Org icalendar export : don't make tickler for one hour - emacs

When exporting an org mode file to .ics, everything works fine.
The problem is not with the export, but with the length of time that an event that takes place at a specific time (without an end date) lasts (This is what I call a "tickler" (event to be checked or thought of at some point)).
The time duration is 2 hours, which is much too long for a tickler.
Here is an example: 
* Try of tickler <2022-06-09 Thu 22:00> Description
SUMMARY:Try of tickler
DESCRIPTION:<2022-06-09 Thu 22:00> \nDescription
Why does org-mode work like this? Can we reduce the duration of the time? Thanks in advance for your answers


I cannot figure out what date format this is

I've got these ical files I'm trying to process and they come with microsoft teams links. The invites have this very strange format for the date that I just can't figure out. I thought it was UTC but I still can't seem to figure it out. Any calendaring program opens it just fine, showing me the correct date. But I want to process the text.
Here is an example:
PRODID:Microsoft Exchange Server 2010
TZID:Central Standard Time
This one in particular converts to October 27, 2021 at 3:00pm Central Daylight time. I could process things another way, but I have to satisfy my curiosity here. I tried to look at the RFC for ICS but I haven't seen what I'm looking for.
Those are daylight saving changes for the timezone component.
"DTSTART" in this usage MUST be specified as a date with a local time value.
For local time value, see Form#1 for DATETIME

Same date in different time zone

My question is how can I get the same day, month, year, hour, minutes, seconds in a different time zone, for example:
var now = moment().valueOf();
var result1 = moment(now).format('DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm:SS Z');
In my time zone I get some this like this:
18-02-2015 21:08:34 +01:00
So how can I change only time zone without changing other values (days, months, ..., minutes, ...)
I want to get some thing like this:
result2: 18-02-2015 21:08:34 +01:00
result3: 18-02-2015 21:08:34 +10:00
result4: 18-02-2015 21:08:34 +05:00
result5: 18-02-2015 21:08:34 -06:00
result6: 18-02-2015 21:08:34 -11:00
Thanks in advance
Here's how you could do what you are asking:
// get a moment representing the current time
var now = moment();
// create a new moment based on the original one
var another = now.clone();
// change the offset of the new moment - passing true to keep the local time
another.utcOffset('+05:30', true);
// log the output
console.log(now.format()); // "2016-01-15T11:58:07-08:00"
console.log(another.format()); // "2016-01-15T11:58:07+05:30"
However, you must recognize two important things:
The another object no longer represents the current time - even in the target time zone. It's a completely different moment in time. (The world does not synchronize local clocks. If it did, we'd have no need for time zones!).
For this reason, even though the above code satisfies the question that was asked, I strongly recommend against using it. Instead, re-evaluate your requirements, as it's likely they are misunderstanding the nature of time and time zones.
A time zone cannot be fully represented by an offset alone. Read "Time Zone != Offset" in the timezone tag wiki. While some time zones have fixed offsets (such as +05:30 used by India), many time zones change their offsets at different points throughout the year to accommodate daylight saving time.
If you wanted to account for this, you could use moment-timezone instead of calling utcOffset(...). However, the issue in my first bullet would still apply.
// get a moment representing the current time
var now = moment();
// create a new moment based on the original one
var another = now.clone();
// change the time zone of the new moment - passing true to keep the local time'America/New_York', true); // or whatever time zone you desire
// log the output
console.log(now.format()); // "2016-01-15T11:58:07-08:00"
console.log(another.format()); // "2016-01-15T11:58:07-05:00"
The most-voted answer is messy IMO. Here's a cleaner solution - similar to BlueSam's answer, but safer:
const myTime ='2016-08-30T22:00:00', moment.ISO_8601, 'America/Denver')
myTime.format() //2016-08-30T22:00:00-06:00
const sameTimeDifferentZone ='YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS'), moment.ISO_8601, 'America/New_York')
sameTimeDifferentZone.format() //2016-08-30T22:00:00-04:00
After reading the above comments, I thought I'd add in based on Joao's answer.
In my case I was trying to use a preexisting moment date with a timezone and converting it to another timezone while retaining the original date value (as asked in the question).
var newTimezone = 'America/Denver';
//date - contains existing moment with timezone i.e 'America/New_York''YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss'), 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss', newTimezone);
From the moment docs:
reference moment-timezone-with-data.js and specify which timezone to go to, like so:

Is it possible to set up a clock trigger in Google Apps to send spreadsheet hourly?

I have a spreadsheet that logs incoming answered and missed calls in Google Drive.
It is currently set to send an email every hour between 10am and 7pm.
Ideally I would like it to not send the email during the weekend.
Setting up each hour Monday to Friday uses too many triggers.
Is there a way to construct a trigger that will send an email every hour (10am to 7pm) only Monday to Friday?
I've read the documentation at Google and a few (unrelated as it turns out) examples on here and I am stumped!
I tried putting a load of trigger conditions together:
function autoSendHourly() {
I wasn't entirely surprised that it didn't work, but I was mildly surprised that it threw up no errors.
Any help (including "you're mad it can't be done") would be greatly appreciated.
The simplest thing to do is use the create trigger like you did but for every hour every day and then in you handler function add a small piece of code that will return if day and time don't meet specific conditions like explained in this (old) post.
the code may look like something like this :
function officeHours(){
var nowH=new Date().getHours();
var nowD=new Date().getDay();
Logger.log('day : '+nowD+' Hours : '+nowH)
Browser.msgBox('time to work !');//normally your real function should begin here...
I haven't messed around with java in awhile but this article might help.
Android: how to get the current day of the week (Monday, etc...) in the user's language?
If it was me, I would get the day of the week and check it in a switch. Then if it matches a week day call a function to check the time between 10am and 7pm.
Best of luck.

Icalendar dates problem - my date is out by 2 days

I have a calendar file which I will post below. The problem is that when I load this into outlook the date says the 24/02/2011. The date in the file as shown below is the 22/02/2011
I am in Sydney/Australia if that makes any difference.
Can anyone try adding this to their outlook calendars and see if the date is wrong?
Here is a link to the file:
Thanks so much.
PRODID:-//http://testing.cdw/thegoldbook///NONSGML iCalcreator 2.8//EN
DESCRIPTION;LANGUAGE=en:Thank you for registering to attend the 'Trend Micr
o Affinity Partner Small Business Summit 2011'.\n\nWe look forward to seei
ng you at the event!\n\nDate: 22 February\nVenue: Novotel Darling Harbour\
, Terrace Room\nAddress: 100 Murray St\, Darling Harbour\nArrival time: 10
:00am\n\nAgenda\n10.00am - Pre registration & Networking\n10.30am - Exploi
ting Small Business Trends to increase your profits\, By Toby Lee\, Global
Vice President\, Volume Business Unit\, Trend Micro\n11.00am - Product Ro
admap for Small Business\, By Richard Ku\, Global Vice President\, Small B
usiness Product Management\, Trend Micro\n11.15am - Break\n11.45am - Affin
ity Program and Channel Engagement Update\, By Malcolm Pooley\, ANZ Small
Business Channel Sales Manager\n12.00pm - Q&A Panel\n12.15pm - Close\n\nUR
L -
LOCATION;LANGUAGE=en:Novotel Darling Harbour\, Terrace Room\, 100 Murray St
\, Darling Harbour
SUMMARY;LANGUAGE=en:Trend Micro Affinity Partner Small Business Summit 2011
I'm also in Aus.
Loading into my google (sydney time) gives Tue, 22 February, 21:00 – 23:15 - so wrong times but right date. Google may assume it is UTC time and are we currently +11, that may explain it's time. No idea what outlook is doing.
windows calendar has 22 feb and 10 am
my own app also gives 22 Feb and 10 am
The way dates are specified and whether you have a timezone or not makes a difference.
The file does not have a timezone spec and the dates are specified in "local" format - ie: should translate to 10 am in whatever timezone you load it into ... dangerous as if it were a conference call meeting across timezones for eg, it should have a timezone associated with it.
Either in the DTSTART
or using the X-WR-TIMEZONE custom field
Sorry no idea what outlook is doing though (I do not use it).

Timezones not working for calendar event

I am having difficulties with timezones in an event. This is the contents of the event, and it's specifying the event with a TZID. I am being told however that when people in Central timezone add it, it appears as 2PM rather then intended 1PM. I am in ET so not able to test this.
Do you know why it would be happening?
SUMMARY:Test Event
LOCATION:Test Event Location
See RFC5545, Time Zone Component and Time Zone Identifier: you need to add a VTIMEZONE component to your calendar file where you definea TZID so that you can refer to it in your VEVENT.
Parameter Name: TZID
This parameter MUST be specified on the "DTSTART",
"DTEND", "DUE", "EXDATE", and "RDATE" properties when either a
DATE-TIME or TIME value type is specified and when the value is
neither a UTC or a "floating" time. Failure to include and follow VTIMEZONE definitions in iCalendar objects may lead to inconsistent understanding of the local time
at any given location.
It should be noted that while Outlook/Exchange have repeatedly been reported to not require the VTIMEZONE, failure to include a VTIMEZONE leads to unpredictable behaviour from other calendars.