successfully installed a plugin called "Plotalot", which draws flashcharts, on my Joomla! 1.7.
I have unfortunately installed the free version of it because I want to be sure it's useful, and the free version comes with the component-tool only and not with the plugin (It's cheap, but I hate purchasing stuff that's not worth using).
With the component-tool on the backend site I'm able to create new charts, edit existing charts and I'm also capable of seeing a demonstration of the chart that I just made on the backend site.
But, when I try to see the chart on the frontend site, I only see the tags which I wrote in an Article and no chart. In this case: {plotalot id="1"}
I've been in touch with this customer support guy on this matter, and all he can say is that it should be a chart when i write {plotalot id="1"} if there's a chart with the ID=1. Which it does
Does anyone have any experience on how plugins or component-tools in Joomla! 1.7 works and how they can be displayed in an Article?
I would very much appreciate if someone can help me :)
Kind regards, Steve-O
I'm also a Plotalot user. Your question does not make sense. If you installed the free version, you did not install a plugin, you installed a component. Plotalot does not draw flash charts, it draws Google charts. If you want a chart in an article, buy the plugin. And read the user guide, it explains all of this very clearly.
you have to use some tags in the article in which you want to display the charts.The tags will be explained in the documentation of the plug in
eg:we use {flashchart data="50,60,70,80,90,60|109,120,100,130,140,100"} sample01{/flashchart}
to display flash chart.